American Leadership Committee "527" Political Organization Contributions, Expenses, & Filing Information
American Leadership Committee "527" Contribution List
Adam Borchert Boston, MA 02118 | Bain Company/Consultant |
$5,000 | 10/22/2018 |
Adam Geballe Seattle, WA 98109 | Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center/Physician-Scientist |
$1,000 | 10/15/2018 |
Adam Willner Mill Valley, CA 94941 | Self-Employed/Consultant |
$250 | 10/17/2018 |
AFSCME Washington, DC 20036 | NA/NA |
$50,000 | 11/04/2019 |
Aggregate below Threshold Washington, DC 20005 | NA/NA |
$675 | 10/17/2018- 12/31/2019 |
Alan Louie Los Altos, CA 94022 | Not Employed/Not Employed |
$5,000 | 10/03/2018 |
Alan Solway Bloomfield, MI 48302 | Alan Solway MD PC/Medical Doctor |
$10,000 | 10/26/2018 |
Alec Bash San Francisco, CA 94114 | Not Employed/Not Employed |
$5,000 | 10/17/2018 |
Alison Abbo Woodside, CA 94062 | Not Employed/Not Employed |
$250 | 10/03/2018 |
America Votes Action Fund Washington, DC 20036 | NA/NA |
$40,000 | 10/19/2018 |
American Federation of Teachers Washington, DC 20001 | NA/NA |
$25,000 | 11/01/2019 |
Amy Rao Palo Alto, CA 94303 | IAS/Entrepreneur |
$2,000 | 10/03/2018 |
Andrew Noble Boston, MA 02116 | Bain and Company/Consultant |
$400 | 10/15/2018 |
Antonia Grumbach New York, NY 10025 | Not Employed/Not Employed |
$2,000 | 10/03/2018 |
Audrey Spiegel New York, NY 10128 | Self Employed/Attorney |
$1,000 | 07/21/2019 |
Catherine Podell Hillsborough, CA 94010 | Not Employed/Not Employed |
$5,000 | 10/04/2018 |
Charles Cheever Palo Alto, CA 94301 | Expo 650 Industries Inc./President |
$5,000 | 10/17/2018 |
Charles Schulman Redwood City, CA 94063 | Fish Richardson/Attorney |
$300 | 10/16/2018 |
Chris Donohoe Carrollton, GA 30112 | Not Employed/Not Employed |
$5,000 | 10/12/2018 |
Chuck Hoover El Segundo, CA 90245 | Internet Brands Inc./Marketing |
$500 | 10/11/2018 |
Craig Barratt Santa Clara, CA 95054 | Barefoot Networks/Executive |
$5,000 | 10/04/2018 |
Cynthia Krieger Palo Alto, CA 94301 | Not Employed/Not Employed |
$300 | 10/17/2018 |
Darrell Benatar Mountain View, CA 94043 | UserTesting/CEO |
$2,500 | 10/02/2018 |
David Elenowitz New York, NY 10022 | Mercury Capital, Inc./Investments |
$2,700 | 10/05/2018 |
David Fischer Avon, CO 81620 | Facebook/Vice President |
$5,000 | 10/03/2018 |
David Sze San Mateo, CA 94402 | Greylock/Venture Capitalist |
$5,000 | 10/23/2018 |
Debra Farb Berkeley, CA 94705 | Not Employed/Not Employed |
$1,000 | 10/16/2018 |
Deliver Strategies - Refund Arlington, VA 22210 | NA/NA |
$156,992 | 04/16/2019- 05/06/2019 |
Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee Washington, DC 20005 | NA/NA |
$4,730,847 | 08/29/2018- 03/31/2020 |
Diana Walsh Palo Alto, CA 94301 | Self-Employed/Writer |
$5,000 | 10/16/2018 |
Diane M Simon Santa Barbara, CA 93108 | Not Employed/Not Employed |
$5,000 | 10/01/2018 |
Dominic Orr Saratoga, CA 95070 | Not Employed/Not Employed |
$5,000 | 10/17/2018 |
Dorothy Largay Santa Barbara, CA 93105 | Not Employed/Retired |
$2,500 | 10/11/2018 |
Edward Snowdon Jr New York, NY 10024 | Self Employed/Theatrical Producer |
$100,000 | 09/27/2018 |
Elwyn Berlekamp Berkeley, CA 94705 | Not Employed/Not Employed |
$3,000 | 10/02/2018 |
Eric Anderson New York, NY 10276 | Self-Employed/Small Business Owner |
$1,000 | 10/11/2018 |
Gerhard Casper Atherton, CA 94027 | Not Employed/Not Employed |
$1,000 | 10/15/2018 |
Global Strategy Group New York, NY 10003 | NA/NA |
$26,167 | 07/17/2019 |
Holly Hanke Piedmont, CA 94611 | Niantic Inc./Executive |
$1,000 | 10/17/2018 |
Ironworkers Political Education Fund Washington, DC 20006 | NA/NA |
$25,000 | 10/31/2019 |
Jill Braufman New York, NY 10065 | Not Employed/Not Employed |
$22,000 | 07/07/2019- 01/26/2020 |
Joan Friedman Menlo Park, CA 94025 | Not Employed/Not Employed |
$300 | 10/12/2018 |
Joe Ruck Menlo Park, CA 94025 | Not Employed/Not Employed |
$5,000 | 10/15/2018 |
John Sanger San Francisco, CA 94118 | Not Employed/Not Employed |
$2,000 | 10/15/2018 |
Josh Rolnick Brooklyn, NY 11238 | Walnut Ridge/Writer |
$360 | 11/01/2018 |
Joy Kellman Atherton, CA 94027 | Not Employed/Not Employed |
$500 | 10/11/2018 |
Karla Jurvetson Los Altos, CA 94022 | Self-Employed/Physician |
$5,000 | 10/15/2018 |
Kathleen Burke Belvedere Tiburon, CA 94920 | Not Employed/Not Employed |
$600 | 10/17/2018 |
Kimberly Kehrberger Boston, MA 02118 | Bain Company/Consultant |
$5,000 | 10/22/2018 |
Kristen Hughes Atherton, CA 94027 | SUHSD/Teacher |
$1,000 | 10/17/2018 |
Laura Wedeen Washington, DC 20009 | Population Reference Bureau/Public Health Management |
$500 | 10/17/2018 |
Laurie Sobel San Francisco, CA 94107 | Kaiser Family Foundation/Attorney |
$200 | 10/17/2018 |
Legislative Majority PAC Washington, DC 20005 | NA/NA |
$15,000 | 10/19/2018 |
Leslie Santos Piedmont, CA 94611 | Not Employed/Not Employed |
$500 | 10/17/2018 |
Los Angeles Women s Giving Collective PAC Los Angeles, CA 90017 | NA/NA |
$10,000 | 02/18/2020 |
Marc Granetz New York, NY 10017 | JPMorgan Chase/Banking |
$1,500 | 10/11/2018 |
Mary Prisco Piedmont, CA 94611 | Not Employed/Not Employed |
$500 | 10/03/2018 |
Maryanne Mott Emigrant, MT 59027 | Ms./Rancher |
$5,000 | 10/02/2018 |
Michael Handler San Francisco, CA 94114 | Salesforce/Engineer |
$5,000 | 10/23/2018 |
Nancy Serrurier Woodside, CA 94062 | Not Employed/Not Employed |
$5,000 | 10/03/2018 |
National Education Association Advocacy Fund Washington, DC 20036 | NA/NA |
$210,000 | 10/15/2018- 11/07/2019 |
National Redistricting Action Fund Washington, DC 20005 | NA/NA |
$50,000 | 11/07/2019 |
Robert Biniaz Los Angeles, CA 90046 | Not Employed/Not Employed |
$500 | 10/19/2018 |
Robert English Menlo Park, CA 94025 | Not Employed/Not Employed |
$500 | 10/16/2018 |
Robert Pennoyer New York, NY 10021 | Not Employed/Not Employed |
$250 | 10/03/2018 |
Robin Donohoe San Francisco, CA 94121 | Not Employed/Not Employed |
$5,000 | 10/12/2018 |
Ruth Shaber Palomar Park, CA 94062 | Not Employed/Not Employed |
$5,010 | 10/02/2018- 10/05/2018 |
Ruth Sherer Palo Alto, CA 94301 | Not Employed/Not Employed |
$5,000 | 10/16/2018 |
Sarah Tavel San Francisco, CA 94117 | Benchmark/Venture Capital |
$1,000 | 10/11/2018 |
Sascha Mornell San Francisco, CA 94111 | GetMyBoat/Executive |
$500 | 10/17/2018 |
Scott Shenker Berkeley, CA 94704 | ICSI/Scientist |
$5,000 | 10/02/2018 |
SEA PAC Concord, NH 03301 | NA/NA |
$87,700 | 10/24/2018- 10/25/2018 |
Selina Lo Palo Alto, CA 94301 | Not Employed/Not Employed |
$5,000 | 10/05/2018 |
Shannon Hunt-Scott Los Gatos, CA 95030 | The Scott Foundation/President |
$2,500 | 10/17/2018 |
Sharon Perl Palo Alto, CA 94303 | Not Employed/Not Employed |
$1,000 | 10/17/2018 |
Sheldon Katz Silver Spring, MD 20904 | Montgomery Oaks Management Inc./Manager |
$10,000 | 10/11/2018 |
Stephen Levy Palo Alto, CA 94301 | CCSCE/Economist |
$500 | 10/05/2018 |
Susie Hwang Palo Alto, CA 94301 | Not Employed/Not Employed |
$250 | 10/11/2018 |
Teri Vershel Palo Alto, CA 94301 | Self Employed/Photographer |
$500 | 11/01/2018 |
Theresa Rollins Wyndmoor, PA 19038 | Not Employed/Not Employed |
$1,000 | 10/17/2018 |
Trudy Silverstein Portland, OR 97210 | Not Employed/Not Employed |
$10,000 | 10/25/2018 |
United Food and Commercial Workers International Washington, DC 20006 | NA/NA |
$150,000 | 10/04/2018- 11/04/2019 |
US Justice Action Network Washington, DC 20001 | NA/NA |
$10,000 | 08/07/2019 |
Vaughan Meyer Los Angeles, CA 90064 | Not Employed/Not Employed |
$500 | 10/15/2018 |
Victoria Hall New York, NY 10128 | Not Employed/Not Employed |
$5,000 | 10/02/2018 |
Wayne Rosing Santa Barbara, CA 93105 | Not Employed/Not Employed |
$2,500 | 10/11/2018 |
Wendy Bear San Francisco, CA 94103 | Jfi/Coo |
$500 | 10/16/2018 |
American Leadership Committee "527" Expenses
ActBlue PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 02144 | $566 |
Credit Card Processing Fee | 10/05/2018 |
ActBlue Technical Services PO Box 441146 West Somerville, MA 02144 | $7,251 |
Credit Card Processing Fee | 11/05/2018- 07/21/2019 |
Aggregate below Threshold 1225 I St NW Ste 1250 Washigton, DC 20005 | $409 |
NA | 09/30/2018 |
Aggregate below Threshold 1225 I Street, NW Suite 1250 Washington, DC 20005 | $2,186 |
NA | 10/17/2018- 03/31/2020 |
Amalgamated Bank 1825 K St NW Washington, DC 20006 | $7,617 |
Bank Fee | 10/16/2018- 03/24/2020 |
Amalgamated Bank 1825 K St NW Washington, DC 20006 | $15 |
Check Order Fee | 10/28/2019 |
American Express PO Box 650448 Dallas, TX 75265 | $3,422 |
Credit Card Payment | 09/12/2018 |
Blueprint Interactive 1730 Rhode Island Ave NW Ste 1014 Washington, DC 20036 | $360,000 |
Digital Services | 09/28/2018- 10/24/2018 |
Brushfire Strategies 3000 K St NW Ste 320 Washington, DC 20007 | $39,000 |
Phone Calls | 11/05/2018 |
Deliver Strategies PO Box 100970 Arlington, VA 22210 | $687,517 |
Direct Mail Production | 10/17/2018- 05/06/2019 |
Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee 1225 I St NW Ste 1250 Washington, DC 20005 | $17,900 |
Contribution Refund | 12/04/2018 |
Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee 1225 I St NW Ste 1250 Washington, DC 20005 | $183,159 |
Return of Contribution | 04/16/2019- 07/31/2019 |
Fair Districts Fund 1225 I St NW Ste 1250 Washington, DC 20005 | $6,968 |
Contribution | 12/13/2019 |
Fighting for Our Future 800 Troy Schenectady Rd Latham, NY 12110 | $50,000 |
Political Contribution | 11/02/2018 |
GBA Strategies 1701 K St NW Ste 600 Washington, DC 20006 | $189,000 |
Polling | 08/29/2018- 09/28/2018 |
Gilbert and Wolfand 2201 Wisconsin Ave NW Ste 320 Washington, DC 20007 | $12,728 |
Accounting Services | 11/18/2019- 01/09/2020 |
Gilbert and Wolfhand 2201 Wisconsin Ave NW Washington, DC 20007 | $1,254 |
Accounting Services | 10/24/2018- 02/14/2019 |
Global Strategy Group 215 Park Ave S Fl 15 New York, NY 10003 | $92,250 |
Polling | 09/12/2018- 12/28/2018 |
Global Strategy Group 215 Park Ave S Fl 15 New York, NY 10003 | $4,083 |
Research and Polling | 10/18/2018 |
Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research 1101 15th St NW Ste 900 Washington, DC 20005 | $89,550 |
Polling | 09/21/2018- 11/21/2018 |
Hayley Rumback Political Consulting 32 Elsmere Ave South Portland, ME 04106 | $3,002 |
Research and Polling | 10/10/2018- 11/02/2018 |
Hayley Rumback Political Consulting 32 Elsmere Ave South Portland, ME 04106 | $875 |
Research Consulting | 09/06/2018 |
Intuit 110 Juliad Ct Fredericksburg, VA 22406 | $444 |
Software | 07/05/2019- 12/04/2019 |
Lockwood Strategy, Inc. 1342 Florida Ave NW Washington, DC 20009 | $450,000 |
Digital Advertising | 10/24/2018 |
Lockwood Strategy, Inc. 1342 Florida Ave NW Washington, DC 20009 | $1,550,000 |
Media Buy | 08/29/2018- 10/15/2018 |
McKenna Media 3000 Chestnut Ave Ste 101 Baltimore, MD 21211 | $30,529 |
Digital Media Production Services | 11/28/2018- 11/18/2019 |
Moxie Media PO Box 30084 Seattle, WA 98113 | $286,096 |
Direct Mail Printing and Postage | 12/04/2018 |
Moxie Media PO Box 30084 Seattle, WA 98113 | $176,775 |
Direct Mail Production | 10/02/2018- 11/20/2018 |
Moxie Media PO Box 30084 Seattle, WA 98113 | $21,830 |
Mail Production | 11/18/2019 |
NGP VAN, Inc. 1445 New York Ave NW Ste 200 Washington, DC 20005 | $18,600 |
Software | 01/02/2019- 03/02/2020 |
NGP, Inc 1445 New York Ave NW Ste 200 Washington, DC 20005 | $171,720 |
Software | 09/07/2018- 12/03/2018 |
Ohlsen Consulting 16055 SW Walker Rd Ste 293 Beaverton, OR 97006 | $59,778 |
Research Consulting | 08/29/2018- 10/26/2018 |
Public Policy Polling 2912 Highwoods Blvd Ste 201 Raleigh, NC 27604 | $15,000 |
Polling | 11/18/2019 |
Sage Media Planning and Placement 1322 G St SE Washington, DC 20003 | $212,929 |
Digital Media Buy | 10/24/2018- 11/08/2019 |
Signature Aspen 3300 Kingswood St Houston, TX 77092 | $8,708 |
Postage | 11/07/2019 |
Silversmith Strategies, LLC 1461 W Grand Ave Apt 4 Chicago, IL 60642 | $18,477 |
Design Services | 01/02/2019- 04/05/2019 |
Silversmith Strategies, LLC 1461 W Grand Ave Apt 4 Chicago, IL 60642 | $414,375 |
Digital Media Buy | 10/10/2018- 11/20/2019 |
Silversmith Strategies, LLC 1461 W Grand Ave Apt 4 Chicago, IL 60642 | $550 |
Digital Media Consulting | 11/20/2018 |
Target Smart Communications 1155 15th St NW Ste 750 Washington, DC 20005 | $4,834 |
Research | 11/20/2018- 11/28/2018 |
Two Peninsulas Research Group 215 S Washington Sq Ste 135 Lansing, MI 48933 | $162,500 |
Polling | 09/06/2018- 03/11/2020 |
Vantiv 8500 Governors Hill Dr Symmes Twp, OH 45249 | $1,030 |
Credit Card Processing Fee | 10/10/2018- 12/11/2018 |
Wildfire Contact 290 Broadway Ste 132 Methuen, MA 01844 | $127,037 |
Direct Mail and Postage | 10/24/2018- 11/20/2018 |
Wildfire Contact 290 Broadway Ste 132 Methuen, MA 01844 | $132,560 |
Direct Mail Printing and Postage | 12/05/2018 |
Wildfire Contact 290 Broadway Ste 132 Methuen, MA 01844 | $137,876 |
Direct Mail Production | 10/15/2018- 10/17/2018 |
Wildfire Contact 290 Broadway Ste 132 Methuen, MA 01844 | $98,289 |
Printing | 10/03/2018- 10/10/2018 |