Foley & Lardner LLP Texas Campaign Fund "527" Political Organization Contributions, Expenses, & Filing Information
Foley & Lardner LLP Texas Campaign Fund "527" Contribution List
Adam Hull Dallas, TX 75201 | Gardere Wynne Sewell LLP/Attorney |
$518 | 05/03/2016- 04/24/2017 |
Al Hammaker Houston, TX 77002 | Gardere Wynne Sewell LLP/Attorney |
$340 | 04/10/2003- 04/22/2004 |
Alan Buckner Houston, TX 77002 | Gardere Wynne Sewell LLP/Attorney |
$351 | 06/29/2006- 04/11/2008 |
Alan J Perkins Dallas, TX 75201 | Gardere Wynne Sewell LLP/Attorney |
$12,846 | 04/10/2003- 05/02/2012 |
Alan Perkins Dallas, TX 75201 | Gardere Wynne Sewell LLP/Attorney |
$20,252 | 04/18/2007- 05/29/2018 |
Alejandro Ortiz Dallas, TX 75201 | Gardere Wynne Sewell LLP/Attorney |
$955 | 03/14/2006- 05/01/2013 |
Alexander C Chae Houston, TX 77002 | Gardere Wynne Sewell LLP/Attorney |
$5,635 | 04/10/2003- 05/02/2012 |
Alexander Chae Dallas, TX 75201 | Gardere Wynne Sewell LLP/Attorney |
$1,360 | 04/20/2015 |
Alexander Chae Houston, TX 77002 | Gardere Wynne Sewell LLP/Attorney |
$11,642 | 04/18/2007- 03/16/2020 |
Alfredo Ramos Houston, TX 77002 | Gardere Wynne Sewell LLP/Attorney |
$397 | 04/20/2015- 05/03/2016 |
Allen B Craig III Houston, TX 77002 | Gardere Wynne Sewell LLP/Attorney |
$2,289 | 04/10/2003- 06/29/2006 |
Allen B Craig, III Houston, TX 77002 | Gardere Wynne Sewell LLP/Attorney |
$4,204 | 04/22/2004- 05/06/2009 |
Allen Craig Houston, TX 77002 | Gardere Wynne Sewell LLP/Attorney |
$2,163 | 04/18/2007- 04/21/2011 |
Amy C Dinn Houston, TX 77002 | Gardere Wynne Sewell LLP/Attorney |
$234 | 05/06/2009- 05/02/2012 |
Amy Dinn Houston, TX 77002 | Gardere Wynne Sewell LLP/Attorney |
$287 | 04/13/2010- 05/01/2013 |
Amy Raney Yeagar Dallas, TX 75201 | Gardere Wynne Sewell LLP/Attorney |
$170 | 04/10/2003 |
Amy Raney Yeager Dallas, TX 75201 | Gardere Wynne Sewell LLP/Attorney |
$417 | 04/22/2004- 06/29/2006 |
Andre M Szuwalski Dallas, TX 75201 | Gardere Wynne Sewell LLp/Attorney |
$1,825 | 05/06/2009- 05/02/2012 |
Andre Szuwalski Dallas, TX 75201 | Gardere Wynne Sewell LLP/Attorney |
$13,285 | 04/11/2008- 05/29/2018 |
Anthony Guerino Houston, TX 77002 | Gardere Wynne Sewell LLP/Attorney |
$122 | 04/18/2007- 04/11/2008 |
Anthony M Guerino Houston, TX 77002 | Gardere Wynne Sewell LLP/Attorney |
$415 | 04/22/2004- 05/06/2009 |
Arcie Jordan Austin, TX 78701 | Gardere Wynne Sewell LLP/Attorney |
$2,171 | 04/20/2015- 05/29/2018 |
Arthur A Stewart Dallas, TX 75201 | Gardere Wynne Sewell LLP/Attorney |
$755 | 04/10/2003- 03/14/2006 |
Arthur Perkins Houston, TX 77002 | Gardere Wynne Sewell LLP/Attorney |
$3,586 | 04/21/2011- 05/29/2018 |
Arthur Val Perkins Houston, TX 77002 | Gardere Wynne Sewell LLP/Attorney |
$1,641 | 05/02/2012- 03/16/2020 |
Ashley Anderson Dallas, TX 75201 | Gardere Wynne Sewell LLP/Attorney |
$614 | 05/06/2014- 05/03/2016 |
Audrey Momanaee Houston, TX 77002 | Gardere Wynne Sewell LLP/Attorney |
$1,911 | 04/20/2015- 03/16/2020 |
Barbara De Marigny Houston, TX 77002 | Gardere Wynne Sewell LLP/Attorney |
$450 | 04/13/2010 |
Barbara E Stanley Houston, TX 77002 | Gardere Wynne Sewell LLP/Attorney |
$560 | 04/10/2003- 03/14/2006 |
Barbara S de Marigny Houston, TX 77002 | Gardere Wynne Sewell LLP/Attorney |
$205 | 05/06/2009 |
Barry D Drees Dallas, TX 75201 | Gardere Wynne Sewell LLP/Attorney |
$5,115 | 04/10/2003- 05/02/2012 |
Barry Drees Dallas, TX 75201 | Gardere Wynne Sewell LLP/Attorney |
$5,478 | 04/18/2007- 05/03/2016 |
Barry Golden Dallas, TX 75201 | Gardere Wynne Sewell LLP/Attorney |
$3,860 | 04/18/2007- 04/20/2015 |
Barry M Golden Dallas, TX 75201 | Gardere Wynne Sewell LLP/Attorney |
$1,165 | 06/29/2006- 05/02/2012 |
Beverly Godbey Dallas, TX 75201 | Gardere Wynne Sewell LLP/Attorney |
$7,245 | 04/10/2003- 04/24/2017 |
Brett Lamb Dallas, TX 75201 | Gardere Wynne Sewell LLP/Attorney |
$287 | 04/11/2008- 04/21/2011 |
Bretton C Gerard Dallas, TX 75201 | Gardere Wynne Sewell LLP/Attorney |
$325 | 05/06/2009 |
Bretton Gerard Dallas, TX 75201 | Gardere Wynne Sewell LLP/Attorney |
$406 | 04/11/2008- 04/13/2010 |
Bryan W Baker Houston, TX 77002 | Gardere Wynne Sewell LLP/Attorney |
$2,304 | 04/10/2003- 03/14/2006 |
C Patrick Kinder Dallas, TX 75201 | Gardere Wynne Sewell LLP/Attorney |
$735 | 04/22/2004- 05/02/2012 |
C Robert Butterfield Dallas, TX 75201 | Gardere Wynne Sewell LLP/Attorney |
$1,550 | 04/10/2003 |
Cal Donsky Dallas, TX 75201 | Gardere Wynne Sewell LLP/Attorney |
$5,325 | 04/18/2007- 05/29/2018 |
Cal L Donsky Dallas, TX 75201 | Gardere Wynne Sewell LLP/Attorney |
$2,875 | 04/22/2004- 05/02/2012 |
Calman L Donsky Dallas, TX 75201 | Gardere Wynne Sewell LLP/Attorney |
$1,084 | 04/10/2003 |
Carl Richie Austin, TX 78701 | Gardere Wynne Sewell LLP/Attorney |
$637 | 04/10/2003- 06/29/2006 |
Carol Burke Houston, TX 77002 | Gardere Wynne Sewell LLP/Attorney |
$1,548 | 04/18/2007- 04/11/2008 |
Carol M Burke Houston, TX 77002 | Gardere Wynne Sewell LLP/Attorney |
$1,681 | 04/10/2003 |
Carol M Nielsen Houston, TX 77002 | Gardere Wynne Sewell LLP/Attorney |
$520 | 04/10/2003- 04/22/2004 |
Carol Martin Burke Houston, TX 77002 | Gardere Wynne Sewell LLP/Attorney |
$4,863 | 04/22/2004- 06/29/2006 |
Caroline Scott Austin, TX 78701 | Gardere Wynne Sewell LLP/Attorney |
$689 | 04/10/2003- 04/18/2007 |
Carrie B Hoffman Dallas, TX 75201 | Gardere Wynne Sewell LLP/Attorney |
$901 | 04/10/2003- 05/02/2012 |
Carrie Hoffman Dallas, TX 75201 | Gardere Wynne Sewell LLP/Attorney |
$2,942 | 04/18/2007- 05/29/2018 |
Catherine J Webking Austin, TX 78701 | Gardere Wynne Sewell LLP/Attorney |
$122 | 05/02/2012 |
Catherine Webking Austin, TX 78701 | Gardere Wynne Sewell LLP/Attorney |
$1,525 | 05/01/2013- 04/20/2015 |
Celeste R Winford Dallas, TX 75201 | Gardere Wynne Sewell LLP/Attorney |
$48 | 06/29/2006 |
Celeste R Yeager Dallas, TX 75201 | Gardere Wynne Sewell LLP/Attorney |
$195 | 05/06/2009- 05/02/2012 |
Celeste Winford Dallas, TX 75201 | Gardere Wynne Sewell LLP/Attorney |
$114 | 04/18/2007- 04/11/2008 |
Celeste Yeager Dallas, TX 75201 | Gardere Wynne Sewell LLP/Attorney |
$260 | 04/13/2010- 05/01/2013 |
Charles E Meacham Houston, TX 77002 | Gardere Wynne Sewell LLP/Attorney |
$6,946 | 04/10/2003- 05/02/2012 |
Charles E Meacham Houston, TX 77005 | Gardere Wynne Sewell LLP/Attorney |
$803 | 05/06/2009 |
Charles Meacham Dallas, TX 75201 | Gardere Wynne Sewell LLP/Attorney |
$1,502 | 04/20/2015 |
Charles Meacham Houston, TX 77002 | Gardere Wynne Sewell LLP/Attorney |
$15,060 | 04/18/2007- 03/16/2020 |
Chris Deskin Dallas, TX 75201 | Gardere Wynne Sewell LLP/Attorney |
$243 | 04/24/2017- 05/29/2018 |
Chris P Perque Houston, TX 77002 | Gardere Wynne Sewell LLP/Attorney |
$436 | 05/06/2009 |
Chris Perque Houston, TX 77002 | Gardere Wynne Sewell LLP/Attorney |
$5,353 | 04/11/2008- 05/03/2016 |
Christopher Converse Dallas, TX 75201 | Gardere Wynne Sewell LLP/Attorney |
$5,973 | 04/13/2010- 05/29/2018 |
Christopher G Converse Dallas, TX 75201 | Gardere Wynne Sewell LLP/Attorney |
$234 | 05/06/2009- 05/02/2012 |
Claude R Treece Houston, TX 77002 | Gardere Wynne Sewell LLP/Attorney |
$7,312 | 04/10/2003- 03/16/2020 |
Claude Treece Houston, TX 77002 | Gardere Wynne Sewell LLP/Attorney |
$10,311 | 06/29/2006- 05/29/2018 |
Clifford J Risman Dallas, TX 75201 | Gardere Wynne Sewell LLP/Attorney |
$13,774 | 04/10/2003- 03/16/2020 |
Clifford Risman Dallas, TX 75201 | Gardere Wynne Sewell LLP/Attorney |
$13,699 | 04/18/2007- 05/29/2018 |
Clifton M Dugas II Dallas, TX 75201 | Foley Lardner LLP/Attorney |
$1,713 | 03/16/2020 |
Colin G Martin Dallas, TX 75201 | Gardere Wynne Sewell LLP/Attorney |
$294 | 05/06/2009- 05/02/2012 |
Colin Martin Dallas, TX 75201 | Gardere Wynne Sewell LLP/Attorney |
$1,608 | 04/11/2008- 05/03/2016 |
Craig B Florence Dallas, TX 75201 | Gardere Wynne Sewell LLP/Attorney |
$6,159 | 04/22/2004- 05/02/2012 |
Craig Baker Dallas, TX 75201 | Gardere Wynne Sewell LLP/Attorney |
$372 | 04/11/2008- 05/01/2013 |
Craig D Dillard Houston, TX 77002 | Foley Lardner LLP/Attorney |
$2,937 | 03/16/2020 |
Craig Dillard Houston, TX 77002 | Gardere Wynne Sewell LLP/Attorney |
$3,065 | 04/20/2015- 05/29/2018 |
Craig Florence Dallas, TX 75201 | Gardere Wynne Sewell LLP/Attorney |
$19,584 | 04/10/2003- 03/16/2020 |
Craig R Baker Dallas, TX 75201 | Gardere Wynne Sewell LLP/Attorney |
$81 | 05/06/2009 |
Cristina Portela Solomon Houston, TX 77002 | Gardere Wynne Sewell LLP/Attorney |
$2,161 | 05/02/2012- 03/16/2020 |
Cristina Solomon Houston, TX 77002 | Gardere Wynne Sewell LLP/Attorney |
$4,622 | 04/13/2010- 05/29/2018 |
Curt Frisbie Dallas, TX 75201 | Gardere Wynne Sewell LLP/Attorney |
$1,066 | 04/11/2008 |
Curtis Frisbie Dallas, TX 75201 | Gardere Wynne Sewell LLP/Attorney |
$2,855 | 04/18/2007- 04/21/2011 |
Curtis L Frisbie Dallas, TX 75201 | Gardere Wynne Sewell LLP/Attorney |
$9,169 | 04/22/2004- 05/02/2012 |
Curtis L Frisbie Jr Dallas, TX 75201 | Gardere Wynne Sewell LLP/Attorney |
$2,886 | 04/10/2003 |
Cym H Lowell Dallas, TX 75201 | Gardere Wynne Sewell LLP/Attorney |
$14,040 | 04/10/2003- 05/02/2012 |
Cym Lowell Dallas, TX 75201 | Gardere Wynne Sewell LLP/Attorney |
$5,178 | 04/18/2007- 04/21/2011 |
Cynthia B Nelson Dallas, TX 75201 | Gardere Wynne Sewell LLP/Attorney |
$1,682 | 06/29/2006- 05/02/2012 |
Cynthia Bishop Dallas, TX 75201 | Gardere Wynne Sewell LLP/Attorney |
$331 | 04/18/2007- 04/21/2011 |
Cynthia C Hollingsworth Dallas, TX 75201 | Gardere Wynne Sewell LLP/Attorney |
$2,948 | 04/22/2004- 05/06/2009 |
Cynthia Hollingsworth Dallas, TX 75201 | Gardere Wynne Sewell LLP/Attorney |
$1,670 | 04/10/2003- 04/11/2008 |
Cynthia J Bishop Dallas, TX 75201 | Gardere Wynne Sewell LLP/Attorney |
$523 | 04/22/2004- 05/06/2009 |
Cynthia Nelson Dallas, TX 75201 | Gardere Wynne Sewell LLP/Attorney |
$12,383 | 04/18/2007- 05/29/2018 |
D Dale Gillette Dallas, TX 75201 | Gardere Wynne Sewell LLP/Attorney |
$4,144 | 04/10/2003- 06/29/2006 |
D Steven Henry Dallas, TX 75201 | Gardere Wynne Sewell LLP/Attorney |
$6,817 | 04/10/2003- 06/29/2006 |
Dan L Nicewander Dallas, TX 75201 | Gardere Wynne Sewell LLP/Attorney |
$3,496 | 04/10/2003- 06/29/2006 |
Dan Nicewander Dallas, TX 75201 | Gardere Wynne Sewell LLP/Attorney |
$559 | 04/18/2007- 04/11/2008 |
Daniel Cohen Houston, TX 77002 | Gardere Wynne Sewell LLP/Attorney |
$17,451 | 04/18/2007- 03/16/2020 |
Daniel L Cohen Houston, TX 77002 | Gardere Wynne Sewell LLP/Attorney |
$6,999 | 04/10/2003- 05/02/2012 |
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Foley & Lardner LLP Texas Campaign Fund "527" Expenses
Justice Eva Guzman Campaign 1 E. Greenway Plaza Suite 225 Houston, TX 77046 | $500 |
Support re-election to 14th Court of Appeals | 09/28/2009 |
Justice Evelyn Keyes Campaign PO Box 684281 Austin, TX 78768 | $1,000 |
Support re-election to Justice, First Court of Appeals, Place 4 | 09/06/2016 |
Justice Evelyn Keyes Campaign 3502 Bellefontaine Houston, TX 77025 | $1,000 |
Support campaign reception | 09/05/2003 |
Justice Evelyn Keyes Campaign 3502 Bellefontaine Houston, TX 77025 | $250 |
Support re-election to First Court of Appeals | 01/24/2003 |
Justice George C. Hanks 55 Waugh Drive Suite 515 Houston, TX 77007 | $1,000 |
Support re-election to 14th Court of Appeals | 10/26/2005 |
Justice George Hanks Campaign 3502 Bellefontaine Houston, TX 77025 | $1,000 |
Support campaign reception | 09/17/2003 |
Justice Guzman Campaign 815 A Brazos PMB 279 Austin, TX 78701 | $2,500 |
Support re-election to Supreme Court of Texas | 11/04/2015 |
Justice Harriet O'Neill for Texas Supreme Court PO Box 13205 Marianne Sahl Treasurer Austin, TX 78711 | $1,000 |
Support re-election to Texas Supreme Court | 09/23/2003 |
Justice Harvey Brown P.O. Box 1581 Houston, TX 77251 | $250 |
Support re-election to First Court of Appeals | 06/12/2012 |
Justice Harvey Brown Campaign 12335 Kingsride Lane #114 Houston, TX 77024 | $1,000 |
Support re-election to Justice, First Court of Appeals | 08/04/2017 |
Justice Harvey Brown Campaign P.O. Box 130089 Houston, TX 77219 | $1,000 |
Support re-election to First Court of Appeals, Place 6 | 12/08/2010 |
Justice James Moseley Campaign P.O. Box 2401 Coppell, TX 75019 | $100 |
Support re-election to Fifth District Court of Appeals | 05/22/2006 |
Justice Jane Bland Campaign P.O. Box 18471 Sugar Land, TX 77496 | $1,000 |
Support re-election to Justice 1st Court of Appeals, Place 2 | 08/04/2017 |
Justice Jason Boatright Campaign 620 W. State Street Garland, TX 75040 | $1,000 |
Support re-election to Texas Fifth District Court of Appeals, Place 9 | 05/31/2017 |
Justice Jeff Brown Campaign 1609 Shoal Creek Blvd Suite 203 Austin, TX 78701 | $2,500 |
Support re-election to Supreme Court of Texas | 01/30/2014 |
Justice Jeff Brown Campaign P.O. Box 684281 Austin, TX 78768 | $2,500 |
Support re-election to Justice, Texas Supreme Court | 06/07/2017 |
Justice John S. Anderson 3502 Bellefontaine Houston, TX 77025 | $1,000 |
Support re-election to 14th Court of Appeals | 06/23/2005 |
Justice Kerry Fitzgerald Campaign 1500 Jackson St., #817 Dallas, TX 75201 | $1,000 |
Support re-election to Justice of 5th District Court of Appeals | 08/22/2007 |
Justice Laura Carter Higley Campaign 1 E. Greenway Plaza Suite 225 Houston, TX 77046 | $500 |
Support re-election to First Court of Appeals | 08/31/2007 |
Justice Laura Carter Higley Campaign 1 E. Greenway Plaza Suite 225 Houston, TX 77046 | $1,000 |
Support re-election to First Court of Appeals Harris County | 02/06/2014 |
Justice Leslie Brock Yates Campaign 3405 Edloe Street Suite 380 Houston, TX 77027 | $1,000 |
Support re-election 14th Court of Appeals | 09/05/2003 |
Justice Leslie Brock Yates Campaign 1 E. Greenway Plaza Suite 225 Houston, TX 77027 | $500 |
Support re-election to 14th Court of Appeals | 09/28/2009 |
Justice Michael Massengale Campaign 3100 Timmons Lane Suite 555 Houston, TX 77027 | $500 |
Support re-election to First Court of Appeals | 09/28/2009 |
Justice Nathan L. Hecht Campaign 4703 Laguna Lane Austin, TX 78746 | $500 |
Support re-election to Texas Supreme Court, Place 6 | 05/15/2006 |
Justice Paul Green Campaign P.O. Box 1567 Austin, TX 78767 | $5,000 |
Support re-election to Texas Supreme Court | 02/04/2016 |
Justice Paul Green for Texas Supreme Court Campaig 1921 Ashland Avenue James Huffines Treasurer Fort Worth, TX 76107 | $1,000 |
Support election to Texas Supreme Court | 01/06/2004 |
Justice Phil Johnson for Supreme Court 815 A Brazos PMB 308 Austin, TX 78701 | $500 |
Support election to Texas Supreme Court | 07/12/2005 |
Justice Phil Johnson for Texas Supreme Court 1005 Congress Suite 910 Austin, TX 78701 | $3,500 |
Support re-election to Texas Supreme Court | 07/31/2007- 02/11/2014 |
Justice Robert M. (Bob) Fillmore 1500 Jackson St., Suite 817 Dallas, TX 75201 | $500 |
Support re-election to Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals | 10/05/2009 |
Justice Sam Nuchia Campaign 55 Waugh Drive Suite 515 Houston, TX 77007 | $500 |
Support re-election to First Court of Appeals | 08/31/2007 |
Justice Scott Brister Campaign 3502 Bellefontaine Houston, TX 77025 | $5,000 |
Support election to Texas Supreme Court | 12/05/2003- 05/05/2004 |
Justice Scott Brister for Texas Supreme Court Fundraising Solutions 8718 Canyon Dr Dallas, TX 75209 | $1,000 |
Support election to Texas Supreme Court | 06/07/2004 |
Justice Scott Field Campaign 1609 Shoal Creek Suite 203 Austin, TX 78701 | $1,000 |
Support re-election to Justice 3rd Court of Appeals | 10/11/2018 |
Justice Sherry Radack PO Box 55012 Gray H. Miller Treasurer Houston, TX 77255 | $1,000 |
Support re-election to First Court of Appeals | 10/23/2003 |
Justice Terry Jennings Campaign 3405 Edloe Suite 380 Houston, TX 77027 | $500 |
Support fundraising reception | 10/25/2005 |
Justice Tracy E. Christopher Campaign P.O. Box 684281 Austin, TX 78768 | $4,000 |
Support re-election to Justice, 14th Court of Appeals | 04/01/2016 |
Justice Wallace Jefferson for Texas Supreme Court 1005 Congress Suite 910 Austin, TX 78701 | $1,000 |
Support re-election to Chief Justice, Texas Supreme Court | 01/27/2006 |
Justin Holland Campaign 3021 Ridge Road Suite A, Box 79 Rockwall, TX 75032 | $1,000 |
Support election to Texas House of Representatives District 33 | 05/03/2016 |
Justin Holland Campaign 101 E. Rusk Street Rockwall, TX 75087 | $500 |
Support re-election to Texas House of Representatives District 33 | 09/27/2018 |
Justin Rodriguez Campaign PO Box 100153 San Antonio, TX 78201 | $2,500 |
Support re-election to Texas House of Representatives District 125 | 04/11/2012- 11/30/2018 |
Justin Rodriguez Campaign 1423 Hillcrest Dr. San Antonio, TX 78228 | $500 |
Support re-election to Texas House of Representatives district 125 | 12/27/2013 |
Karen Thibaut Campaign 7670 Woodway Suite 110 Houston, TX 77063 | $250 |
Support election to Texas House of Representatives District 133 | 12/04/2008 |
Karen Willcutts for Judge 9400 MacArthur Blvd. #124-628 Irving, TX 75063 | $2,500 |
Support re-election to Civil Court Master | 11/30/2005 |
Karin Crump Campaign 702 San Antonio St. Austin, TX 78709 | $1,000 |
Support election to Travis County District Judge #250th | 02/19/2014 |
Kel Seliger Campaign PO Box 568 Amarillo, TX 79105 | $3,000 |
Support re-election to Texas Senate District 31 | 10/07/2016- 10/23/2017 |
Kel Seliger Campaign P.O. Box 31748 Amarillo, TX 79120 | $4,000 |
Support re-election to Texas Senate District 31 | 09/28/2006- 01/22/2014 |
Kel Seliger Campaign P.O. Box 51166 Amarillo, TX 79159 | $3,000 |
Support re-election to Texas Senate District 31 | 10/30/2008- 12/03/2010 |
Kel Seliger Campaign PO Box 50632 Midland, TX 79710 | $1,000 |
Support re-election to Texas Senate District 31 | 10/22/2018 |
Kel Seliger for State Senate P.O. Box 51166-79159 Ken Kelley Treasurer Amarillo, TX 79159 | $1,000 |
Support re-election to Texas Senate District 31 | 02/25/2004 |
Kelly Hancock Campaign P.O. Box 821349 N. Richland Hills, TX 76182 | $1,250 |
Support re-election to Texas House of Representatives District 91 | 12/10/2008- 09/21/2009 |
Kelly Hancock Campaign P.O. Box 821349 N. Richland Hills, TX 76182 | $1,500 |
Support re-election to Texas Senate District 9 | 10/07/2013 |
Kelly Hancock Campaign 7708 Bridlewood Ct. North Richland Hills, TX 76181 | $250 |
Support election to Texas House of Representatives District 91 | 11/29/2006 |
Ken Armbrister Campaign 403 Antietam c/o J. Wayne Alexander Treasurer Victoria, TX 77904 | $2,000 |
Campaign contribution to Texas Senator District 18 | 12/09/2004 |
Ken King Campaign PO Box 517 Canadian, TX 79014 | $1,000 |
Support re-election to Texas House of Representatives District 88 | 11/17/2016- 09/12/2018 |
Ken King Campaign PO Box 517 Canadian, TX 79014 | $500 |
Support re-election to Texas Senate District 14 | 09/28/2017 |
Ken Legler Campaign 1 E. Greenway Plaza #225 Houston, TX 77046 | $250 |
Support re-election to Texas House of Representatives District 144 | 09/10/2010 |
Ken Molberg Campaign 2214 Main Street Dallas, TX 75201 | $2,000 |
Campaign contribution | 03/05/2013 |
Ken Molberg Campaign 3464 Webb Garden Drive Dallas, TX 75229 | $1,000 |
Support election to 95th District Court | 04/03/2008 |
Ken Paxton Campaign 201 West Virginia Pkwy McKinney, TX 75069 | $250 |
Support re-election to Texas House of Representatives District 70 | 09/19/2006 |
Ken Paxton Campaign P.O. Box 3476 McKinney, TX 75070 | $5,000 |
Support election to Texas Attorney General | 08/11/2014 |
Ken Paxton Campaign P.O. Box 3476 McKinney, TX 75070 | $20,000 |
Support re-election to Texas Attorney General | 06/24/2015- 06/26/2017 |
Ken Paxton Campaign 307 Scarlett Drive c/o Bill Bates Treasurer McKinney, TX 75070 | $250 |
Support re-election to Texas House of Representatives District 70 | 12/03/2004 |
Ken Paxton Campaign 5613 West Woodcreek Circle McKinney, TX 75071 | $1,000 |
Support re-election to Texas House of Representatives District 70 | 12/01/2008- 09/24/2010 |
Ken Paxton Campaign 5613 S. Woodcreek Circle McKinney, TX 75071 | $1,000 |
Support re-election to Texas Senate District 8 | 12/27/2013 |
Ken Tapscott Campaign P.O. Box 571265 Dallas, TX 75357 | $250 |
Support election to 254th District Court | 03/22/2006 |
Ken Tapscott Campaign P.O. Box 571265 Dallas, TX 75357 | $250 |
Support election to County Court #4 | 12/20/2006 |
Ken Tapscott Campaign P.O. Box 571265 Dallas, TX 75357 | $200 |
Support re-election to County Court #4 | 12/17/2009 |
Kenneth F. Sheets for State Representative PMB #869 6333 E. Mockingbird Lane, Ste 147 Dallas, TX 75214 | $1,000 |
Support re-election to Texas Senate District 14 | 08/31/2016 |
Kenneth Paxton 5613 S. Woodcreek Drive McKinney, TX 75071 | $1,500 |
Support election to Texas Senate District 8 | 11/13/2012 |
Kenneth Sheets PMB 869 6333 Mockingbird Lane #147 Dallas, TX 75214 | $500 |
Support re-election to Texas House of Representatives District 107 | 12/12/2013 |
Kenneth Sheets Campaign 6333 E. Mockingbird Lane Suite 147 Dallas, TX 75214 | $1,000 |
Support re-election to Texas House of Representatives District 107 | 10/08/2012- 10/07/2013 |
Kenneth Sheets for State Representative PMB #869 6333 E. Mockingbird Lane Dallas, TX 75214 | $3,000 |
Support re-election to Texas House of Representatives District 107 | 05/20/2014- 06/01/2016 |
Kent Grusendorf Campaign 1221 W. Nathan Lowe Rd Larry McNeil Treasurer Arlington, TX 76017 | $1,000 |
Support re-election to Texas House of Representatives | 11/06/2003 |
Kent Grusendorf Campaign 1221 W. Nathan Lowe Road Arlington, TX 76017 | $1,250 |
Support re-election to Texas House of Representatives District 94 | 02/13/2006 |
Kevin Bailey Campaign 403 Sulky Trail Houston, TX 77060 | $500 |
Support re-election to Texas House of Representatives District 140 | 02/20/2006 |
Kevin Eltife Campaign 2020 S. Chilton Tyler, TX 75701 | $1,000 |
Support re-election to Texas Senate District 1 | 11/03/2006 |
Kevin Eltife Campaign 417 S. College Tyler, TX 75702 | $1,500 |
Campaign contribution | 06/13/2013 |
Kevin Eltife Campaign 417 S. College Tyler, TX 75702 | $1,000 |
Support re-election to Texas Senate District 01 | 10/07/2010 |
Kevin Eltife Campaign 417 S. College Tyler, TX 75702 | $5,000 |
Support re-election to Texas Senate District 1 | 11/10/2008- 09/05/2014 |
Kim Brimer Campaign 1600 W. 7th Street Suite 650 Fort Worth, TX 76102 | $3,500 |
Support re-election to Texas Senate District 10 | 10/12/2006- 10/07/2008 |
Kim Brimer Campaign 3000 Alta Mesa Blvd., Suite 415 c/o Janna Brimer Treasurer Fort Worth, TX 76133 | $2,000 |
Support re-election to Texas State Senate District 10 | 10/08/2004 |
Kim Brimer Campaign P.O. Box 330208 Fort Worth, TX 76163 | $2,000 |
Support re-election to Texas Senate District 10 | 11/05/2007 |
King Fifer for Judge P.O. Box 38562 Dallas, TX 75238 | $500 |
Support election to County Court #2 | 05/15/2006 |
Kino Flores Campaign 113 Rio Grande Drive Mission, TX 78572 | $1,000 |
Support re-election to Texas House of Representatives District 36 | 08/22/2006 |
Kip Averitt Campaign 278 Walking Horse Lane c/o Scott Felton McGregor, TX 76657 | $2,000 |
Support re-election to Texas State Senate District 22 | 08/24/2004 |
Kip Averitt Campaign P.O. Box 20683 Waco, TX 76702 | $3,500 |
Support re-election to Texas Senate District 22 | 08/31/2006- 10/07/2008 |
Kip Glasscock Campaign 7670 Woodway Suite 110 Houston, TX 77063 | $500 |
Support election to 58th Civil District Court | 01/30/2006 |
Kirk England Campaign P.O. Box 541295 Grand Prairie, TX 75054 | $250 |
Support re-election to Texas House of Representatives District 106 | 12/02/2008 |
Kirk Watson Campaign 720 Brazos Street Suite 1200 Austin, TX 78701 | $1,000 |
Support election to Texas Senate District 14 | 10/25/2005 |
Kirk Watson Campaign 2520 Longview St., Ste 211 Austin, TX 78705 | $1,000 |
Support re-election to Texas Senate District 14 | 09/23/2008 |
Kirk Watson Campaign PO Box 2004 Austin, TX 78767 | $2,500 |
Support re-election to Texas Senate District 14 | 12/10/2008- 08/25/2016 |
Kirk Watson Campaign P.O. Box 2004 Austin, TX 78768 | $1,000 |
Support election to Texas Senate District 14 | 08/21/2006 |
Kirk Watson Campaign PO Box 2004 Austin, TX 78768 | $11,000 |
Support re-election to Texas Senate District 14 | 06/26/2009- 11/07/2018 |
Koop for Texas PO Box 794042 Dallas, TX 75379 | $1,000 |
Support re-election to Texas House of Representatives District 102 | 10/07/2016- 06/14/2017 |
Kristen Hawkins for Judge P.O. Box 66816 Houston, TX 77266 | $2,000 |
Support election to Judge 11th District Court Harris County, Texas | 11/16/2016 |
Kristen Hawkins for Judge Campaign PO Box 66816 Houston, TX 77266 | $500 |
Support re-election to Judge Harris County 11th District Court | 10/18/2019 |
Kristi Thibaut Campaign 3401 Louisiana St. #250 Houston, TX 77002 | $500 |
Support re-election to Texas House of Representatives District 133 | 04/30/2010 |
Kyle Biedermann Campaign 1391 Arbor Ridge Road Fredericksburg, TX 78624 | $500 |
Support election to Texas House of Representatives District 73 | 11/23/2016 |
Kyle Carter for Judge 125th Court 4900 Fournace Place Suite 560 Bellaire, TX 77401 | $500 |
Support re-election to Judge Harris County 125th Court | 10/18/2019 |
Kyle Janek Campaign 3405 Edloe Street, Suite 380 c/o William Varner, Treasurer Houston, TX 77027 | $2,500 |
Support re-election to Texas State Senate District 17 | 05/25/2004 |
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