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International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 569 CandPAC
"527" Political Organization
Contributions, Expenses, & Filing Information

Organization Info

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Group NameInternational Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 569 CandPAC
Stated PurposeInternational Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 569 Candidate PAC is a qualified state or local political organization under Internal Revenue Code Section527 (e) (5) and claims the benefits of that status for reporting purposes.
Established Date10/28/2011
Contact PersonRichard R. Rios
Contact Address555 Capitol Mall, Suite 400
Sacramento, CA  95814
Mailing Address555 Capitol Mall, Suite 400
Sacramento, CA  95814
Contributions Received
(since 10/28/2011)
Expenditures Made
(since 10/28/2011)

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International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 569 CandPAC
"527" Contribution List

ContributorEmpoyer/Occupation$ Contribution AmountDate
Ber, Cristian
San Diego, CA  92123
HMT ELECTRIC SOLAR INC/Electrician $4710/12/2016-
Berkshire, Brian
San Diego, CA  92123
DYNALECTRIC COMPANY/Electrician $8610/03/2018-
Berkshire, Brian K
San Diego, CA  92123
DYNALECTRIC COMPANY/Electrician $11207/11/2016-
Berkshire, Jason
San Diego, CA  92123
DYNALECTRIC COMPANY/Electrician $9110/03/2018-
Berkshire, Jason T
San Diego, CA  92123
DYNALECTRIC COMPANY/Electrician $14411/10/2016-
Bernal, Angel
San Diego, CA  92123
PYRO-COMM SYSTEMS INC/Electrician $5010/03/2018-
Bernal, Angel S
San Diego, CA  92123
MORROW MEADOWS CORP/Electrician $2012/16/2016
Biddlecome, Eric J
San Diego, CA  92123
DYNALECTRIC COMPANY/Electrician $13912/16/2016-
Bigelow, Craig R
San Diego, CA  92123
ROSENDIN ELECTRIC/Electrician $13512/16/2016-
Bishop, Jacob
San Diego, CA  92123
BAKER ELECTRIC INC/Electrician $19310/03/2018-
Bisone III, Peter
San Diego, CA  92123
DYNALECTRIC COMPANY/Electrician $18310/03/2018-
Bisone III, Peter J
San Diego, CA  92123
DYNALECTRIC COMPANY/Electrician $14412/16/2016-
Blackburn, James
San Diego, CA  92123
BAKER ELECTRIC INC/Electrician $18307/11/2016-
Blevins, Christopher
San Diego, CA  92123
NATIONAL ELECTRIC WORKS INC/Electrician $20510/03/2018-
Blevins, Christopher P
San Diego, CA  92123
NEAL ELECTRIC CORP/Electrician $13211/10/2016-
Bodrogi, Peter
San Diego, CA  92123
HMT ELECTRIC INC/Electrician $31112/16/2016-
Boelman, Menno
San Diego, CA  92123
BAKER ELECTRIC INC/Electrician $4010/03/2018-
Bojorquez, Alejandro
San Diego, CA  92123
HMT ELECTRIC INC/Electrician $6010/03/2018-
Bowers, Andrew
San Diego, CA  92123
DYNALECTRIC COMPANY/Electrician $26507/07/2018-
Bowers, Andrew J
San Diego, CA  92123
DYNALECTRIC COMPANY/Electrician $12012/16/2016-
Bowler, Jason
San Diego, CA  92123
NATIONAL ELECTRIC WORKS INC/Electrician $8510/03/2018-
Boyd, Jason
San Diego, CA  92123
NB BAKER ELECTRIC INC/Electrician $10507/08/2019-
Brabentz, Bart C
San Diego, CA  92123
STONE and WEBSTER/Electrician $2012/16/2016
Brady, William
San Diego, CA  92123
PRECISION ELECTRIC COMPANY/Electrician $11411/10/2016-
Brandt, Kevin
San Diego, CA  92123
BAKER ELECTRIC INC/Electrician $11412/14/2018-
Breceda, Manuel
San Diego, CA  92123
NB BAKER ELECTRIC INC/Electrician $17410/03/2018-
Bribiesca, Fernando
San Diego, CA  92123
DYNALECTRIC COMPANY/Electrician $12712/16/2016-
Brodie, Alec R
San Diego, CA  92123
BAKER ELECTRIC INC/Electrician $9807/12/2017-
Brown, Jason
San Diego, CA  92123
FULLER ELECTRIC CORPORATION/Electrician $8810/03/2018-
Brown, Michael
San Diego, CA  92123
FREEMAN EXPOSITIONS, LLC/Electrician $13612/14/2018-
Brown, Michael S
San Diego, CA  92123
FREEMAN ELECTRICAL SERVICES/Electrician $15512/16/2016-
Brown, Russ
San Diego, CA  92123
SOUTHLAND ELECTRIC INC/Electrician $7110/03/2018-
Brumfield, Brandon
San Diego, CA  92123
DYNALECTRIC COMPANY/Electrician $11907/12/2017-
Brumm, Jake T
San Diego, CA  92123
DYNALECTRIC COMPANY/Electrician $10107/12/2017-
Bryant, Thomas
San Diego, CA  92123
CHULA VISTA ELECTRIC CO/Electrician $2012/14/2018
Bryant, Thomas E
San Diego, CA  92123
NEAL ELECTRIC CORP/Electrician $1612/16/2016
Bullard, Phillip
San Diego, CA  92123
DYNALECTRIC COMPANY/Electrician $6110/03/2018-
Bunkers, Robert C
San Diego, CA  92123
MORROW MEADOWS CORP/Electrician $2112/16/2016
Burdette, Ryan
San Diego, CA  92123
NEAL ELECTRIC CORP/Electrician $12712/14/2018-
Burgess, Joseph
San Diego, CA  92123
DYNALECTRIC COMPANY/Electrician $2412/14/2018
Burton, Jeremy
San Diego, CA  92123
USS CAL BUILDERS INC/Electrician $8810/03/2018-
Burton, Lorenzo
San Diego, CA  92123
DYNALECTRIC COMPANY/Electrician $29307/12/2017-
Caban, Daniel
San Diego, CA  92123
SOUTHLAND ELECTRIC INC/Electrician $17110/03/2018-
Caban, Daniel K
San Diego, CA  92123
MORROW MEADOWS CORP/Electrician $2012/16/2016
Calixto, Gabriel
San Diego, CA  92123
MORROW MEADOWS CORP/Electrician $15110/12/2016-
Camargo, Miguel
San Diego, CA  92123
DYNALECTRIC COMPANY/Electrician $30107/12/2017-
Camp, Garrett
San Diego, CA  92123
PYRO-COMM SYSTEMS INC/Electrician $4110/03/2018-
Camp, Garrett A
San Diego, CA  92123
PYRO-COMM SYSTEMS INC/Electrician $9007/12/2017-
Cancino, Arturo
San Diego, CA  92123
SOUTHERN CONTRACTING CO INC/Electrician $8210/03/2018-
Candelario, Jason L
San Diego, CA  92123
NEAL ELECTRIC CORP/Electrician $10007/12/2017-
Capacite, Keith
San Diego, CA  92123
NEAL ELECTRIC CORP/Electrician $7810/03/2018-
Carbajal, Isaac
San Diego, CA  92123
NEAL ELECTRIC CORP/Electrician $8510/03/2018-
Carel, David
San Diego, CA  92123
MORROW MEADOWS CORP/Electrician $20610/03/2018-
Carel, David M
San Diego, CA  92123
MORROW MEADOWS CORP/Electrician $1812/16/2016
Carey, Jason
San Diego, CA  92123
NB BAKER ELECTRIC INC/Electrician $16610/03/2018-
Carey, Jason R
San Diego, CA  92123
NB BAKER ELECTRIC INC/Electrician $2012/16/2016
Carlson, Christian
San Diego, CA  92123
DYNALECTRIC COMPANY/Electrician $8210/03/2018-
Carlson, Christian M
San Diego, CA  92123
DYNALECTRIC COMPANY/Electrician $15610/12/2016-
Carmona-Jimenez, Alfonso
San Diego, CA  92123
CUPERTINO ELECTRIC INC/Electrician $4310/03/2018-
Carreno, Abdias
San Diego, CA  92123
NEAL ELECTRIC CORP/Electrician $20312/16/2016-
Casey, Derek
San Diego, CA  92123
BAKER ELECTRIC INC/Electrician $9310/03/2018-
Casillas, Albert
San Diego, CA  92123
MORROW MEADOWS CORP/Electrician $12107/11/2016-
Castaneda II, Ronald
San Diego, CA  92123
DYNALECTRIC COMPANY/Electrician $8210/03/2018-
Castaneda II, Ronald W
San Diego, CA  92123
DYNALECTRIC COMPANY/Electrician $12312/16/2016-
Castillo, Jose G
San Diego, CA  92123
MORROW MEADOWS CORP/Electrician $10307/12/2017-
Castillo, Richard
San Diego, CA  92123
DYNALECTRIC COMPANY/Electrician $5410/03/2018-
Castro, Cesar
San Diego, CA  92123
HMT RENEWABLE ENERGY INC/Electrician $1912/14/2018
Castro, Ramon
San Diego, CA  92123
IBEW LOCAL 569/Electrician $30307/11/2016-
Cervantez, Gabriel
San Diego, CA  92123
NB BAKER ELECTRIC INC/Electrician $1912/14/2018
Cesena, Francisco
San Diego, CA  92123
NEAL ELECTRIC CORP/Electrician $10612/16/2016-
Chabner, Luke
San Diego, CA  92123
DYNALECTRIC COMPANY/Electrician $1912/14/2018
Chandler III, Gerald
San Diego, CA  92123
MORROW MEADOWS CORP/Electrician $5910/03/2018-
Chandler III, Gerald R
San Diego, CA  92123
MORROW MEADOWS CORP/Electrician $12012/16/2016-
Chapman, Donovan M
San Diego, CA  92123
NB BAKER ELECTRIC INC/Electrician $1712/16/2016
Chappell, Daniel
San Diego, CA  92123
MORROW MEADOWS CORP/Electrician $16908/20/2018-
Chappell, Daniel J
San Diego, CA  92123
MORROW MEADOWS CORP/Electrician $2512/16/2016
Chavez, Oscar
San Diego, CA  92123
DYNALECTRIC COMPANY/Electrician $43107/11/2016-
Childress, Jack
San Diego, CA  92123
BAKER ELECTRIC INC/Electrician $6810/03/2018-
Cinotto, Mark
San Diego, CA  92123
HMT RENEWABLE ENERGY INC/Electrician $8810/03/2018-
Cinotto, Mark D
San Diego, CA  92123
HMT RENEWABLE ENERGY INC/Electrician $11612/16/2016-
Cirignano, Joshua
San Diego, CA  92123
HMT ELECTRIC INC/Electrician $1912/14/2018
Claar, Nathan P
San Diego, CA  92123
MORROW MEADOWS CORP/Electrician $1912/16/2016
Claridad, German
San Diego, CA  92123
WILLIAMS PLANT SERVICES LLC/Electrician $17707/07/2018-
Clark, Gregg
San Diego, CA  92123
DYNALECTRIC COMPANY/Electrician $25307/07/2018-
Clark, Gregg E
San Diego, CA  92123
DYNALECTRIC COMPANY/Electrician $12807/12/2017-
Clark, Jonathan
San Diego, CA  92123
DYNALECTRIC COMPANY/Electrician $1712/14/2018
Clark, Troy
San Diego, CA  92123
DYNALECTRIC COMPANY/Electrician $23507/12/2017-
Clevenger, Neil
San Diego, CA  92123
MORROW MEADOWS CORP/Electrician $14008/20/2018-
Clevenger, Neil E
San Diego, CA  92123
MORROW MEADOWS CORP/Electrician $5711/10/2016-
Coda, Raymond
San Diego, CA  92123
SUNBELT ELECTRIC/Electrician $8110/03/2018-
Collier, Brandon
San Diego, CA  92123
MORROW MEADOWS CORP/Electrician $19910/03/2018-
Collier, Brandon T
San Diego, CA  92123
MORROW MEADOWS CORP/Electrician $14511/10/2016-
Compton, Susan
San Diego, CA  92123
WILLIAMS PLANT SERVICES LLC/Electrician $30607/07/2018-
Concha, Jason
San Diego, CA  92123
HMT ELECTRIC INC/Electrician $8110/03/2018-
Conklin, Chris
San Diego, CA  92123
NEAL ELECTRIC CORP/Electrician $8310/03/2018-
Constancio, Joseph
San Diego, CA  92123
MORROW MEADOWS CORP/Electrician $9710/03/2018-
Constancio, Joseph L
San Diego, CA  92123
MORROW MEADOWS CORP/Electrician $12511/10/2016-
Cooper, Darren
San Diego, CA  92123
BAKER ELECTRIC INC/Electrician $1612/16/2016
Cornell, Stephan
San Diego, CA  92123
BAKER ELECTRIC INC/Electrician $19610/03/2018-
Correa, Armin G
San Diego, CA  92123
NEAL ELECTRIC CORP/Electrician $4411/10/2016-

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International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 569 CandPAC "527" Expenses

Vendor$ Expense AmountPurposeDate
AFT Guild, Local 1931- C.O.P.E
3737 Camino Del Rio South Suite 410
San Diego, CA  92108
$15,000 Contribution10/05/2016-
Aggregate below Threshold
555 Capitol Mall Suite 400
Sacramento, CA  95814
$3,042 N/A09/30/2016-
Aggregate below Threshold
555 Capitol Mall Suite 1425
Sacramento, CA  95814
$50 NA12/31/2016
Alameda County Democratic Central Committee
1122 B St 211
Hayward, CA  94541
$750 Contribution issued in error. Refunded in subsequent period.10/21/2019
Alejandra Sotelo-Solis for Mayor 2018
3401A Adams Avenue 345
San Diego, CA  92116
$7,976 Contribution07/02/2018-
Alliance for Community Engagement
4755 Long Branch Avenue
San Diego, CA  92107
$1,500 Civic Donation02/12/2018
Atkins for Senate 2016
330 Encinitas Blvd Suite 101
Encinitas, CA  92024
$4,200 Contribution05/02/2016
Bunker for School Board 2018
153 Twin Oaks Circle
Chula Vista, CA  91910
$2,000 Contribution10/05/2018
California Black Caucus Policy Institute
1020 12th Street Suite 406
Sacramento, CA  95814
$2,000 Civic Donation08/10/2017
California Democratic Party
1830 9th Street
Sacramento, CA  95811
$4,823 Contribution02/13/2018-
California Young Democrats
249 East Ocean Blvd Suite 685
Long Beach, CA  90802
$2,000 Contribution10/26/2018
Castaneda for South Bay Irrigation District Board
241 Fig Avenue
Chula Vista, CA  91910
$1,000 Contribution10/26/2018
Castro for Brawley City Council 2017, Ramon
3888 Cherry Court
Brawley, CA  92227
$5,000 Contribution10/05/2017
Castro, Ramon
4545 Viewridge Avenue 100
San Diego, CA  92123
$216 Intermediary for contribution to California Democratic Party06/06/2019
Castro, Ramon
4545 Viewridge Avenue 100
San Diego, CA  92123
$216 Intermediary for Contribution to California Democratic Party ID #741666, 1830 9th Street, Sacramento, CA 95811, see schedule D05/22/2017
Castro, Ramon
4545 Viewridge Avenue 100
San Diego, CA  92123
$2,359 Travel Expenses05/22/2017-
Cerda for South Bay Irrigation District 2, 2016, J
449 Naples Street
Chula Vista, CA  91911
$1,000 Contribution10/12/2016
Chris Ward for Assembly 2020
1050 University Avenue E10728
San Diego, CA  92103
$4,700 Contribution06/17/2019
Cimino for Governing Board 2018
823 Santa Dorotea Circle
Rohnert Park, CA  94927
$500 Contribution08/27/2018
Citizens for Real Term Limits
5429 Madison Avenue
Sacramento, CA  95814
$5,000 Contribution12/13/2017
Citizens for Real Term Limits, Yes on C, No on B,
5429 Madison Avenue
Sacramento, CA  95841
$5,000 N/A04/18/2018
Citizens Opposed to Hickey for City Attorney 2016
1787 Tribute Road Suite K
Sacramento, CA  95815
$25,000 Contribution09/01/2016
Committee to Elect John R. Renison Supervisor, Dis
1216 Primavera Drive
Calexico, CA  92231
$5,000 N/A05/03/2018
Committee to Elect Sterling 'Arkie' Mayes, Jr. for
1398 Sperber Road
El Centro, CA  92244
$1,500 Contribution09/25/2019
Connie Leyva for Senate 2018
1010 North Lowell
Santa Ana, CA  92703
$1,500 Contribution08/21/2018
Cori Schumacher for Mayor 2018
1245 Basswood Avenue
Carlsbad, CA  92008
$5,000 Contribution07/02/2018
Daraka for CDP Chair
226 East Canon Perdido D
Santa Barbara, CA  93101
$1,500 Contribution to IRC 527 entity07/18/2019
Dave Myers for La Mesa City Council
6810 Colorado Avenue
La Mesa, CA  91942
$1,000 Contribution10/26/2018
Democrats for Equality
3900 Vermont Street
San Diego, CA  92103
$2,500 Contribution12/19/2019
Diaz for County Supervisor 2020, Communities for P
1121 L Street Suite 200
Sacramento, CA  95814
$15,000 Contribution01/27/2020
Dr. Weber for Assembly 2018
420 N Twin Oaks Valley Rd 2229
San Marcos, CA  92079
$2,000 Contribution08/21/2018
Dr. Weber for City Council 2018
1787 Tribute Road Suite K
Sacramento, CA  95815
$2,000 Contribution10/05/2018-
Ed Hernandez for Lieutenant Governor 2018
15330 Amar Road
La Puente, CA  91744
$5,000 Contribution07/24/2018
Ed Hernandez for Lieutenant Governor 2018
15330 Amar Road
La Puente, CA  91744
$5,000 N/A04/30/2018
Eduardo Garcia for Assembly 2018
83103 Avenue 48 Suite 1B111
Coachella, CA  92236
$3,400 Contribution10/26/2018
Eduardo Reyes for School Board 2018
1385 Long View Drive
Chula Vista, CA  91915
$5,000 Contribution07/02/2018
Emerge California
1624 Franklin Street Suite 1001
Oakland, CA  94612
$500 Civic Donation02/01/2017
Fugazi For Assembly 2020
1787 Tribute Road Suite K
Sacramento, CA  95815
$2,500 Contribution issued in error. Refunded in subsequent period.10/21/2019
Garcia for Assembly 2016, Eduardo
1017 L Street 903
Sacramento, CA  95814
$3,000 Contribution05/02/2016
Garcia for Assembly 2018
1787 Tribute Road Suite K
Sacramento, CA  95815
$1,500 Contribution11/29/2016
Garcia for Assembly 2018, Eduardo
83103 Avenue 48 Suite 1B111
Coachella, CA  92236
$1,000 Contribution10/05/2018
Garcia for Assembly 2018, Eduardo
1787 Tribute Road Suite K
Sacramento, CA  95815
$1,500 Contribution09/29/2017
Gracyk for Water Board 2016, Mark
7031 Oak Glenn Court
Lemon Grove, CA  91945
$1,000 Contribution10/05/2016
Hueso for Senate 2018
1005 12th Street Suite H
Sacramento, CA  95814
$1,500 Contribution08/10/2017
Ialeggio for Judge 2020 , Michelle
374 North Coast Hwy 101 Suite 2
Encinitas, CA  92024
$569 Contribution02/25/2020
IBEW PAC Educational Fund
900 Seventh Street NW
Washington, DC  20001
$35,000 Contribution05/02/2016
Imperial Valley Works! Sponsored by San Diego-Impe
3737 Camino Del Rio South Suite 403
San Diego, CA  92108
$30,000 Contribution09/08/2016-
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Lo
4545 Viewridge Avenue Suite 100
San Diego, CA  92123
$519 Reimbursement for Jackets03/08/2017
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Po
900 Seventh Street NW
Washington, DC  20001
$80,000 Contribution02/23/2018-
Jeff Griffith for State Senate 2018
822 Lanewood Place
Escondido, CA  92026
$2,000 Contribution08/21/2018
Jennifer Mendoza for City Council 2018
7066 San Miguel Avenue
Lemon Grove, CA  91945
$1,000 Contribution10/26/2018
Jimenez for San Jose City Council 2020, Sergio
5389 Cedar Grove Circle
San Jose, CA  95123
$600 Contribution12/19/2019
Jones for Attorney General 2018, Dave
1531 Purdue Avenue
Los Angeles, CA  90025
$2,000 Contribution05/02/2016-
Kevin de Leon for City Council 2020
555 East Ocean Blvd Suite 420
Long Beach, CA  90802
$800 Contribution06/25/2019
Larimore-Hall for CDP Vice Chair, Daraka
321 West Montecito Apt B
San Bernardino, CA  93101
$2,000 Contribution to Candidate for Political Party Office05/01/2017
Lorena Gonzalez Fletcher for Assembly 2018
1029 J Street Suite 380
Sacramento, CA  95814
$4,400 Contribution08/21/2018
Lorena Gonzalez for Secretary of State 2022
374 North Coast Highway 101 Suite 2
Encinitas, CA  92024
$5,000 Contribution05/23/2019
Martin Luther King, Jr Democratic Club
5148 Market Street
San Diego, CA  92114
$1,500 Payment to IRC 527 entity07/02/2018
Martinez for South Bay Irrigation 2018
362 Hilltop Drive
Chula Vista, CA  91910
$1,000 Contribution08/27/2018
McMillan for Helix Water Board 2018
1120 Pepper Drive
El Cajon, CA  92021
$1,000 Contribution10/05/2018
Mendoza for Senate 2018, Tony
525 E Seaside Way 101C
Long Beach, CA  90802
$500 Contribution09/29/2017
Meyers for La Mesa City Council, Dave
6810 Colorado Avenue
La Mesa, CA  91942
$1,000 Contribution10/05/2018
Mike Ellison for Oregon House District 19
4676 Commercial Street Suite 319
Salem, OR  97306
$500 Out of State Contribution08/27/2018
Miller, Kaplan, Arase, LLP
4123 Lankershim Blvd
North Hollywood, CA  91602
$1,580 Accounting services10/05/2018
Miller, Kaplan, Arase, LLP
4123 Lankershim Blvd
North Hollywood, CA  91602
$1,570 Legal and Reporting Services11/06/2017
Miller, Kaplan, Arase, LLP
4123 Lankershim Blvd
North Hollywood, CA  91602
$1,585 Professional Services11/14/2016
Miller, Kaplan, Arase, LLP
4123 Lankershim Blvd
North Hollywood, CA  91602
$1,565 Tax Preparation11/25/2019
Mona Rios
3414 Elanor Place
National City, CA  91950
$441 Travel Expenditures07/05/2017
Newsom, Gretchen
4545 Viewridge Avenue 100
San Diego, CA  92123
$216 Intermediary for contribution to California Democratic Party06/05/2019
Newsom, Gretchen
4545 Viewridge Avenue 100
San Diego, CA  92123
$1,606 Meeting10/12/2018-
Newsom, Gretchen
4545 Viewridge Avenue 100
San Diego, CA  92123
$2,295 Meeting Expenses01/28/2020-
Newsom, Gretchen
4545 Viewridge Avenue 100
San Diego, CA  92123
$165 Reimbursement for intermediary contribution; see Sch. D.11/22/2019
Newsom, Gretchen
4545 Viewridge Avenue 100
San Diego, CA  92123
$2,398 Reimbursement for meals01/16/2019
Newsom, Gretchen
4545 Viewridge Avenue 100
San Diego, CA  92123
$1,723 Travel Expenses06/05/2019-
Newsom, Gretchen K
4545 Viewridge Avenue 100
San Diego, CA  92123
$1,430 Travel Expenses05/24/2017
Norrington For Dublin School Board 2019
1811 Santa Rita Road Suite 224
Pleasanton, CA  94566
$500 Contribution issued in error. Refunded in subsequent period.10/21/2019
Olivia for Council 2018
1265 West State Street 126
El Centro, CA  92243
$3,500 Contribution10/26/2018-
Olson Remcho, LLP
555 Capitol Mall Suite 400
Sacramento, CA  95814
$5,643 Legal and Reporting Services01/17/2020-
Olson, Hagel & Fishburn LLP
555 Capitol Mall, Suite 400
Sacramento, CA  95814
$45,547 Legal and Reporting Services04/15/2016-
Olson, Hagel & Fishburn LLP
555 Capitol Mall Suite 1425
Sacramento, CA  95814
$2,392 Legal Services; In-kind contribution to Citizens for Real Term Limits (ID# 1400312)12/15/2017
Olson, Hagel & Fishburn LLP
555 Capitol Mall Suite 400
Sacramento, CA  95814
$3,319 N/A04/27/2018-
Olson, Hagel and Fishburn LLP
555 Capitol Mall Suite 1425
Sacramento, CA  95814
$3,558 Legal and Reporting Services07/18/2016-
Participation, Sponsored by Service Employees Inte
5429 Madison Avenue
Sacramento, CA  95841
$10,000 N/A04/25/2018
Preciado for South Bay Irrigation 2016
600 Sheffield Court 34
Chula Vista, CA  91910
$1,000 Contribution10/17/2016
Progressive Labor Alliance
3737 Camino Del Rios Suite 202
San Diego, CA  92108
$26,500 N/A04/24/2018
Progressive Labor Alliance PAC, Sponsored by Labor
3737 Camino Del Rio South 202
San Diego, CA  92108
$40,000 Contribution09/24/2019-
Re-Elect Cheryl Viegas Walker
3205 South Dogwood Road Suite B
El Centro, CA  92243
$2,500 Contribution10/26/2018
Re-Elect Senator Atkins 2020
330 Encinitas Blvd., Suite 101
Encinitas, CA  92024
$8,800 Contribution09/29/2017
Rodriguez for City Council 2016
834 Delta Street
National City, CA  91950
$2,500 Contribution10/05/2016
Rodriguez for City Council 2018
834 Delta Street
National City, CA  91950
$4,000 Contribution07/24/2018
Rubio for Senate 2020, Marisol
2201 Broadway Suite M2
Oakland, CA  94612
$4,700 Contribution issued in error. Refunded in subsequent period.10/21/2019
Run Women Run
3401A Adams Avenue
San Diego, CA  92116
$2,000 Contribution06/27/2016-
San Diegans Against Hate opposing Lorie Zapf for C
555 Capitol Mall Suite 400
Sacramento, CA  95814
$30,000 Contribution10/03/2018
San Diego County Building & Construction Trades Co
555 Capitol Mall Suite 1425
Sacramento, CA  95814
$10,000 Contribution05/31/2016
San Diego County Democratic Party
8340 Clairmont Mesa Blvd 105
San Diego, CA  92111
$231,735 Contribution04/12/2016-
San Diego County Democratic Party
8340 Clairemont Mesa Blvd Suite 105
San Diego, CA  92111
$35,000 N/A04/30/2018-
San Diego County Democratic Party
3934 Murphy Canyon Road B103
San Diego, CA  92123
$25,000 Contribution01/27/2020-
San Diego County Democrats for Environmental Actio
120 Village Run E
Encinitas, CA  92176
$500 Contribution09/15/2017
San Diego Democratic Club
1281 9th Avenue 3603
San Diego, CA  92101
$5,000 Contribution07/03/2018
San Diego Democratic Club
1281 9th Avenue 3603
San Diego, CA  92101
$2,500 N/A04/16/2018

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   Individual's Name
   Zip Code
Committees (PACs):
"527" Organizations:
   Contributors by Name
   Contributors by Zip


   Top $$$ Contributors
   Contributions by Zip
   Candidates by State
   Committees (PACs)
   527 Organizations


Celebrity Contributors:
   Aaron Sorkin
   Andrew Fastow
   Arnold Palmer
   Arnold Schwarzenegger
   Ben Affleck
   Bill Cosby
   Bill Gates
   Calvin Klein
   Dennis Kozlowski
   Donald Trump
   George Soros
   Hugh Hefner
   Jack Grubman
   Jeff Skilling
   John Grisham
   John Rigas
   Ken Lay
   Martha Stewart
   Mel Gibson
   Oprah Winfrey
   Ralph Lauren
   Donald Trump
   Richard Scrushy
   Rush Limbaugh
   Sam Waksal
   Scott Sullivan
   Steven Spielberg
   Tom Cruise
   Tommy Hilfiger
Industry Contributors:
   CEO/Chief Executives
   College Professors
   Trial Lawyers
   Golf Professionals
   Poker Professionals
   Mortgage Brokers
   Futures Brokers
   Stock Brokers
   Options Brokers
   Life Insurance
   Health Insurance
   Auto Insurance
   Securities Lawyers
   Boats & Yachts
   Defense Contracts
Baseball Contributors:
   New York Yankees
   Boston Red Sox
   Chicago Cubs
Notable Politicians:
   Barack Obama
   George W Bush
   John Kerry
   Ralph Nader
   Hillary Clinton
   Apple Computer
   New York Times
   News Corporation
   General Electric
   Exxon Mobil
   Ford Motor
   Anheuser Busch
Top 10 Contributors:
   Thomas Steyer
   Linda Mcmahon
   Sheldon Adelson
   Miriam Adelson
   Bob Perry
   Michael Bloomberg
   Harold Simmons
   Fred Eychaner
   J Ricketts
   John Raese