James Anthony Hardesty
United States House of Representatives (Congress)Political Campaign Contributions
Campaign Finance Information '10 Election Cycle
Election Cycles:2010 2012
Campaign Contribution Totals/Summary as of 12/31/2010
Cash on Hand $0
Total Money Receipts $18,382
Total Individual Contributions $8,001
Total Disbursements $17,354
Loans From Candidate $10,380
Other Loans $0
Candidate Loan Repayments $1,500
Debts Owed By $0
Refunds to Individuals $0
Refunds to Committees $0
Contributions from Other Political Committees $0
Contributions from Party Committees $0
Contributions From Individuals by State
(contribution amounts of $200 or more)
Download all of the 2010 Individual Contribution Records for this Candidate to a Spreadsheet or Other File Type
Contributions From Poltical Action Committees
None Yet Reported/Available
Contributions From Indian Tribes
None Yet Reported/Available
Top 150 Donors/Individual Financial Contributors
(contribution amounts of $200 or more)
Download All of the '10 Individual Contribution Records for this Candidate to a Spreadsheet or Other File Type
Hardesty, James
Knightdale, NC 27545
Hardesty for Congress/former local $2,853
P 03/20/2010
Hardesty for Congress/former local $1,500
P 04/01/2010
Hardesty, John S
Raleigh, NC 27606
Walmart/Retai; $1,200
P 03/12/2010
Fails, angie
raleigh, NC 27606
none/homemaker $1,000
P 04/10/2010
Hardesty - Independent for Congres
Knightdale, NC 27545
G 05/18/2010
Jorgensen, ken
knightdale, NC 27545
wake county schools/assistant princ $250
G 05/18/2010