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Political Action Committee
Campaign Contribution Details
2018 Election Cycle

Committee Information

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Connected Organization NameBANK POLICY INSTITUTE
Address600 13TH STREET, N.W.
Interest Group CategoryTrade/Memership/Health
Affiliated Party--
Affiliated Candidate --

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Financial Details in the 2018 Election Cycle

Through 12/31/2018
Category$ Dollar Amount
Total Receipts$209,513
Transfers From Affiliates$0
Contributions From Individuals$5,000
Contributions From Other Political Committees$204,500
Total Loans Received$0
Total Disbursements$175,039
Transfers To Affiliates$0
Refunds To Individuals$0
Refunds to Committees$2,500
Loan Repayments$0
Beginning Cash$66,493
Ending Cash$100,967
Debts Owed By$0
Nonfederal Transfers Received$0
Contributions Made To Other Committees$172,500
Independent Expenditures Made$0
Party Coordinated Expenditures Made$0
Nonfederal Share of Expenditures$0

Top 100 Donations/Contributions in the 2018 Election Cycle

$ Amount
Rock Holdings/Vice Chairman$5,000 P11/08/2017

Political Candidates Receiving Contributions in the 2018 Election Cycle from

Candidate NameOfficePartyStateDistrictPrimary/
$ Dollar
ALLEN, RICHARD W House of RepsRepublicanGA 12P$1,00001/30/2017
BARR, GARLAND ANDY House of RepsRepublicanKY 06P$1,00005/22/2017
BARR, GARLAND ANDY House of RepsRepublicanKY 06P$1,00006/20/2017
BRADY, KEVIN House of RepsRepublicanTX 08P$2,50004/24/2017
BROWN, SHERROD SenateDemocratOH --P$1,00007/12/2017
BUDD, THEODORE P. House of RepsRepublicanNC 13P$1,00005/22/2017
CAPITO, SHELLEY MOORE MS SenateRepublicanWV --P$1,50009/20/2017
CARPER, THOMAS R SenateDemocratDE --P$1,00005/09/2017
CHABOT, STEVE House of RepsRepublicanOH 01P$50005/17/2017
CONAWAY, MICHAEL HONORABLE House of RepsRepublicanTX 11P$1,00009/20/2017
CRAPO, MICHAEL D SenateRepublicanDC --P$2,50001/30/2017
CRAPO, MICHAEL D SenateRepublicanDC --P$1,00003/15/2017
CRAPO, MICHAEL D SenateRepublicanDC --P$1,50003/15/2017
DONNELLY, JOSEPH S SenateDemocratIN --P$1,50002/08/2017
DONNELLY, JOSEPH S SenateDemocratIN --G$2,50005/09/2017
DONOVAN, DAN House of RepsRepublicanNY 11P$1,00012/15/2017
DUFFY, SEAN House of RepsRepublicanWI 07P$1,00004/24/2017
DUFFY, SEAN House of RepsRepublicanWI 07P$1,00011/07/2017
EMMER, THOMAS EARL JR. House of RepsRepublicanMN 06P$2,50006/20/2017
FOSTER, G. WILLIAM (BILL) House of RepsDemocratIL 11P$1,00003/20/2017
FOXX, VIRGINIA ANN House of RepsRepublicanNC 05P$1,50005/22/2017
FOXX, VIRGINIA ANN House of RepsRepublicanNC 05P$1,00005/09/2017
FRELINGHUYSEN, RODNEY P. House of RepsRepublicanNJ 11P$1,50005/09/2017
GOTTHEIMER, JOSH House of RepsDemocratNJ 05P$1,00003/29/2017
GOTTHEIMER, JOSH House of RepsDemocratNJ 05P$1,00006/20/2017
GRAVES, GARRET House of RepsRepublicanLA 06P$1,00004/18/2017
GRAVES, JOHN THOMAS MR. JR. House of RepsRepublicanGA 14P$1,00004/24/2017
GRAVES, JOHN THOMAS MR. JR. House of RepsRepublicanGA 14P$2,00002/08/2017
HEITKAMP, HEIDI SenateDemocratND --P$1,50002/27/2017
HELLER, DEAN SenateRepublicanNV --P$1,00002/27/2017
HELLER, DEAN SenateRepublicanNV --G$2,50007/12/2017
HENSARLING, JEB HON. House of RepsRepublicanTX 05P$5,00006/20/2017
HILL, JAMES FRENCH House of RepsRepublicanAR 02P$1,50006/20/2017
HILL, JAMES FRENCH House of RepsRepublicanAR 02P$2,50002/27/2017
HIMES, JIM House of RepsDemocratCT 04P$2,50004/18/2017
HOLLINGSWORTH, TREY House of RepsRepublicanIN 09P$1,00004/24/2017
HOLLINGSWORTH, TREY House of RepsRepublicanIN 09P$1,00009/07/2017
HUIZENGA, WILLIAM P House of RepsRepublicanMI 02P$1,00006/20/2017
HUIZENGA, WILLIAM P House of RepsRepublicanMI 02P$2,00005/22/2017
HULTGREN, RANDY House of RepsRepublicanIL 14P$2,00003/15/2017
HULTGREN, RANDY House of RepsRepublicanIL 14P$1,00006/20/2017
KENNEDY, JOHN NEELY SenateRepublicanLA --P$2,50002/27/2017
KIHUEN, RUBEN House of RepsDemocratNV 04P$1,00003/29/2017
KIND, RONALD JAMES House of RepsDemocratWI 03P$1,00010/04/2017
KING, ANGUS STANLEY JR SenateIndependentME --P$1,00006/28/2017
LATTA, ROBERT EDWARD House of RepsRepublicanOH 05P$1,50005/02/2017
LEWIS, JASON MARK MR. House of RepsRepublicanMN 02P$1,00011/07/2017
LOUDERMILK, BARRY House of RepsRepublicanGA 11P$1,50005/22/2017
LUETKEMEYER, W BLAINE House of RepsRepublicanMO 03P$1,00001/30/2017
LUETKEMEYER, W BLAINE House of RepsRepublicanMO 03P$1,50011/07/2017
LUETKEMEYER, W BLAINE House of RepsRepublicanMO 03G$1,00011/07/2017
LUETKEMEYER, W BLAINE House of RepsRepublicanMO 03P$2,50008/24/2017
MACARTHUR, THOMAS House of RepsRepublicanNJ 03P$1,00003/15/2017
MALONEY, CAROLYN B. House of RepsDemocratNY 12P$2,50004/18/2017
MANCHIN III, JOE SenateDemocratWV --P$1,00007/12/2017
MARCHANT, KENNY E MR. House of RepsRepublicanTX 24P$1,00003/20/2017
MCCARTHY, KEVIN House of RepsRepublicanCA 23P$2,50007/24/2017
MCCASKILL, CLAIRE SenateDemocratMO --P$1,00010/04/2017
MCHENRY, PATRICK House of RepsRepublicanNC 10P$5,00006/21/2017
MEEKS, GREGORY W. House of RepsDemocratNY 05P$1,00010/25/2017
MESSER, ALLEN LUCAS House of RepsRepublicanIN 06P$1,00003/20/2017
MURPHY, CHRISTOPHER S MR SenateDemocratCT --P$1,50002/08/2017
NELSON, BILL SenateDemocratFL --P$1,00011/07/2017
NELSON, BILL SenateDemocratFL --P$1,00011/07/2017
PASCRELL, WILLIAM J. JR. House of RepsDemocratNJ 09P$1,00007/12/2017
POLIQUIN, BRUCE L House of RepsRepublicanME 02P$1,00003/20/2017
POLIQUIN, BRUCE L House of RepsRepublicanME 02P$1,00008/24/2017
PORTMAN, ROB THE HONORA SenateRepublicanOH --P$1,00009/27/2017
RATCLIFFE, JOHN L House of RepsRepublicanTX 04P$1,00004/18/2017
ROSKAM, PETER House of RepsRepublicanIL 06P$1,00006/26/2017
ROSS, DENNIS ALAN House of RepsRepublicanFL 15P$2,00004/24/2017
ROTHFUS, KEITH MR. House of RepsRepublicanPA 17P$1,00010/25/2017
ROYCE, ED MR. House of RepsRepublicanCA 39P$2,50003/29/2017
RYAN, PAUL D. House of RepsRepublicanWI 01P$2,50011/07/2017
SCOTT, DAVID ALBERT House of RepsDemocratGA 13P$1,00003/20/2017
SCOTT, JAMES AUSTIN House of RepsRepublicanGA 08P$1,00006/20/2017
SCOTT, TIMOTHY E SenateRepublicanSC --P$3,00004/24/2017
SESSIONS, PETE MR. House of RepsRepublicanTX 32P$1,00006/21/2017
SEWELL, TERRI A. House of RepsDemocratAL 07P$1,00010/04/2017
SEWELL, TERRI A. House of RepsDemocratAL 07P$1,00011/07/2017
SINEMA, KYRSTEN House of RepsDemocratAZ 09P$1,00003/15/2017
SINEMA, KYRSTEN House of RepsDemocratAZ 09P$1,00005/17/2017
SINEMA, KYRSTEN House of RepsDemocratAZ 09P$2,50009/27/2017
STEFANIK, ELISE M. House of RepsRepublicanNY 21P$1,00006/20/2017
STIVERS, STEVE MR. House of RepsRepublicanOH 15P$1,00007/28/2017
TENNEY, CLAUDIA House of RepsRepublicanVA 22P$1,00011/29/2017
TESTER, JON SenateDemocratMT --G$50006/20/2017
TESTER, JON SenateDemocratMT --P$50006/20/2017
THUNE, JOHN SenateRepublicanSD --P$2,50011/07/2017
TIBERI, PATRICK J. House of RepsRepublicanOH 12P$2,00002/08/2017
TOOMEY, PATRICK JOSEPH SenateRepublicanPA --P$1,50003/15/2017
WAGNER, ANN L. House of RepsRepublicanMO 02P$3,50006/20/2017
WAGNER, ANN L. House of RepsRepublicanMO 02P$1,50004/24/2017
WALBERG, TIMOTHY L REP House of RepsRepublicanMI 07P$1,00006/20/2017
WILLIAMS, ROGER House of RepsRepublicanTX 25P$2,00006/20/2017
YODER, KEVIN House of RepsRepublicanKS 03P$1,00008/24/2017
ZELDIN, LEE M House of RepsRepublicanNY 01P$2,50003/15/2017


   Individual's Name
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Committees (PACs):
"527" Organizations:
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   Contributors by Zip


   Top $$$ Contributors
   Contributions by Zip
   Candidates by State
   Committees (PACs)
   527 Organizations


Celebrity Contributors:
   Aaron Sorkin
   Andrew Fastow
   Arnold Palmer
   Arnold Schwarzenegger
   Ben Affleck
   Bill Cosby
   Bill Gates
   Calvin Klein
   Dennis Kozlowski
   Donald Trump
   George Soros
   Hugh Hefner
   Jack Grubman
   Jeff Skilling
   John Grisham
   John Rigas
   Ken Lay
   Martha Stewart
   Mel Gibson
   Oprah Winfrey
   Ralph Lauren
   Donald Trump
   Richard Scrushy
   Rush Limbaugh
   Sam Waksal
   Scott Sullivan
   Steven Spielberg
   Tom Cruise
   Tommy Hilfiger
Industry Contributors:
   CEO/Chief Executives
   College Professors
   Trial Lawyers
   Golf Professionals
   Poker Professionals
   Mortgage Brokers
   Futures Brokers
   Stock Brokers
   Options Brokers
   Life Insurance
   Health Insurance
   Auto Insurance
   Securities Lawyers
   Boats & Yachts
   Defense Contracts
Baseball Contributors:
   New York Yankees
   Boston Red Sox
   Chicago Cubs
Notable Politicians:
   Barack Obama
   George W Bush
   John Kerry
   Ralph Nader
   Hillary Clinton
   Apple Computer
   New York Times
   News Corporation
   General Electric
   Exxon Mobil
   Ford Motor
   Anheuser Busch
Top 10 Contributors:
   Thomas Steyer
   Linda Mcmahon
   Sheldon Adelson
   Miriam Adelson
   Bob Perry
   Michael Bloomberg
   Harold Simmons
   Fred Eychaner
   J Ricketts
   John Raese