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Campaign Contribution Details
2002 Election Cycle

Committee Information
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CHICAGO, IL  60611
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Financial Details in the 2002 Election Cycle

Through 12/31/2002
Category$ Dollar Amount
Total Receipts$0
Transfers From Affiliates$0
Contributions From Individuals$0
Contributions From Other Political Committees$0
Total Loans Received$0
Total Disbursements$815,697
Transfers To Affiliates$0
Refunds To Individuals$0
Refunds to Committees$0
Loan Repayments$0
Beginning Cash$0
Ending Cash$0
Debts Owed By$0
Nonfederal Transfers Received$0
Contributions Made To Other Committees$0
Independent Expenditures Made$0
Party Coordinated Expenditures Made$0
Nonfederal Share of Expenditures$0

Top 100 Donations/Contributions in the 2002 Election Cycle

$ Amount
No Itemized Contributions Reported

Political Candidates Receiving Contributions in the 2002 Election Cycle from

Candidate NameOfficePartyStateDistrictPrimary/
$ Dollar
ALLARD, A WAYNE SenateRepublicanCO --G$16,93509/30/2002
ALLARD, A WAYNE SenateRepublicanCO --G$2,28710/11/2002
ALLARD, A WAYNE SenateRepublicanCO --G$7,22210/16/2002
ALLARD, A WAYNE SenateRepublicanCO --G$10,62410/25/2002
ALLARD, A WAYNE SenateRepublicanCO --G$29,79810/30/2002
ALLARD, A WAYNE SenateRepublicanCO --G$4,87911/04/2002
ATKINS, LISA ANN House of RepsRepublicanAZ 02P$34,55309/09/2002
BALLENGER, THOMAS CASS House of RepsRepublicanNC 10G$3,29410/30/2002
BARR, ROBERT L JR House of RepsRepublicanGA 07P$3,10008/17/2002
BARR, ROBERT L JR House of RepsRepublicanGA 07P$26,11908/19/2002
BAUCUS, MAX S SenateDemocratMT --G$7,27210/30/2002
BELL, R CHRISTOPHER House of RepsDemocratTX 25G$7,37310/30/2002
BERKLEY, SHELLEY House of RepsDemocratNV 01G$5,67910/30/2002
BERRY, MARION House of RepsDemocratAR 01G$2,64510/30/2002
BISHOP, ROBERT WILLIAM House of RepsRepublicanUT 01G$5,15510/30/2002
BOEHLERT, SHERWOOD L House of RepsRepublicanNY 24P$2,38509/09/2002
BRADLEY, JOSEPH E III House of RepsRepublicanNH 01G$7,55710/30/2002
CALVERT, KENNETH S House of RepsRepublicanCA 44G$8,52610/30/2002
CANTOR, ERIC House of RepsRepublicanVA 07G$5,60310/30/2002
CAPITO, SHELLEY MOORE House of RepsRepublicanWV 02G$5,38410/25/2002
CAPITO, SHELLEY MOORE House of RepsRepublicanWV 02G$4,17210/30/2002
CAPITO, SHELLEY MOORE House of RepsRepublicanWV 02G$7,89810/16/2002
CAPITO, SHELLEY MOORE House of RepsRepublicanWV 02G$2,30309/30/2002
CARDOZA, DENNIS House of RepsDemocratCA 18G$9,87810/25/2002
CARDOZA, DENNIS House of RepsDemocratCA 18G$6,27110/16/2002
CARDOZA, DENNIS House of RepsDemocratCA 18G$3,65009/30/2002
CARDOZA, DENNIS House of RepsDemocratCA 18G$3,81010/30/2002
CHAPMAN, RON House of RepsDemocratTX 05G$5,69210/30/2002
CRAIG, LARRY E SenateRepublicanID --G$7,98710/30/2002
CUBIN, BARBARA L House of RepsRepublicanWY 01G$3,91810/30/2002
DAVIS, LINCOLN House of RepsDemocratTN 04G$7,26010/30/2002
DAVIS, SUSAN A House of RepsDemocratCA 53G$4,63910/30/2002
DEGETTE, DIANA LOUISE House of RepsDemocratCO 01P$5,87008/12/2002
DINGELL, JOHN D. House of RepsDemocratDC 15P$5,36408/05/2002
EDWARDS, CHET House of RepsDemocratTX 11G$3,43010/30/2002
EMANUEL, RAHM ISRAEL House of RepsDemocratIL 05P$5,74203/13/2002
EMANUEL, RAHM ISRAEL House of RepsDemocratIL 05G$5,80310/30/2002
FEENEY, TOM House of RepsRepublicanFL 24G$10,93810/30/2002
FOLEY, MARK House of RepsRepublicanFL 16G$7,85010/30/2002
GEPHARDT, RICHARD A House of RepsDemocratMO 03G$3,83010/30/2002
GERLACH, JIM House of RepsRepublicanPA 06G$7,28110/30/2002
GORDON, BARTON JENNINGS House of RepsDemocratTN 06G$3,53110/30/2002
GREEN, MARK A House of RepsRepublicanWI 08G$4,08510/30/2002
GREENWOOD, JAMES C House of RepsRepublicanPA 08G$4,17410/30/2002
GUTKNECHT, GILBERT WILLIAM JR House of RepsRepublicanMN 01G$3,10010/30/2002
HARMAN, JANE House of RepsDemocratCA 36G$5,13710/30/2002
HOBSON, DAVID LEE House of RepsRepublicanOH 07G$3,92710/30/2002
HOEFFEL, JOSEPH M House of RepsDemocratPA 13G$3,22710/30/2002
HOLT, RUSH DEW House of RepsDemocratNJ 12G$7,82310/30/2002
HOOLEY, DARLENE House of RepsDemocratOR 05G$4,20010/30/2002
ISRAEL, STEVE House of RepsDemocratNY 02G$9,75510/30/2002
ISTOOK, ERNEST J JR House of RepsRepublicanOK 05G$4,17910/30/2002
KANJORSKI, PAUL E House of RepsDemocratPA 11G$4,43510/30/2002
KANJORSKI, PAUL E House of RepsDemocratPA 11G$3,29808/23/2002
KIRK, MARK STEVEN House of RepsRepublicanIL 10G$7,78510/30/2002
KNOLLENBERG, JOSEPH K House of RepsRepublicanMI 09G$10,51310/30/2002
LANDRIEU, MARY L SenateDemocratLA --G$20,29710/30/2002
LARSEN, RICHARD RAY House of RepsDemocratWA 02G$3,71610/30/2002
LOBIONDO, FRANK A House of RepsRepublicanNJ 02G$7,90710/30/2002
LOWEY, NITA M House of RepsDemocratNY 18G$7,78110/30/2002
LUCAS, KENNETH RAY House of RepsDemocratKY 04G$7,26310/30/2002
MCCOTTER, THADDEUS G House of RepsRepublicanMI 11G$4,50610/30/2002
MCINTYRE, MIKE House of RepsDemocratNC 07G$4,13710/30/2002
MEEKS, GREGORY W House of RepsDemocratNY 06G$3,21310/30/2002
MICA, JOHN L REP. House of RepsRepublicanFL 07G$13,14210/30/2002
MILLER, CANDICE S House of RepsRepublicanMI 10G$7,38310/30/2002
MILLER, JEFFERSON B House of RepsRepublicanFL 01G$6,02910/30/2002
MILLER, JEFFERSON B House of RepsRepublicanFL 01S$3,01207/18/2001
MILLER, JEFFERSON B House of RepsRepublicanFL 01S$11,92207/21/2001
MORELLA, CONSTANCE A House of RepsRepublicanDC 08G$10,86410/30/2002
NORRIS, JOHN ROBERT House of RepsDemocratIA 04G$5,52410/25/2002
NORRIS, JOHN ROBERT House of RepsDemocratIA 04G$5,02910/30/2002
NORRIS, JOHN ROBERT House of RepsDemocratIA 04G$5,59909/30/2002
NORRIS, JOHN ROBERT House of RepsDemocratIA 04G$4,02310/16/2002
NORRIS, JOHN ROBERT House of RepsDemocratIA 04G$72710/11/2002
NORTHUP, ANNE MEAGHER House of RepsRepublicanKY 03G$4,80510/16/2002
NORTHUP, ANNE MEAGHER House of RepsRepublicanKY 03G$8,66809/30/2002
NORTHUP, ANNE MEAGHER House of RepsRepublicanKY 03G$9,75410/30/2002
NORTHUP, ANNE MEAGHER House of RepsRepublicanKY 03G$10,13710/25/2002
NUNES, DEVIN House of RepsRepublicanCA 21G$2,53910/30/2002
OBEY, DAVID R House of RepsDemocratWI 7G$3,13110/30/2002
OTTER, C L BUTCH House of RepsRepublicanID 01G$4,55710/30/2002
PENCE, MIKE House of RepsRepublicanIN 06G$3,15710/30/2002
POMBO, RICHARD House of RepsRepublicanCA 11G$5,69610/30/2002
POMEROY, EARL RALPH House of RepsDemocratND 00G$4,42810/30/2002
QUINN, JACK House of RepsRepublicanNY 27G$2,82910/30/2002
REHBERG, DENNIS R House of RepsRepublicanMT 00G$5,30410/30/2002
RICHARDSON, ELAINE House of RepsDemocratAZ 07P$16,78109/09/2002
ROGERS, MICHAEL DENNIS House of RepsRepublicanAL 03G$4,15310/30/2002
ROGERS, MICHAEL J House of RepsRepublicanMI 08G$5,36310/30/2002
RUPPERSBERGER, C.A. DUTCH House of RepsDemocratMD 02G$6,20410/30/2002
SAXTON, H JAMES House of RepsRepublicanNJ 03G$8,00810/30/2002
SHAW, E CLAY JR House of RepsRepublicanFL 22G$19,07610/30/2002
SHERMAN, BRAD House of RepsDemocratCA 27G$5,48910/30/2002
SIEGRIST, JOHN B House of RepsRepublicanIA 05P$2,83805/30/2002
SIMMONS, ROBERT R House of RepsRepublicanCT 02G$11,43909/30/2002
SIMMONS, ROBERT R House of RepsRepublicanCT 02G$8,89110/25/2002
SIMMONS, ROBERT R House of RepsRepublicanCT 02G$7,07610/16/2002
SIMMONS, ROBERT R House of RepsRepublicanCT 02G$7,23410/30/2002
SMITH, ADAM House of RepsDemocratWA 09G$3,13010/30/2002
STENHOLM, CHARLES W House of RepsDemocratTX 17G$2,37610/30/2002
SULLIVAN, JOHN House of RepsRepublicanOK 01G$5,06710/30/2002
TANNER, JOHN S House of RepsDemocratTN 08G$2,19110/30/2002
TAYLOR, CHARLES H House of RepsRepublicanNC 11G$4,20210/30/2002
TERRY, LEE R House of RepsRepublicanNE 02G$4,11510/30/2002
THOMPSON, STANLEY J House of RepsRepublicanIA 03G$5,52410/25/2002
THOMPSON, STANLEY J House of RepsRepublicanIA 03G$6,53010/30/2002
THOMPSON, STANLEY J House of RepsRepublicanIA 03G$73310/11/2002
THOMPSON, STANLEY J House of RepsRepublicanIA 03G$6,30309/30/2002
THOMPSON, STANLEY J House of RepsRepublicanIA 03G$4,02310/16/2002
THURMAN, KAREN L House of RepsDemocratFL 05G$11,43810/25/2002
THURMAN, KAREN L House of RepsDemocratFL 05G$74410/11/2002
THURMAN, KAREN L House of RepsDemocratFL 05G$6,39910/16/2002
THURMAN, KAREN L House of RepsDemocratFL 05G$3,92409/30/2002
THURMAN, KAREN L House of RepsDemocratFL 05G$8,01410/30/2002
VITTER, DAVID B House of RepsRepublicanLA 01G$7,24710/30/2002
WAMP, ZACH House of RepsRepublicanTN 03G$2,71010/30/2002
WATERS, MAXINE House of RepsDemocratCA 35G$61110/30/2002
WILSON, HEATHER ANN House of RepsRepublicanNM 01G$8,24310/30/2002
WILSON, HEATHER ANN House of RepsRepublicanNM 01G$2,59610/16/2002


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Committees (PACs):
"527" Organizations:
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   Contributors by Zip


   Top $$$ Contributors
   Contributions by Zip
   Candidates by State
   Committees (PACs)
   527 Organizations


Celebrity Contributors:
   Aaron Sorkin
   Andrew Fastow
   Arnold Palmer
   Arnold Schwarzenegger
   Ben Affleck
   Bill Cosby
   Bill Gates
   Calvin Klein
   Dennis Kozlowski
   Donald Trump
   George Soros
   Hugh Hefner
   Jack Grubman
   Jeff Skilling
   John Grisham
   John Rigas
   Ken Lay
   Martha Stewart
   Mel Gibson
   Oprah Winfrey
   Ralph Lauren
   Donald Trump
   Richard Scrushy
   Rush Limbaugh
   Sam Waksal
   Scott Sullivan
   Steven Spielberg
   Tom Cruise
   Tommy Hilfiger
Industry Contributors:
   CEO/Chief Executives
   College Professors
   Trial Lawyers
   Golf Professionals
   Poker Professionals
   Mortgage Brokers
   Futures Brokers
   Stock Brokers
   Options Brokers
   Life Insurance
   Health Insurance
   Auto Insurance
   Securities Lawyers
   Boats & Yachts
   Defense Contracts
Baseball Contributors:
   New York Yankees
   Boston Red Sox
   Chicago Cubs
Notable Politicians:
   Barack Obama
   George W Bush
   John Kerry
   Ralph Nader
   Hillary Clinton
   Apple Computer
   New York Times
   News Corporation
   General Electric
   Exxon Mobil
   Ford Motor
   Anheuser Busch
Top 10 Contributors:
   Thomas Steyer
   Linda Mcmahon
   Sheldon Adelson
   Miriam Adelson
   Bob Perry
   Michael Bloomberg
   Harold Simmons
   Fred Eychaner
   J Ricketts
   John Raese