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Los Altos, CA 94022
Political Campaign Contributions
2018 Election Cycle

Zip Code Totals

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From this Zip Code for 2018
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2020 $26,086,425 $2,830,990
2018 $14,809,832 $3,479,324
2016 $6,481,956 $2,461,001
2014 $2,759,985 $1,323,556
2012 $4,470,000 $2,357,202
2010 $2,152,539 $1,055,909
2008 $3,509,426 $2,177,833
2006 $1,622,045 $982,921
2004 $2,218,090 $1,202,642
2002 $5,557,842 $233,950
2000 $3,784,557 $298,525

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2018 Election Cycle
Political Campaign Donor/Contributor List

$ AmountDatePrimary/
Contibuted To
HANSON, KATHRYN Retired/Retired$250 08/21/2018P ACTBLUE
HANSON, KATHRYN Not Employed/Retired$1,000 05/31/2018P ROSEN FOR NEVADA - Democrat
HARDIMAN, CHRISTOPHER Herzog Insurance Agecny Inc/Insurance Sales$250 09/21/2017P MARK DESAULNIER FOR CONGRESS - Democrat
HARDIMAN, CHRISTOPHER Herzog Insurance Agecny Inc/Insurance Sales$250 09/21/2017P ACTBLUE
HARDING, JANET Not-Employed/Not-Employed$20 12/28/2018P EMILY'S LIST
HARDING, JANET None/Not Employed$15 12/23/2018P END CITIZENS UNITED
HARDING, JANET None/Retired$15 12/23/2018P ACTBLUE
HARDING, JANET Not-Employed/Not-Employed$20 11/28/2018P EMILY'S LIST
HARDING, JANET None/Not Employed$15 11/23/2018P END CITIZENS UNITED
HARDING, JANET None/Retired$15 11/23/2018P ACTBLUE
HARDING, JANET None/Retired$15 10/23/2018P ACTBLUE
HARDING, JANET None/Retired$15 12/29/2017P ACTBLUE
HARDING, JANET None/Not Employed$15 12/29/2017P END CITIZENS UNITED
HARDING, JANET Not-Employed/Not-Employed$20 12/28/2017P EMILY'S LIST
HARDING, JANET None/Not Employed$5 12/17/2017P END CITIZENS UNITED
HARDING, JANET None/Retired$5 12/17/2017P ACTBLUE
HARDING, JANET None/Retired$2 12/13/2017P ACTBLUE
HARDING, JANET None/Not Employed$2 12/13/2017P END CITIZENS UNITED
HARDING, JANET None/Not Employed$5 12/10/2017P END CITIZENS UNITED
HARDING, JANET None/Retired$5 12/10/2017P ACTBLUE
HARDING, JANET None/Retired$10 12/09/2017P ACTBLUE
HARDING, JANET None/Not Employed$10 12/09/2017P END CITIZENS UNITED
HARDING, JANET None/Not Employed$7 12/02/2017P END CITIZENS UNITED
HARDING, JANET None/Retired$7 12/02/2017P ACTBLUE
HARDING, JANET None/Retired$15 11/29/2017P ACTBLUE
HARDING, JANET None/Not Employed$15 11/29/2017P END CITIZENS UNITED
HARDING, JANET Not-Employed/Not-Employed$20 11/28/2017P EMILY'S LIST
HARDING, JANET None/Not Employed$5 11/17/2017P END CITIZENS UNITED
HARDING, JANET None/Retired$5 11/17/2017P ACTBLUE
HARDING, JANET None/Retired$2 11/13/2017P ACTBLUE
HARDING, JANET None/Not Employed$2 11/13/2017P END CITIZENS UNITED
HARDING, JANET None/Not Employed$5 11/10/2017P END CITIZENS UNITED
HARDING, JANET None/Retired$5 11/10/2017P ACTBLUE
HARDING, JANET None/Retired$10 11/09/2017P ACTBLUE
HARDING, JANET None/Not Employed$10 11/09/2017P END CITIZENS UNITED
HARDING, JANET None/Not Employed$15 10/29/2017P END CITIZENS UNITED
HARDING, JANET None/Retired$15 10/29/2017P ACTBLUE
HARDING, JANET None/Retired$5 10/17/2017P ACTBLUE
HARDING, JANET None/Not Employed$5 10/17/2017P END CITIZENS UNITED
HARDING, JANET None/Not Employed$2 10/13/2017P END CITIZENS UNITED
HARDING, JANET None/Retired$2 10/13/2017P ACTBLUE
HARDING, JANET None/Retired$5 10/10/2017P ACTBLUE
HARDING, JANET None/Not Employed$5 10/10/2017P END CITIZENS UNITED
HARDING, JANET None/Not Employed$10 10/09/2017P END CITIZENS UNITED
HARDING, JANET None/Retired$10 10/09/2017P ACTBLUE
HARDING, JANET None/Retired$15 09/29/2017P ACTBLUE
HARDING, JANET None/Not Employed$15 09/29/2017P END CITIZENS UNITED
HARDING, JANET None/Not Employed$5 09/17/2017P END CITIZENS UNITED
HARDING, JANET None/Retired$5 09/17/2017P ACTBLUE
HARDING, JANET None/Retired$7 09/13/2017P ACTBLUE
HARDING, JANET None/Not Employed$7 09/13/2017P END CITIZENS UNITED
HARDING, JANET None/Not Employed$5 09/10/2017P END CITIZENS UNITED
HARDING, JANET None/Retired$5 09/10/2017P ACTBLUE
HARDING, JANET None/Retired$10 09/09/2017P ACTBLUE
HARDING, JANET None/Not Employed$10 09/09/2017P END CITIZENS UNITED
HARDING, JANET Not Employed/Not Employed$5 08/17/2017P END CITIZENS UNITED
HARDING, JANET None/Retired$5 08/17/2017P ACTBLUE
HARDING, JANET None/Retired$15 08/14/2017P ACTBLUE
HARDING, JANET Not Employed/Not Employed$15 08/14/2017P END CITIZENS UNITED
HARDING, JANET Not Employed/Not Employed$5 08/10/2017P END CITIZENS UNITED
HARDING, JANET None/Retired$5 08/10/2017P ACTBLUE
HARDING, JANET None/Retired$10 08/09/2017P ACTBLUE
HARDING, JANET Not Employed/Not Employed$10 08/09/2017P END CITIZENS UNITED
HARDING, JANET Not Employed/Not Employed$15 07/31/2017P END CITIZENS UNITED
HARDING, JANET None/Retired$15 07/31/2017P ACTBLUE
HARDING, JANET None/Retired$10 07/21/2017P ACTBLUE
HARDING, JANET Not Employed/Not Employed$10 07/21/2017P END CITIZENS UNITED
HARDING, JANET Not Employed/Not Employed$5 07/17/2017P END CITIZENS UNITED
HARDING, JANET None/Retired$5 07/17/2017P ACTBLUE
HARDING, JANET None/Retired$5 07/10/2017P ACTBLUE
HARDING, JANET Not Employed/Not Employed$5 07/10/2017P END CITIZENS UNITED
HARDING, JANET Not Employed/Not Employed$10 07/09/2017P END CITIZENS UNITED
HARDING, JANET None/Retired$10 07/09/2017P ACTBLUE
HARDING, JANET None/Retired$5 06/17/2017P ACTBLUE
HARDING, JANET Not Employed/Not Employed$5 06/17/2017P END CITIZENS UNITED
HARDING, JANET Not Employed/Not Employed$5 06/10/2017P END CITIZENS UNITED
HARDING, JANET None/Retired$5 06/10/2017P ACTBLUE
HARDING, JANET None/Retired$10 06/09/2017P ACTBLUE
HARDING, JANET Not Employed/Not Employed$10 06/09/2017P END CITIZENS UNITED
HARRIS, JEAN O None/Retired$300 06/30/2017P DSCC - Democrat
HARRISON, MICHELE Not Employed/Not Employed$25 11/01/2018P ACTBLUE
HARRISON, MICHELE Not Employed/Not Employed$25 11/01/2018G ANDREW JANZ FOR CONGRESS - Democrat
HARRISON, MICHELE Not Employed/Not Employed$50 10/28/2018G ANDREW JANZ FOR CONGRESS - Democrat
HARRISON, MICHELE Not Employed/Not Employed$50 10/28/2018P ACTBLUE
HARRISON, MICHELE Not Employed/Not Employed$25 10/01/2018P ACTBLUE
HARRISON, MICHELE Not Employed/Not Employed$25 10/01/2018G ANDREW JANZ FOR CONGRESS - Democrat
HARRISON, MICHELE Not Employed/Not Employed$50 09/28/2018G ANDREW JANZ FOR CONGRESS - Democrat
HARRISON, MICHELE Not Employed/Not Employed$50 09/28/2018P ACTBLUE
HARRISON, MICHELE Not Employed/Not Employed$25 09/01/2018P ACTBLUE
HARRISON, MICHELE Not Employed/Not Employed$25 09/01/2018G ANDREW JANZ FOR CONGRESS - Democrat
HARRISON, MICHELE Not Employed/Not Employed$50 08/28/2018G ANDREW JANZ FOR CONGRESS - Democrat
HARRISON, MICHELE Not Employed/Not Employed$25 08/01/2018G ANDREW JANZ FOR CONGRESS - Democrat
HARRISON, MICHELE Not Employed/Not Employed$50 07/28/2018G ANDREW JANZ FOR CONGRESS - Democrat
HEALY, DAVID Fenwick & West Llp/Attorney$500 03/30/2018P RO FOR CONGRESS INC - Democrat
HECKMANN, SHERYL Not Employed/Retired$500 10/21/2018G JOSH HARDER FOR CONGRESS - Democrat
HECKMANN, SHERYL Not Employed/Not Employed$49 08/31/2018P ACTBLUE
HECKMANN, SHERYL Not Employed/Not Employed$49 08/31/2018G RED TO BLUE CA
HECKMANN, SHERYL Not Employed/Retired$500 05/31/2018P JOSH HARDER FOR CONGRESS - Democrat
HECKMANN, SHERYL Not Employed/Not Employed$500 05/31/2018P ACTBLUE
HECKMANN, SHERYL Not Employed/Not Employed$3,700 03/29/2018P ACTBLUE
HECKMANN, SHERYL Not Employed/Not Employed$250 01/06/2018P ACTBLUE
HECKMANN, SHERYL Not Employed/Not Employed$250 01/06/2018P RED TO BLUE CA
HECKMANN, SHERYL Self-Employed/Attorney$250 11/10/2017P LOFGREN FOR CONGRESS - Democrat
HECKMANN, SHERYL Not Employed/Not Employed$250 05/13/2017P ACTBLUE
HECKMANN, SHERYL Not Employed/Not Employed$250 05/13/2017P ACTBLUE
HECKMANN, SHERYL Not Employed/Retired$250 05/13/2017 JON OSSOFF FOR CONGRESS - Democrat
HECKMANN, SHERYL Not Employed/Not Employed$250 05/13/2017 ROB QUIST FOR MONTANA - Democrat
HECKMANN, SHERYL L Self Employed/Attorney$1,000 05/03/2017G WHITEHOUSE FOR SENATE - Democrat
HECKMANN, SHERYL L Self Employed/Attorney$1,000 05/03/2017G WHITEHOUSE FOR SENATE - Democrat
HECKMANN, SHERYL L. N/A/Retired$3,700 03/29/2018P OCEANS PAC
HELTON, ANNA B Retired/Retired$35 09/11/2018G DNC SERVICES CORP./DEM. NAT'L COMMITTEE - Democrat
HELTON, ANNA B Retired/Retired$35 08/09/2018G DNC SERVICES CORP./DEM. NAT'L COMMITTEE - Democrat
HELTON, ANNA B Retired/Retired$35 07/11/2018G DNC SERVICES CORP./DEM. NAT'L COMMITTEE - Democrat
HELTON, ANNA B. Not Employed/Retired$50 10/03/2018G ROSEN FOR NEVADA - Democrat
HELTON, ANNA B. Not Employed/Retired$50 07/09/2018G ROSEN FOR NEVADA - Democrat
HENDRICKS, SHARON Gunderson Dettmer/Attorney$250 10/05/2018P ACTBLUE
HENDRICKS, SHARON Gunderson Dettmer/Attorney$250 10/05/2018G HEIDI FOR SENATE - Democrat
HENDRICKS, SHARON J $250 10/18/2018P DSCC - Democrat
HENDRICKS, SHARON J $250 05/30/2018P DSCC - Democrat
HERCHEN, HARALD Applied Materials/Engineer$75 11/11/2017 JUDGE ROY MOORE FOR US SENATE - Republican
HERCHEN, HARALD MR. Applied Materials/Engineer$90 06/18/2018P REPUBLICAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE - Republican
HERCHEN, HARALD MR. Applied Materials/Engineer$50 06/22/2017P REPUBLICAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE - Republican
HERCHEN, HARALD MR. Applied Materials/Engineer$100 06/02/2017P REPUBLICAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE - Republican
HERCHEN, HARALD MR. Applied Materials/Engineer$100 04/11/2017P REPUBLICAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE - Republican
HERMAN, JANE Retired/Retired$250 10/29/2018P HOUSE FREEDOM FUND
HILL, DAWN L. Adway, Inc./Owner$200 09/21/2018P CALIFORNIA REPUBLICAN PARTY FEDERAL ACCT. - Republican
HILL, DAWN L. Adway, Inc./Owner$100 02/15/2018P CALIFORNIA REPUBLICAN PARTY FEDERAL ACCT. - Republican
HILL, DAWN L. MS. Self-Employed/Self-Employed$51 10/05/2018P REPUBLICAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE - Republican
HILL, DAWN L. MS. Self-Employed/Asset Manager$300 03/05/2018P REPUBLICAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE - Republican
HILL, DAWN L. MS. Self-Employed/Asset Manager$300 01/09/2018P REPUBLICAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE - Republican
HILL, DAWN L. MS. Self-Employed/Asset Manager$300 05/30/2017P REPUBLICAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE - Republican
HILL, DAWN LORRAINE MRS. Self-Employed/Investments$100 11/02/2018P NRSC - Republican
HIRMAND, MAHBOBEH $-100 01/13/2017P NRSC - Republican
HITZ, JERRE A Not Employed/Not Employed$2,700 05/18/2018P ANDY KIM FOR CONGRESS - Democrat
HITZ, JERRE A Not Employed/Not Employed$2,700 05/18/2018G ANDY KIM FOR CONGRESS - Democrat
HITZ, JERRE A. $2,000 03/12/2018P EMILY'S LIST
HO, JAMES Crimson Capital/Investor$2,700 10/23/2018G ANNA ESHOO FOR CONGRESS - Democrat
HO, JOHN Crimson Capital/Investor$2,700 10/23/2018P ACTBLUE
HOOD, GAVIN Palantir/Chief Of Staff$5,000 12/17/2018P DEFEND AMERICA PAC - Republican
HORDINER, PHILIP N/A/Not Employed$15 08/27/2018P CHC BOLD PAC
HORDINER, PHILIP N/A/Not Employed$15 07/31/2018P CHC BOLD PAC
HORDINER, PHILIP N/A/Not Employed$15 07/30/2018P CHC BOLD PAC
HORDINER, PHILIP Retired/Retired$20 04/23/2018P ELIZABETH FOR MA, INC - Democrat
HORDINER, PHILIP Retired/Retired$25 02/26/2018P ELIZABETH FOR MA, INC - Democrat
HORDINER, PHILIP N/A/Not Employed$15 12/31/2017P CHC BOLD PAC
HORDINER, PHILIP N/A/Not Employed$15 12/25/2017P CHC BOLD PAC
HORDINER, PHILIP N/A/Not Employed$15 11/30/2017P CHC BOLD PAC
HORDINER, PHILIP N/A/Not Employed$15 11/27/2017P CHC BOLD PAC
HORDINER, PHILIP Retired/Retired$10 11/12/2017P ELIZABETH FOR MA, INC - Democrat
HORDINER, PHILIP N/A/Not Employed$15 10/31/2017P CHC BOLD PAC
HORDINER, PHILIP N/A/Not Employed$15 10/30/2017P CHC BOLD PAC
HORDINER, PHILIP N/A/Not Employed$15 09/30/2017P CHC BOLD PAC
HORDINER, PHILIP N/A/Not Employed$15 09/25/2017P CHC BOLD PAC
HORDINER, PHILIP N/A/Not Employed$15 08/31/2017P CHC BOLD PAC
HORDINER, PHILIP N/A/Not Employed$15 08/28/2017P CHC BOLD PAC
HORDINER, PHILIP None/Not Employed$100 05/08/2017P ELIZABETH FOR MA, INC - Democrat
HOROWITZ, ROBERT Pierre And Tana Matisse Foundatio/Executive$8 12/14/2018P END CITIZENS UNITED
HOROWITZ, ROBERT Pierre And Tana Matisse Foundatio/Executive$8 12/14/2018P ACTBLUE
HOROWITZ, ROBERT Pierre And Tana Matisse Foundatio/Executive$4 12/12/2018P ACTBLUE
HOROWITZ, ROBERT Pierre And Tana Matisse Foundatio/Executive$4 12/12/2018P END CITIZENS UNITED
HOROWITZ, ROBERT Pierre & Tana Matisse Foundation/Executive$50 12/12/2018P EMILY'S LIST
HOROWITZ, ROBERT Pierre & Tana Matisse Foundation/Executive$15 12/04/2018P EMILY'S LIST
HOROWITZ, ROBERT Pierre And Tana Matisse Foundatio/Executive$4 12/02/2018P END CITIZENS UNITED
HOROWITZ, ROBERT Pierre And Tana Matisse Foundatio/Executive$4 12/02/2018P ACTBLUE
HOROWITZ, ROBERT Pierre And Tana Matisse Foundatio/Executive$4 11/29/2018P ACTBLUE
HOROWITZ, ROBERT Pierre And Tana Matisse Foundatio/Executive$4 11/29/2018P END CITIZENS UNITED
HOROWITZ, ROBERT Pierre And Tana Matisse Foundatio/Executive$2 11/26/2018P END CITIZENS UNITED
HOROWITZ, ROBERT Pierre And Tana Matisse Foundatio/Executive$2 11/26/2018P ACTBLUE
HOROWITZ, ROBERT Pierre And Tana Matisse Foundatio/Executive$4 11/20/2018P ACTBLUE
HOROWITZ, ROBERT Pierre And Tana Matisse Foundatio/Executive$4 11/20/2018P END CITIZENS UNITED
HOROWITZ, ROBERT Pierre And Tana Matisse Foundatio/Executive$4 11/17/2018P END CITIZENS UNITED
HOROWITZ, ROBERT Pierre And Tana Matisse Foundatio/Executive$4 11/17/2018P ACTBLUE
HOROWITZ, ROBERT Pierre And Tana Matisse Foundatio/Executive$4 11/15/2018P ACTBLUE
HOROWITZ, ROBERT Pierre And Tana Matisse Foundatio/Executive$4 11/15/2018P END CITIZENS UNITED
HOROWITZ, ROBERT Pierre And Tana Matisse Foundatio/Executive$4 11/13/2018P END CITIZENS UNITED
HOROWITZ, ROBERT Pierre And Tana Matisse Foundatio/Executive$4 11/13/2018P ACTBLUE
HOROWITZ, ROBERT Pierre And Tana Matisse Foundatio/Executive$4 11/10/2018P ACTBLUE
HOROWITZ, ROBERT Pierre And Tana Matisse Foundatio/Executive$4 11/10/2018P END CITIZENS UNITED
HOROWITZ, ROBERT Pierre And Tana Matisse Foundatio/Executive$4 11/09/2018P END CITIZENS UNITED
HOROWITZ, ROBERT Pierre And Tana Matisse Foundatio/Executive$4 11/09/2018P ACTBLUE
HOROWITZ, ROBERT Pierre And Tana Matisse Foundatio/Executive$4 11/07/2018P ACTBLUE
HOROWITZ, ROBERT Pierre And Tana Matisse Foundatio/Executive$4 11/07/2018P ACTBLUE
HOROWITZ, ROBERT Pierre And Tana Matisse Foundatio/Executive$10 11/06/2018P ACTBLUE
HOROWITZ, ROBERT Pierre & Tana Matisse Foundation/Executive$10 11/06/2018G ROSEN FOR NEVADA - Democrat
HOROWITZ, ROBERT Pierre And Tana Matisse Foundatio/Executive$8 11/05/2018P ACTBLUE
HOROWITZ, ROBERT Pierre And Tana Matisse Foundatio/Executive$4 11/05/2018P ACTBLUE
HOROWITZ, ROBERT Pierre And Tana Matisse Foundatio/Executive$4 11/05/2018P ACTBLUE
HOROWITZ, ROBERT Pierre & Tana Matisse Foundation/Executive$15 11/05/2018P EMILY'S LIST
HOROWITZ, ROBERT Pierre And Tana Matisse Foundatio/Executive$10 11/04/2018P ACTBLUE
HOROWITZ, ROBERT Pierre & Tana Matisse Foundation/Executive$10 11/04/2018G ROSEN FOR NEVADA - Democrat
HOROWITZ, ROBERT Pierre & Tana Matisse Foundation/Executive$15 11/02/2018P EMILY'S LIST
HOROWITZ, ROBERT Pierre & Tana Matisse Foundation/Executive$25 11/01/2018G ROSEN FOR NEVADA - Democrat
HOROWITZ, ROBERT Pierre & Tana Matisse Foundation/Executive$10 11/01/2018G ROSEN FOR NEVADA - Democrat
HOROWITZ, ROBERT Pierre And Tana Matisse Foundatio/Executive$10 11/01/2018P ACTBLUE
HOROWITZ, ROBERT Pierre And Tana Matisse Foundatio/Executive$25 11/01/2018P ACTBLUE
HOROWITZ, ROBERT Pierre And Tana Matisse Foundatio/Executive$10 10/31/2018P ACTBLUE
HOROWITZ, ROBERT Pierre And Tana Matisse Foundatio/Executive$10 10/31/2018G HEIDI FOR SENATE - Democrat
HOROWITZ, ROBERT Pierre & Tana Matisse Foundation/Executive$15 10/31/2018P EMILY'S LIST
HOROWITZ, ROBERT Pierre And Tana Matisse Foundatio/Executive$10 10/30/2018P ACTBLUE
HOROWITZ, ROBERT Pierre & Tana Matisse Foundation/Executive$10 10/30/2018G ROSEN FOR NEVADA - Democrat
HOROWITZ, ROBERT Pierre & Tana Matisse Foundation/Executive$25 10/29/2018G ROSEN FOR NEVADA - Democrat
HOROWITZ, ROBERT Pierre And Tana Matisse Foundatio/Executive$8 10/29/2018P ACTBLUE
HOROWITZ, ROBERT Pierre And Tana Matisse Foundatio/Executive$25 10/29/2018P ACTBLUE
HOROWITZ, ROBERT Pierre And Tana Matisse Foundatio/Executive$25 10/25/2018P ACTBLUE
HOROWITZ, ROBERT Pierre & Tana Matisse Foundation/Executive$25 10/25/2018G ROSEN FOR NEVADA - Democrat
HOROWITZ, ROBERT Pierre & Tana Matisse Foundation/Executive$10 10/23/2018G ROSEN FOR NEVADA - Democrat
HOROWITZ, ROBERT Pierre And Tana Matisse Foundatio/Executive$10 10/23/2018P ACTBLUE
HOROWITZ, ROBERT Pierre And Tana Matisse Foundatio/Executive$4 10/20/2018P ACTBLUE
HOROWITZ, ROBERT Pierre And Tana Matisse Foundatio/Executive$4 10/19/2018P ACTBLUE
HOROWITZ, ROBERT Pierre And Tana Matisse Foundatio/Executive$4 10/19/2018P ACTBLUE
HOROWITZ, ROBERT Pierre And Tana Matisse Foundatio/Executive$4 10/19/2018G HEIDI FOR SENATE - Democrat
HOROWITZ, ROBERT Pierre And Tana Matisse Foundatio/Executive$25 10/18/2018P ACTBLUE
HOROWITZ, ROBERT Pierre & Tana Matisse Foundation/Executive$25 10/18/2018G ROSEN FOR NEVADA - Democrat
HOROWITZ, ROBERT Pierre & Tana Matisse Foundation/Executive$15 10/18/2018P EMILY'S LIST
HOROWITZ, ROBERT Pierre And Tana Matisse Foundatio/Executive$10 10/17/2018P ACTBLUE
HOROWITZ, ROBERT Pierre And Tana Matisse Foundatio/Executive$10 10/17/2018G HEIDI FOR SENATE - Democrat
HOROWITZ, ROBERT Pierre And Tana Matisse Foundatio/Executive$4 10/16/2018G HEIDI FOR SENATE - Democrat
HOROWITZ, ROBERT Pierre And Tana Matisse Foundatio/Executive$4 10/16/2018P ACTBLUE
HOROWITZ, ROBERT Pierre And Tana Matisse Foundatio/Executive$4 10/16/2018P ACTBLUE
HOROWITZ, ROBERT Pierre And Tana Matisse Foundatio/Executive$4 10/14/2018P ACTBLUE
HOROWITZ, ROBERT Pierre And Tana Matisse Foundatio/Executive$4 10/13/2018P ACTBLUE
HOROWITZ, ROBERT Pierre & Tana Matisse Foundation/Executive$10 10/13/2018P EMILY'S LIST
HOROWITZ, ROBERT Pierre And Tana Matisse Foundatio/Executive$4 10/12/2018P ACTBLUE
HOROWITZ, ROBERT Pierre And Tana Matisse Foundatio/Executive$4 10/12/2018P ACTBLUE
HOROWITZ, ROBERT Pierre And Tana Matisse Foundatio/Executive$4 10/12/2018G HEIDI FOR SENATE - Democrat
HOROWITZ, ROBERT Pierre And Tana Matisse Foundatio/Executive$4 10/11/2018P ACTBLUE
HOROWITZ, ROBERT Pierre And Tana Matisse Foundatio/Executive$4 10/11/2018P ACTBLUE
HOROWITZ, ROBERT Pierre And Tana Matisse Foundatio/Executive$7 10/10/2018P ACTBLUE
HOROWITZ, ROBERT Pierre And Tana Matisse Foundatio/Executive$7 10/10/2018P ACTBLUE
HOROWITZ, ROBERT Pierre And Tana Matisse Foundatio/Executive$4 10/08/2018P ACTBLUE
HOROWITZ, ROBERT Pierre And Tana Matisse Foundatio/Executive$3 10/08/2018P ACTBLUE
HOROWITZ, ROBERT Pierre And Tana Matisse Foundatio/Executive$4 10/08/2018G HEIDI FOR SENATE - Democrat
HOROWITZ, ROBERT Pierre & Tana Matisse Foundation/Executive$15 10/08/2018P EMILY'S LIST
HOROWITZ, ROBERT Pierre And Tana Matisse Foundatio/Executive$7 10/07/2018P ACTBLUE
HOROWITZ, ROBERT Pierre And Tana Matisse Foundatio/Executive$3 10/05/2018P ACTBLUE
HOROWITZ, ROBERT Pierre And Tana Matisse Foundatio/Executive$5 10/05/2018P ACTBLUE
HOROWITZ, ROBERT Pierre And Tana Matisse Foundatio/Executive$24 10/05/2018P ACTBLUE
HOROWITZ, ROBERT Pierre And Tana Matisse Foundatio/Executive$3 10/05/2018P ACTBLUE
HOROWITZ, ROBERT Pierre And Tana Matisse Foundatio/Executive$5 10/05/2018G HEIDI FOR SENATE - Democrat
HOROWITZ, ROBERT Pierre And Tana Matisse Foundatio/Executive$7 10/03/2018P ACTBLUE
HOROWITZ, ROBERT Pierre And Tana Matisse Foundatio/Executive$7 10/03/2018P ACTBLUE
HOROWITZ, ROBERT Pierre And Tana Matisse Foundatio/Executive$3 10/02/2018P ACTBLUE
HOROWITZ, ROBERT Pierre And Tana Matisse Foundatio/Executive$7 10/01/2018P ACTBLUE
HOROWITZ, ROBERT Pierre & Tana Matisse Foundation/Executive$5 09/25/2018P EMILY'S LIST
HOROWITZ, ROBERT Pierre & Tana Matisse Foundation/Executive$15 09/24/2018P EMILY'S LIST
HOROWITZ, ROBERT Pierre & Tana Matisse Foundation/Executive$150 09/21/2018P EMILY'S LIST
HOWARTH, SEAN $-100 06/20/2018P ACTBLUE
HOWARTH, SEAN Google/Software Engineer$100 06/19/2018P ACTBLUE
HOWARTH, SEAN Google/Software Engineer$100 06/19/2018P ACTBLUE
HOWE, WILLIAM O Retired/Retired$1,000 06/30/2018P SCHNEIDER FOR CONGRESS - Republican
HSIAO, JANE Not Employed/Not Employed$100 11/05/2018G FRIENDS OF SHERROD BROWN - Democrat
HSIAO, JANE Self/Consultant$100 11/05/2018P ACTBLUE
HSIAO, JANE Not-Employed/Not-Employed$300 11/05/2018P EMILY'S LIST
HSIAO, JANE Not-Employed/Not-Employed$300 11/05/2018P EMILY'S LIST
HSIAO, JANE Not-Employed/Not-Employed$10 11/05/2018P EMILY'S LIST
HSIAO, JANE Self/Homemaker$100 10/25/2018G TAMMY BALDWIN FOR SENATE - Democrat
HSIAO, JANE Self/Consultant$100 10/25/2018P ACTBLUE
HSIAO, JANE Self/Consultant$100 10/25/2018P ACTBLUE
HSIAO, JANE Self/Consultant$100 10/25/2018P ACTBLUE
HSIAO, JANE Self/Consultant$100 10/25/2018P ACTBLUE
HSIAO, JANE Self/Consultant$500 10/25/2018P ACTBLUE
HSIAO, JANE Self-Employed/Consultant$100 10/25/2018G TINA SMITH FOR MINNESOTA - Democrat
HSIAO, JANE Not Employed/Not Employed$100 10/25/2018G FRIENDS OF SHERROD BROWN - Democrat
HSIAO, JANE Self/Homemaker$100 10/25/2018G MONTANANS FOR TESTER - Democrat
HSIAO, JANE N/A/Not Employed$500 10/14/2018G SINEMA FOR ARIZONA - Democrat
HSIAO, JANE Self/Consultant$500 10/12/2018P ACTBLUE
HSIAO, JANE Self/Consultant$150 10/11/2018P ACTBLUE
HSIAO, JANE Self/Consultant$150 10/11/2018P ACTBLUE
HSIAO, JANE Not Employed/Not Employed$150 10/11/2018G BILL NELSON FOR US SENATE - Democrat
HSIAO, JANE None/Not Employed$150 10/11/2018G DONNELLY FOR INDIANA - Democrat
HSIAO, JANE Self/Consultant$250 10/09/2018P ACTBLUE
HSIAO, JANE Self/Consultant$200 10/09/2018P ACTBLUE
HSIAO, JANE Self/Homemaker$250 10/09/2018G MONTANANS FOR TESTER - Democrat
HSIAO, JANE N/A/Not Employed$200 10/09/2018G SINEMA FOR ARIZONA - Democrat
HSIAO, JANE Self/Consultant$50 10/08/2018P ACTBLUE
HSIAO, JANE Not Employed/Not Employed$50 10/08/2018G BILL NELSON FOR US SENATE - Democrat
HSIAO, JANE Self/Consultant$100 10/05/2018P ACTBLUE
HSIAO, JANE Self/Consultant$100 10/05/2018P ACTBLUE
HSIAO, JANE Self/Consultant$100 10/05/2018P ACTBLUE
HSIAO, JANE Self/Consultant$50 10/05/2018P ACTBLUE
HSIAO, JANE None/Not Employed$50 10/05/2018G DONNELLY FOR INDIANA - Democrat
HSIAO, JANE Self/Homemaker$100 10/05/2018G MONTANANS FOR TESTER - Democrat
HSIAO, JANE N/A/Retired$100 10/05/2018G MENENDEZ FOR SENATE - Democrat
HSIAO, JANE Not Employed/Not Employed$100 10/05/2018G FRIENDS OF SHERROD BROWN - Democrat
HSIAO, JANE Not-Employed/Not-Employed$250 10/05/2018P EMILY'S LIST
HSIAO, JANE Not Employed/Not Employed$300 10/02/2018G FRIENDS OF SHERROD BROWN - Democrat
HSIAO, JANE N/A/Retired$200 10/02/2018G MENENDEZ FOR SENATE - Democrat
HSIAO, JANE Self-Employed/Consultant$250 10/02/2018G TINA SMITH FOR MINNESOTA - Democrat
HSIAO, JANE Self/Consultant$200 10/02/2018P ACTBLUE
HSIAO, JANE Self/Consultant$250 10/02/2018P ACTBLUE
HSIAO, JANE Self/Consultant$300 10/02/2018P ACTBLUE
HSIAO, JANE Self/Consultant$200 10/02/2018P ACTBLUE
HSIAO, JANE Self/Consultant$300 10/01/2018P ACTBLUE
HSIAO, JANE Self/Consultant$500 10/01/2018P ACTBLUE
HSIAO, JANE Self/Consultant$300 10/01/2018P ACTBLUE
HSIAO, JANE Not Employed/Not Employed$300 10/01/2018G BILL NELSON FOR US SENATE - Democrat
HSIAO, JANE None/Not Employed$300 10/01/2018G DONNELLY FOR INDIANA - Democrat
HSIAO, JANE N/A/Not Employed$500 10/01/2018G SINEMA FOR ARIZONA - Democrat
HSIAO, JANE Not Employed/Not Employed$500 09/30/2018G XOCHITL FOR NEW MEXICO - Democrat
HSIAO, JANE Not Employed/Not Employed$500 09/28/2018G XOCHITL FOR NEW MEXICO - Democrat
HSIAO, JANE None/Homemaker$1,000 09/26/2018G JASON CROW FOR CONGRESS - Democrat
HSIAO, JANE Not Employed/Homemaker$1,700 09/25/2018G HEIDI FOR SENATE - Democrat
HSIAO, JANE Self/Consultant$1,700 09/25/2018P ACTBLUE
HSIAO, JANE None/Not Employed$500 09/25/2018G LAUREN BAER FOR CONGRESS - Democrat
HSIAO, JANE Self Employed/Consultant$939 09/10/2018G MCCASKILL FOR MISSOURI - Democrat
HSIAO, JANE Self/Consultant$1,500 08/28/2018P ACTBLUE
HSIAO, JANE Not Employed/Not Employed$1,500 08/28/2018P SOUTH FLORIDA WOMEN'S VICTORY FUND
HSIAO, JANE Not-Employed/Not-Employed$1,000 08/28/2018P EMILY'S LIST
HSIAO, JANE Self/Homemaker Consultant$800 08/22/2018G JESSICA MORSE FOR CONGRESS - Democrat
HSIAO, JANE Self/Consultant$800 08/22/2018P ACTBLUE
HSIAO, JANE Not-Employed/Not-Employed$1,000 06/30/2018P EMILY'S LIST
HSIAO, JANE Self Employed/Consultant$5,000 05/29/2018P GILLIBRAND VICTORY FUND
HSIAO, JANE Self Employed/Consultant$815 05/29/2018P GILLIBRAND FOR SENATE - Democrat
HSIAO, JANE Self Employed/Consultant$2,700 05/29/2018G GILLIBRAND FOR SENATE - Democrat
HSIAO, JANE Self/Consultant$5,000 05/29/2018P ACTBLUE
HSIAO, JANE Self Employed/Consultant$1,000 05/01/2018P GILLIBRAND FOR SENATE - Democrat
HSIAO, JANE Self-Employed/Consultant$5,000 04/20/2018P WOMEN ON THE ROAD CALIFORNIA 2018 - Democrat
HSIAO, JANE Self Employed/Consultant$100 04/13/2018P GILLIBRAND FOR SENATE - Democrat
HSIAO, JANE Self/Consultant$100 04/13/2018P ACTBLUE
HSIAO, JANE Self Employed/Consultant$200 04/12/2018P GILLIBRAND FOR SENATE - Democrat
HSIAO, JANE Self/Consultant$200 04/12/2018P ACTBLUE
HSIAO, JANE Self/Consultant$5,000 04/12/2018P ACTBLUE
HSIAO, JANE Homemaker$200 12/15/2017P GILLIBRAND FOR SENATE - Democrat
HSIAO, JANE Self/Homemaker/ Consultant$200 12/15/2017P ACTBLUE
HSIAO, JANE N/A/Homemaker$75 12/07/2017P GILLIBRAND FOR SENATE - Democrat
HSIAO, JANE Self/Homemaker/ Consultant$75 12/07/2017P ACTBLUE
HSIAO, JANE Self/Homemaker/ Consultant$25 12/07/2017P ACTBLUE
HSIAO, JANE N/A/Not Employed$25 12/07/2017P DOUG JONES FOR SENATE COMMITTEE - Democrat
HSIAO, JANE N/A/Not Employed$500 11/30/2017P DOUG JONES FOR SENATE COMMITTEE - Democrat
HSIAO, JANE Self/Homemaker/ Consultant$500 11/30/2017P ACTBLUE
HSIAO, JANE Self/Homemaker/ Consultant$150 11/13/2017P ACTBLUE
HSIAO, JANE Not-Employed/Not-Employed$100 10/31/2017P EMILY'S LIST
HSIAO, JANE Not-Employed/Not-Employed$100 10/12/2017P EMILY'S LIST
HSIAO, JANE None/Homemaker$1,000 09/30/2017P WOMENCOUNT PAC
HSIAO, JANE Not Employed/Homemaker$1,000 09/30/2017P HEIDI FOR SENATE - Democrat
HSIAO, JANE None/Homemaker$1,000 08/30/2017P ELECTING WOMEN BAY AREA PAC
HSIAO, JANE None/Homemaker$1,000 08/14/2017P WOMENCOUNT PAC
HSIAO, JANE None/Homemaker$5 08/14/2017P WOMENCOUNT PAC
HSIAO, JANE None/Homemaker$1,000 08/14/2017P ELIZABETH FOR MA, INC - Democrat
HSIAO, JANE Self/Homemaker/ Consultant$1,000 06/16/2017P ACTBLUE
HSIAO, JANE Self/Homemaker/ Consultant$250 06/04/2017P ACTBLUE
HSIAO, JANE N/A/Not Employed$100 03/04/2017P GILLIBRAND FOR SENATE - Democrat
HSIAO, JANE N/A/Not Employed$100 03/04/2017P GILLIBRAND FOR SENATE - Democrat
HSIAO, JANE N/A/Not Employed$100 02/08/2017P GILLIBRAND FOR SENATE - Democrat
HSIAO, JANE N/A/Not Employed$100 02/08/2017P GILLIBRAND FOR SENATE - Democrat
HSIAO, JANE N/A/Not Employed$100 01/31/2017P GILLIBRAND FOR SENATE - Democrat
HSIAO, JANE N/A/Not Employed$100 01/31/2017P GILLIBRAND FOR SENATE - Democrat
HSIAO-CARDINAL, JANE H. N/A/Homemaker$300 11/06/2018G SINEMA FOR ARIZONA - Democrat
HSIAO-CARDINAL, JANE H. N/A/Homemaker$500 10/25/2018G SINEMA FOR ARIZONA - Democrat
HSU, VIVIENNE Lendonate Inc./Ceo$1 05/06/2017G HOYOS FOR CONGRESS - Democrat
HUGHES, HAROLD N/A/Retired$500 03/06/2018P NICK FREITAS FOR US SENATE - Republican
HUGHES, HAROLD E MR JR Self Employed/Businessman$1,000 10/26/2017P WICKER FOR SENATE - Republican
HUGHES, NANCY L. MS. Retired/Retired$100 04/03/2017P REPUBLICAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE - Republican
HUI, WAIKWAN Oracle Corporation/Engineer$25 06/20/2017P ACTBLUE
HUI, WAIKWAN Oracle Corporation/Engineer$25 06/17/2017P ACTBLUE
HUI, WAIKWAN Oracle Corporation/Engineer$25 06/09/2017P ACTBLUE
HULL 940, DONALD Self Employed/Dentist$500 10/09/2018P VIGOP (VIRGIN ISLANDS REPUBLICAN PARTY) - Republican
HULL, DONALD Western Dentistry/Orthodontist$250 08/16/2017P NATIONAL DRAFT E.W. JACKSON FOR SENATE COMMITTEE
HULL, DONALD $250 08/10/2017P OMAR NAVARRO FOR CONGRESS - Republican
HULL, DONALD Western Dentistry/Orthodontist$300 06/16/2017P FRIENDS OF MIA LOVE - Republican
HUMAYUN, RAASHINA Lam Research/Director$1,000 07/21/2018P PRAMILA FOR CONGRESS - Democrat
HUMAYUN, RAASHINA Lam Reasearch/Director Of Engineering$250 03/13/2017P DCCC - Democrat
HUTCHISON, MARYANN MS. Cgifederal/Enterprise Data Manager$30 12/11/2018P EMILY'S LIST
HUTCHISON, MARYANN MS. Cgifederal/Sr. Eng. Project Leader$30 09/04/2017P EMILY'S LIST
HUTCHISON, MARYANN MS. Cgifederal/Sr. Eng. Project Leader$30 08/04/2017P EMILY'S LIST
HUTCHISON, MARYANN MS. Cgifederal/Sr. Eng. Project Leader$30 07/04/2017P EMILY'S LIST
IANNICELLI, OLIVIA Disney/Attorney$250 10/31/2018G JOSH HARDER FOR CONGRESS - Democrat
IANNICELLI, OLIVIA Disney/Lawyer$250 10/31/2018P ACTBLUE
IANNICELLI, OLIVIA Disney/Attorney$250 10/19/2018G JOSH HARDER FOR CONGRESS - Democrat
IANNICELLI, OLIVIA Disney/Lawyer$250 10/19/2018P ACTBLUE
IANNICELLI, OLIVIA Disney/Lawyer$250 10/09/2018P ACTBLUE
IANNICELLI, OLIVIA Disney/Attorney$250 10/09/2018G KATIE HILL FOR CONGRESS - Democrat
IANNICELLI, OLIVIA Disney/Attorney$500 08/25/2018G JOSH HARDER FOR CONGRESS - Democrat
IANNICELLI, OLIVIA Disney/Lawyer$500 08/25/2018P ACTBLUE
IANNICELLI, OLIVIA The Walt Disney Company/Attorney$350 03/06/2018P CONOR LAMB FOR CONGRESS - Democrat
IJAZ, MUJEEB Apple/Engineer$2,012 10/14/2018G CONNOLLY FOR CONGRESS - Democrat
IJAZ, MUJEEB Apple/Engineer$1,000 09/08/2018P ACTBLUE
IJAZ, MUJEEB Apple/Engineer$1,000 09/08/2018G BEN CARDIN FOR SENATE, INC. - Democrat
IJAZ, MUJEEB Apple/Engineer$2,700 06/12/2018G NORMA TORRES FOR CONGRESS - Democrat
IJAZ, MUJEEB Apple/Engineer$2,700 06/12/2018P ACTBLUE
IJAZ, MUJEEB Apple/Engineer$2,000 03/18/2018P ACTBLUE
IJAZ, MUJEEB Apple/Engineer$2,000 02/18/2018P ACTBLUE
IJAZ, MUJEEB Apple/Engineer$2,000 09/30/2017P ACTBLUE
IJAZ, MUJEEB Apple/Engineer$250 09/24/2017P DCCC - Democrat
IJAZ, MUJEEB Apple/Engineer$250 09/23/2017P ACTBLUE
IJAZ, MUJEEB Apple/Engineer$250 08/23/2017P ACTBLUE
IJAZ, MUJEEB Apple/Engineer$250 08/23/2017P DCCC - Democrat
IJAZ, MUJEEB Apple/Engineer$500 05/09/2017P PETE AGUILAR FOR CONGRESS - Democrat
IJAZ, MUJEEB Apple/Engineer$500 05/09/2017P ACTBLUE
IJAZ, MUJEEB Apple/Engineer$2,500 05/05/2017P JACKIE SPEIER FOR CONGRESS - Democrat
IJAZ, MUJEEB I Apple/Engineer$1,400 09/29/2018G FRIENDS OF RAJA FOR CONGRESS - Democrat
IJAZ, MUJEEB I Apple/Engineer$700 03/18/2018P FRIENDS OF RAJA FOR CONGRESS - Democrat
IJAZ, MUJEEB I Apple/Engineer$1,300 03/18/2018G FRIENDS OF RAJA FOR CONGRESS - Democrat
IJAZ, MUJEEB I Apple/Engineer$2,000 02/18/2018P FRIENDS OF RAJA FOR CONGRESS - Democrat
IJAZ, MUJEEB MR. Apple/Sr Director - Special Project Engineer$1,000 09/08/2018G MCCAUL FOR CONGRESS, INC - Republican
IJAZ, SABIHA Farah Jewelry/Ceo$1,100 09/29/2018G FRIENDS OF RAJA FOR CONGRESS - Democrat
IJAZ, SABIHA Self/Self Employed$1,000 06/12/2018P ACTBLUE
IJAZ, SABIHA Sabiha Ijaz/Farah Jewelry$1,000 06/12/2018G NORMA TORRES FOR CONGRESS - Democrat
IJAZ, SABIHA Sabiha Ijaz/Farah Jewelry$2,000 10/01/2017P NORMA TORRES FOR CONGRESS - Democrat
IJAZ, SABIHA Farah Jewelry/Self$2,000 10/01/2017P ACTBLUE
IKEGAMI, JON Innovation Council/Attorney$1,000 06/15/2017P GARRICK MCFADDEN FOR CONGRESS - Democrat
IMRAN, MIR Incube Labs, Llc/Scientist$2,550 03/30/2018G RO FOR CONGRESS INC - Democrat
IMRAN, MIR Incube Labs, Llc/Scientist$2,700 03/30/2018P RO FOR CONGRESS INC - Democrat
INFANTE, BEATRIZ Businessexcelleration/Ceo$250 04/16/2018P WITH HONOR PAC
INGRAM, KAREN Not Employed/Unemployed$15 09/10/2017P DCCC - Democrat
INGRAM, KAREN None/Retired$15 09/08/2017P ACTBLUE
INGRAM, KAREN None/Retired$5 09/01/2017P ACTBLUE
IRLAM, GORDON Retired/Retired$2,200 06/22/2018P ACTBLUE
IRLAM, GORDON N/A/Retired$2,200 06/22/2018P FRIENDS OF ANDREW YANG - Democrat
IRLAM, GORDON N/A/Retired$500 05/19/2018P FRIENDS OF ANDREW YANG - Democrat
IRLAM, GORDON Not Employed/Not Employed$500 12/29/2017P ACTBLUE
IRLAM, GORDON R Not Employed/Retired$2,000 03/30/2018P FRIENDS OF SHERROD BROWN - Democrat
ISMAILJI, TASNEEM Not Employed/Not Employed$2,700 08/02/2018P ACTBLUE
ISMAILJI, TASNEEM Self Employed/Physician$2,700 08/02/2018P ROSEN VICTORY FUND
ITOI, ANNA Not Employed/Not Employed$250 10/26/2018G JOSH HARDER FOR CONGRESS - Democrat
ITOI, ANNA Not Employed/Not Employed$250 10/26/2018P ACTBLUE
ITOI, ANNA Google/Ethics & Compliance Attorney$1,000 11/16/2017P ACTBLUE
ITOI, ANNA Google/Ethics & Compliance Attorney$500 11/16/2017P ACTBLUE
ITOI, ANNA Google/Attorney$500 11/16/2017P DAVE MIN FOR CONGRESS - Democrat
ITOI, ANNA Google/Attorney$1,000 11/16/2017P DAVE MIN FOR CONGRESS - Democrat
ITOI, ANNA Google/Ethics & Compliance Attorney$1,000 09/06/2017P JOSH HARDER FOR CONGRESS - Democrat
ITOI, ANNA Google/Ethics & Compliance Attorney$1,000 09/06/2017P ACTBLUE
IVANOVIC, VLADIMIR Not Employed/Not Employed$120 05/26/2017P ACTBLUE
IVANOVIC, VLADIMIR Not Employed/Not Employed$200 05/02/2017P ACTBLUE
JACOBSON, WILLIAM Not Employed/Retired$100 08/31/2018G ROSEN FOR NEVADA - Democrat
JACOBSON, WILLIAM Calaf Hol/Executive$100 07/20/2018P TAMMY BALDWIN FOR SENATE - Democrat
JACOBSON, WILLIAM Calaf Holdings Inc./Business Executive$100 07/20/2018P STABENOW FOR US SENATE - Democrat
JACOBSON, WILLIAM Not Employed/Retired$100 07/20/2018G ROSEN FOR NEVADA - Democrat
JAFFE, EVE Not Employed/Homemaker$2,700 09/28/2018G HEIDI FOR SENATE - Democrat
JAFFE, EVE N/A/Not Employed$2,700 09/08/2017P ALISON FOR VIRGINIA - Democrat
JAFFE, EVE Not Employed/Not Employed$2,700 09/08/2017P ACTBLUE
JAFFE, EVE Not Employed/Not Employed$270 09/08/2017P ACTBLUE
JAFFE, EVE Not Employed/Not Employed$2,700 02/10/2017P ACTBLUE
JAFFE, EVE None/Homemaker$2,700 02/10/2017P ELIZABETH WARREN ACTION FUND
JAFFE, ROSS Versant Ventures/Venture Capital$2,500 10/25/2018P ACTBLUE
JAFFE, ROSS Versant Ventures/Venture Capital$2,500 10/25/2018P ACTBLUE
JAFFE, ROSS Versant Ventures/Venture Capital$2,500 10/25/2018P MJ VICTORY FUND
JAFFE, ROSS Versant Ventures/Venture Capital$2,500 10/25/2018P LURIA VICTORY FUND
JAFFE, ROSS Versant Ventures/Venture Capital$2,700 10/10/2018G JOSH GOTTHEIMER FOR CONGRESS - Democrat
JAFFE, ROSS Versant Ventures/Venture Capital$2,700 09/30/2018G TINA SMITH FOR MINNESOTA - Democrat
JAFFE, ROSS Versant Ventures/Venture Capital$100 09/30/2018P ACTBLUE
JAFFE, ROSS Versant Ventures/Venture Capital$2,700 09/30/2018P ACTBLUE
JAFFE, ROSS Versant Ventures/Venture Capital$100 09/28/2018P ACTBLUE
JAFFE, ROSS Versant Ventures/Venture Capital$100 09/28/2018P ACTBLUE
JAFFE, ROSS Versant Ventures/Venture Capital$100 09/28/2018P ACTBLUE
JAFFE, ROSS Versant Ventures/Venture Capital$2,700 09/28/2018P ACTBLUE
JAFFE, ROSS Versant Ventures/Venture Capital$2,700 09/28/2018P ACTBLUE
JAFFE, ROSS Versant Ventures/Venture Capital$2,700 09/28/2018P ACTBLUE
JAFFE, ROSS Versant Ventures/Venture Capital$100 09/28/2018P ACTBLUE
JAFFE, ROSS Versant Ventures/Venture Capital$2,700 09/28/2018P ACTBLUE
JAFFE, ROSS Versant Ventures/Venture Capitalist$2,700 09/28/2018G ANDREW JANZ FOR CONGRESS - Democrat
JAFFE, ROSS Versant Ventures/Venture Capital$2,700 09/28/2018G BETO FOR TEXAS - Democrat
JAFFE, ROSS Versant Ventures/Venture Capital$2,700 09/28/2018G O'CONNOR FOR CONGRESS - Democrat
JAFFE, ROSS Versant Ventures/Venture Capital$2,700 08/29/2018P ACTBLUE
JAFFE, ROSS Versant Ventures/Venture Capital$100 08/29/2018P ACTBLUE
JAFFE, ROSS Versant Ventures/Venture Capital$2,700 08/28/2018P ACTBLUE
JAFFE, ROSS Versant Ventures/Venture Capital$100 08/28/2018P ACTBLUE
JAFFE, ROSS Versant Ventures/Venture Capital$100 08/28/2018P ACTBLUE
JAFFE, ROSS Versant Ventures/Venture Capital$100 08/28/2018P ACTBLUE
JAFFE, ROSS Versant Ventures/Venture Capital$2,700 08/28/2018P ACTBLUE
JAFFE, ROSS Versant Ventures/Venture Capital$2,700 08/28/2018P ACTBLUE
JAFFE, ROSS Versant Ventures/Venture Capital$2,700 08/28/2018G ROSEN FOR NEVADA - Democrat
JAFFE, ROSS Versant Ventures/Venture Capital$2,700 08/28/2018G MCCASKILL FOR MISSOURI - Democrat
JAFFE, ROSS Versant Ventures/Venture Capital$2,700 07/24/2018P ACTBLUE
JAFFE, ROSS Versant Ventures/Venture Capital$2,700 06/27/2018G MANCHIN FOR WEST VIRGINIA - Democrat
JAFFE, ROSS Versant Ventures/Venture Capital$2,700 06/25/2018P ACTBLUE
JAFFE, ROSS Versant Ventures/Venture Capital$2,700 06/25/2018P ACTBLUE
JAFFE, ROSS Versant Ventures/Venture Capital$2,700 06/25/2018G HARLEY ROUDA FOR CONGRESS - Democrat
JAFFE, ROSS Versant Ventures/Venture Capital$270 06/13/2018P ACTBLUE
JAFFE, ROSS Versant Ventures/Venture Capital$2,700 06/13/2018P ACTBLUE
JAFFE, ROSS Versant Ventures/Venture Capital$2,700 06/13/2018G HEIDI FOR SENATE - Democrat
JAFFE, ROSS Versant Ventures/Venture Capital$2,700 05/29/2018P JOSH GOTTHEIMER FOR CONGRESS - Democrat
JAFFE, ROSS Versant Ventures/Venture Capital$50 03/31/2018P ACTBLUE
JAFFE, ROSS Versant Ventures/Venture Capital$2,700 03/31/2018P ACTBLUE
JAFFE, ROSS Versant Ventures/Venture Capital$2,700 03/31/2018P ACTBLUE
JAFFE, ROSS Versant Ventures/Venture Capital$2,700 03/31/2018P MJ FOR TEXAS - Democrat
JAFFE, ROSS Versant Ventures/Venture Capital$2,700 03/31/2018G MJ FOR TEXAS - Democrat
JAFFE, ROSS Versant Ventures/Venture Capital$2,700 03/29/2018P SUDDARTH FOR CONGRESS - Democrat
JAFFE, ROSS Versant Ventures/Venture Capitalist$2,700 03/29/2018P ELAINE FOR CONGRESS - Democrat
JAFFE, ROSS Versant Ventures/Venture Capitalist$2,700 03/29/2018G ELAINE FOR CONGRESS - Democrat
JAFFE, ROSS Versant Ventures/Venture Capital$2,700 03/28/2018P ALISON FOR VIRGINIA - Democrat

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Celebrity Contributors:
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   Arnold Palmer
   Arnold Schwarzenegger
   Ben Affleck
   Bill Cosby
   Bill Gates
   Calvin Klein
   Dennis Kozlowski
   Donald Trump
   George Soros
   Hugh Hefner
   Jack Grubman
   Jeff Skilling
   John Grisham
   John Rigas
   Ken Lay
   Martha Stewart
   Mel Gibson
   Oprah Winfrey
   Ralph Lauren
   Donald Trump
   Richard Scrushy
   Rush Limbaugh
   Sam Waksal
   Scott Sullivan
   Steven Spielberg
   Tom Cruise
   Tommy Hilfiger
Industry Contributors:
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   Securities Lawyers
   Boats & Yachts
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Baseball Contributors:
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   Chicago Cubs
Notable Politicians:
   Barack Obama
   George W Bush
   John Kerry
   Ralph Nader
   Hillary Clinton
   Apple Computer
   New York Times
   News Corporation
   General Electric
   Exxon Mobil
   Ford Motor
   Anheuser Busch
Top 10 Contributors:
   Thomas Steyer
   Linda Mcmahon
   Sheldon Adelson
   Miriam Adelson
   Bob Perry
   Michael Bloomberg
   Harold Simmons
   Fred Eychaner
   J Ricketts
   John Raese