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  See $$$ From Your Zip Code $10,618,476,973 in Contributions for 2020 Election
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Data Updated on 7/11/2020

South Lyon, MI 48178
Political Campaign Contributions
2020 Election Cycle

Zip Code Totals

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From this Zip Code for 2020
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2020 $271,337 $58,108
2018 $250,754 $34,660
2016 $211,575 $38,935
2014 $53,916 $7,501
2012 $70,410 $14,270
2010 $30,229 $3,580
2008 $58,324 $10,178
2006 $87,728 $14,056
2004 $96,121 $28,692
2002 $75,537 $2,250
2000 $64,505 $3,750

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2020 Election Cycle
Political Campaign Donor/Contributor List

$ AmountDatePrimary/
Contibuted To
JAMES S, MIHOCKA Dte Eng Corp Svcs Llc/Dte Eng Corp Svcs Llc/Director - It Operations$57 04/30/2019P DTE ENERGY COMPANY POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE
JARRATT, WILLIAM Jarratt Architecture/Jarratt Architecture/Architect$50 06/03/2019P DONALD J. TRUMP FOR PRESIDENT, INC. - Republican
JARRATT, WILLIAM Jarratt Architecture/Jarratt Architecture/Architect$50 05/03/2019P DONALD J. TRUMP FOR PRESIDENT, INC. - Republican
JARRATT, WILLIAM Jarratt Architecture/Jarratt Architecture/Architect$50 04/03/2019P DONALD J. TRUMP FOR PRESIDENT, INC. - Republican
JAWORSKI, JEFF Gm/Gm/It Director$100 12/27/2019P REPUBLICAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE - Republican
JAWORSKI, JEFF Gm/Gm/It Director$100 11/27/2019P REPUBLICAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE - Republican
JAWORSKI, JEFF Gm/Gm/Information Technology$100 10/29/2019P REPUBLICAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE - Republican
JAWORSKI, JEFF Gm/Gm/Information Technology$35 10/16/2019P REPUBLICAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE - Republican
JAWORSKI, JEFF Gm/Gm/It Director$100 09/27/2019P REPUBLICAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE - Republican
JAWORSKI, JEFF Gm/Gm/It Director$35 09/26/2019P REPUBLICAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE - Republican
JAWORSKI, JEFF Gm/Gm/It Director$35 09/16/2019P REPUBLICAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE - Republican
JAWORSKI, JEFF Gm/Gm/It Director$50 09/04/2019P REPUBLICAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE - Republican
JAWORSKI, JEFF Gm/Gm/It Director$100 06/27/2019P REPUBLICAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE - Republican
JAWORSKI, JEFF Gm/Gm/It Director$100 05/29/2019P REPUBLICAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE - Republican
JAWORSKI, JEFF Gm/Gm/It Director$42 01/01/1900P REPUBLICAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE - Republican
JAWORSKI, JEFF Gm/Gm/It Director$35 01/01/1900P REPUBLICAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE - Republican
JAWORSKI, JEFF Gm/Gm/It Director$100 01/01/1900P REPUBLICAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE - Republican
JAWORSKI, JEFF Gm/Gm/It Director$35 01/01/1900P REPUBLICAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE - Republican
JAWORSKI, JEFF Gm/Gm/It Director$100 01/01/1900P REPUBLICAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE - Republican
JAWORSKI, JEFF Gm/Gm/It Director$100 01/01/1900P REPUBLICAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE - Republican
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors Co./General Motors Co./It Director$50 12/30/2019P WINRED
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$50 12/30/2019P NRCC - Republican
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$25 12/26/2019P CINDY HYDE-SMITH FOR US SENATE - Republican
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$25 12/26/2019P CINDY HYDE-SMITH FOR US SENATE - Republican
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors Co./General Motors Co./It Director$25 12/20/2019P WINRED
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors Co./General Motors Co./It Director$25 12/20/2019P WINRED
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$42 12/19/2019P TRUMP MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN COMMITTEE
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors Co./General Motors Co./It Director$42 12/19/2019P WINRED
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors Co./General Motors Co./It Director$42 12/09/2019P WINRED
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors Co./General Motors Co./It Director$45 12/07/2019P WINRED
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$45 12/07/2019P NRCC - Republican
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$25 12/06/2019P SCALISE FOR CONGRESS - Republican
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$50 11/30/2019P NRCC - Republican
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors Co./General Motors Co./It Director$50 11/30/2019P WINRED
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors Co./General Motors Co./It Director$50 11/30/2019P WINRED
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$100 11/30/2019P NRSC - Republican
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$25 11/25/2019P CINDY HYDE-SMITH FOR US SENATE - Republican
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$25 11/25/2019P CINDY HYDE-SMITH FOR US SENATE - Republican
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors Co./General Motors Co./It Director$25 11/20/2019P WINRED
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors Co./General Motors Co./It Director$25 11/20/2019P WINRED
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors Co./General Motors Co./It Director$2 11/18/2019P WINRED
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors Co./General Motors Co./It Director$22 11/18/2019P WINRED
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$20 11/06/2019P NRCC - Republican
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors Co./General Motors Co./It Director$25 11/03/2019P WINRED
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors Co./General Motors Co./It Director$42 11/03/2019P WINRED
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors Co./General Motors Co./It Director$25 11/03/2019P WINRED
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors Co./General Motors Co./It Director$25 11/03/2019P WINRED
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors Co./General Motors Co./It Director$25 10/31/2019P WINRED
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$25 10/31/2019P JOHN JAMES FOR SENATE, INC. - Republican
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$25 10/30/2019P JOHN JAMES FOR SENATE, INC. - Republican
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$25 10/30/2019P JOHN JAMES FOR SENATE, INC. - Republican
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$100 10/30/2019P NRSC - Republican
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors Co./General Motors Co./It Director$25 10/30/2019P WINRED
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors Co./General Motors Co./It Director$25 10/30/2019P WINRED
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors Co./General Motors Co./It Director$50 10/28/2019P WINRED
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$50 10/28/2019P NRCC - Republican
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$5 10/28/2019P SCALISE FOR CONGRESS - Republican
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$100 10/28/2019P SCALISE FOR CONGRESS - Republican
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$5 10/28/2019P SCALISE FOR CONGRESS - Republican
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$25 10/28/2019P CINDY HYDE-SMITH FOR US SENATE - Republican
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$25 10/28/2019P CINDY HYDE-SMITH FOR US SENATE - Republican
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$25 10/22/2019P SCALISE FOR CONGRESS - Republican
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors Co./General Motors Co./It Director$25 10/20/2019P WINRED
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors Co./General Motors Co./It Director$25 10/20/2019P WINRED
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$35 10/19/2019P NRCC - Republican
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors Co./General Motors Co./It Director$42 10/17/2019P WINRED
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors Co./General Motors Co./It Director$25 10/17/2019P WINRED
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$25 10/17/2019P JOHN JAMES FOR SENATE, INC. - Republican
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors Co./General Motors Co./It Director$25 10/14/2019P WINRED
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$25 10/11/2019P SCALISE FOR CONGRESS - Republican
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors Co./General Motors Co./It Director$35 10/10/2019P WINRED
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors Co./General Motors Co./It Director$25 10/08/2019P WINRED
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$25 10/08/2019P JOHN JAMES FOR SENATE, INC. - Republican
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$35 10/07/2019P NRSC - Republican
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors Co./General Motors Co./It Director$42 10/06/2019P WINRED
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$20 10/06/2019P NRCC - Republican
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors Co./General Motors Co./It Director$5 10/04/2019P WINRED
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$50 10/03/2019P NRSC - Republican
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$100 09/30/2019P NRSC - Republican
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$5 09/27/2019P SCALISE FOR CONGRESS - Republican
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$5 09/27/2019P SCALISE FOR CONGRESS - Republican
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$25 09/27/2019P SCALISE FOR CONGRESS - Republican
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors Co./General Motors Co./It Director$45 09/25/2019P WINRED
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$45 09/25/2019P TRUMP MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN COMMITTEE
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$25 09/24/2019P SCALISE FOR CONGRESS - Republican
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$25 09/22/2019P SCALISE FOR CONGRESS - Republican
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$25 09/21/2019P SCALISE FOR CONGRESS - Republican
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors Co./General Motors Co./It Director$25 09/20/2019P WINRED
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors Co./General Motors Co./It Director$35 09/20/2019P WINRED
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$25 09/20/2019P DONALD J. TRUMP FOR PRESIDENT, INC. - Republican
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors Co./General Motors Co./It Director$25 09/20/2019P WINRED
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors Co./General Motors Co./It Director$25 09/20/2019P WINRED
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors Co./General Motors Co./It Director$25 09/20/2019P WINRED
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors Co./General Motors Co./It Director$25 09/20/2019P WINRED
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors Co./General Motors Co./It Director$25 09/20/2019P WINRED
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors Co./General Motors Co./It Director$25 09/20/2019P WINRED
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors Co./General Motors Co./It Director$25 09/20/2019P WINRED
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors Co./General Motors Co./It Director$25 09/20/2019P WINRED
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors Co./General Motors Co./It Director$25 09/20/2019P WINRED
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors Co./General Motors Co./It Director$25 09/20/2019P WINRED
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$35 09/20/2019P NRCC - Republican
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$25 09/20/2019P JOHN JAMES FOR SENATE, INC. - Republican
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$35 09/19/2019P NRCC - Republican
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$35 09/18/2019P DONALD J. TRUMP FOR PRESIDENT, INC. - Republican
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors Co./General Motors Co./It Director$42 09/18/2019P WINRED
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors Co./General Motors Co./It Director$35 09/18/2019P WINRED
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$42 09/18/2019P TRUMP MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN COMMITTEE
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors Co./General Motors Co./It Director$35 09/15/2019P WINRED
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$35 09/15/2019P TRUMP MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN COMMITTEE
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors Co./General Motors Co./It Director$35 09/10/2019P WINRED
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$50 09/09/2019P DONALD J. TRUMP FOR PRESIDENT, INC. - Republican
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors Co./General Motors Co./It Director$50 09/09/2019P WINRED
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$35 09/07/2019P NRSC - Republican
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors Co./General Motors Co./It Director$42 09/06/2019P WINRED
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$42 09/06/2019P TRUMP MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN COMMITTEE
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$5 09/06/2019P NRCC - Republican
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$10 09/06/2019P NRCC - Republican
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$20 09/06/2019P NRCC - Republican
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$17 09/06/2019P NRCC - Republican
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$50 09/03/2019P NRSC - Republican
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$5 08/31/2019P NRCC - Republican
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$100 08/31/2019P NRCC - Republican
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$50 08/31/2019P NRCC - Republican
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$50 08/31/2019P NRCC - Republican
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors Co./General Motors Co./It Director$25 08/30/2019P WINRED
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors Co./General Motors Co./It Director$42 08/30/2019P WINRED
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors Co./General Motors Co./It Director$25 08/30/2019P WINRED
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors Co./General Motors Co./It Director$25 08/30/2019P WINRED
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$42 08/30/2019P TRUMP MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN COMMITTEE
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$100 08/30/2019P SCALISE FOR CONGRESS - Republican
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$100 08/30/2019P SCALISE FOR CONGRESS - Republican
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$100 08/30/2019P SCALISE FOR CONGRESS - Republican
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$100 08/30/2019P NRSC - Republican
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$104 08/29/2019P JOHN JAMES FOR SENATE, INC. - Republican
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors Co./General Motors Co./It Director$50 08/29/2019P WINRED
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$100 08/27/2019P REPUBLICAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE - Republican
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$250 08/24/2019P SCALISE FOR CONGRESS - Republican
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors Co./General Motors Co./It Director$21 08/23/2019P WINRED
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors Co./General Motors Co./It Director$21 08/23/2019P WINRED
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$21 08/23/2019P TRUMP MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN COMMITTEE
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$5 08/22/2019P SCALISE FOR CONGRESS - Republican
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$5 08/22/2019P SCALISE FOR CONGRESS - Republican
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$25 08/22/2019P SCALISE FOR CONGRESS - Republican
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$25 08/21/2019P SCALISE FOR CONGRESS - Republican
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$25 08/21/2019P SCALISE FOR CONGRESS - Republican
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$25 08/21/2019P SCALISE FOR CONGRESS - Republican
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$5 08/21/2019P SCALISE FOR CONGRESS - Republican
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$35 08/20/2019P NRCC - Republican
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$35 08/19/2019P NRCC - Republican
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors Co./General Motors Co./It Director$42 08/19/2019P WINRED
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$42 08/19/2019P TRUMP MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN COMMITTEE
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors Co./General Motors Co./It Director$42 08/18/2019P WINRED
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$42 08/18/2019P TRUMP MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN COMMITTEE
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors Co./General Motors Co./It Director$42 08/13/2019P WINRED
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$42 08/13/2019P TRUMP MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN COMMITTEE
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$50 08/07/2019P NRCC - Republican
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$35 08/07/2019P NRSC - Republican
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$35 08/07/2019P NRSC - Republican
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$5 08/07/2019P NRSC - Republican
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$1 08/07/2019P NRSC - Republican
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$2 08/07/2019P NRSC - Republican
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$50 08/03/2019P NRSC - Republican
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$2 08/03/2019P NRSC - Republican
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$5 08/03/2019P NRSC - Republican
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$5 08/03/2019P NRSC - Republican
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$50 08/03/2019P NRSC - Republican
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors Co./General Motors Co./It Director$125 08/02/2019P WINRED
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors Co./General Motors Co./It Director$125 08/02/2019P WINRED
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$125 08/02/2019P TRUMP MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN COMMITTEE
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$100 08/02/2019P REPUBLICAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE - Republican
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors Co./General Motors Co./It Director$25 08/01/2019P WINRED
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors Co./General Motors Co./It Director$75 08/01/2019P WINRED
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors Co./General Motors Co./It Director$100 07/31/2019P WINRED
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors Co./General Motors Co./It Director$100 07/31/2019P WINRED
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors Co./General Motors Co./It Director$100 07/30/2019P WINRED
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors Co./General Motors Co./It Director$100 07/30/2019P WINRED
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors Co./General Motors Co./It Director$100 07/30/2019P WINRED
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$5 07/30/2019P REPUBLICAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE - Republican
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$500 07/30/2019P REPUBLICAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE - Republican
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$100 07/30/2019P SCALISE FOR CONGRESS - Republican
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$100 07/30/2019P SCALISE FOR CONGRESS - Republican
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$100 07/30/2019P SCALISE FOR CONGRESS - Republican
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$100 07/30/2019P SCALISE FOR CONGRESS - Republican
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$100 07/30/2019P SCALISE FOR CONGRESS - Republican
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$5 07/30/2019P SCALISE FOR CONGRESS - Republican
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$100 07/30/2019P SCALISE FOR CONGRESS - Republican
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$100 07/30/2019P NRSC - Republican
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$100 07/30/2019P NRSC - Republican
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$5 07/30/2019P NRSC - Republican
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$20 07/30/2019P NRSC - Republican
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$45 07/30/2019P NRSC - Republican
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$100 07/29/2019P REPUBLICAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE - Republican
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$250 07/24/2019P SCALISE FOR CONGRESS - Republican
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$5 07/23/2019P REPUBLICAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE - Republican
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$500 07/23/2019P REPUBLICAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE - Republican
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$100 07/12/2019P REPUBLICAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE - Republican
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$25 01/01/1900P SCALISE FOR CONGRESS - Republican
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$25 01/01/1900P SCALISE FOR CONGRESS - Republican
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$25 01/01/1900P SCALISE FOR CONGRESS - Republican
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$25 01/01/1900P SCALISE FOR CONGRESS - Republican
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$50 01/01/1900P SCALISE FOR CONGRESS - Republican
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$25 01/01/1900P WINRED
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$35 01/01/1900P WINRED
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$45 01/01/1900P WINRED
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$100 01/01/1900P WINRED
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$50 01/01/1900P WINRED
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$50 01/01/1900P WINRED
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$25 01/01/1900P WINRED
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$25 01/01/1900P WINRED
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$35 01/01/1900P WINRED
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$50 01/01/1900P WINRED
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$25 01/01/1900P WINRED
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$25 01/01/1900P WINRED
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$35 01/01/1900P WINRED
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$25 01/01/1900P WINRED
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$42 01/01/1900P WINRED
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$35 01/01/1900P WINRED
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$42 01/01/1900P WINRED
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$35 01/01/1900P WINRED
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$35 01/01/1900P WINRED
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$35 01/01/1900P WINRED
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$42 01/01/1900P WINRED
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$50 01/01/1900P WINRED
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$50 01/01/1900P WINRED
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$35 01/01/1900P WINRED
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$42 01/01/1900P WINRED
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$51 01/01/1900P WINRED
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$35 01/01/1900P WINRED
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$25 01/01/1900P WINRED
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$42 01/01/1900P TRUMP MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN COMMITTEE
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$42 01/01/1900P TRUMP MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN COMMITTEE
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$100 01/01/1900P TRUMP MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN COMMITTEE
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$100 01/01/1900P WINRED
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$35 01/01/1900P WINRED
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$35 01/01/1900P WINRED
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$50 01/01/1900P NRCC - Republican
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$35 01/01/1900P NRCC - Republican
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$50 01/01/1900P NRCC - Republican
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$35 01/01/1900P NRCC - Republican
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$35 01/01/1900P NRCC - Republican
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$50 01/01/1900P NRCC - Republican
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$35 01/01/1900P NRCC - Republican
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$35 01/01/1900P NRCC - Republican
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$35 01/01/1900P NRCC - Republican
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$35 01/01/1900P NRCC - Republican
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$35 01/01/1900P NRCC - Republican
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$35 01/01/1900P NRCC - Republican
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$25 01/01/1900G CINDY HYDE-SMITH FOR US SENATE - Republican
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$100 01/01/1900P JOHN JAMES FOR SENATE, INC. - Republican
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$25 01/01/1900P CINDY HYDE-SMITH FOR US SENATE - Republican
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$25 01/01/1900P CINDY HYDE-SMITH FOR US SENATE - Republican
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$25 01/01/1900P JOHN JAMES FOR SENATE, INC. - Republican
JAWORSKI, JEFFREY General Motors/General Motors/It Director$25 01/01/1900P CINDY HYDE-SMITH FOR US SENATE - Republican
JONES, JEFFREY Not Employed/Not Employed/Not Employed$250 01/01/1900P ACTBLUE
JONES, JEFFREY Not Employed/Not Employed/Not Employed$250 01/01/1900P BIDEN FOR PRESIDENT - Democrat
JOYCE, PAT $25 11/14/2019 ACTBLUE
KABEL, PATRICIA Not Employed/Not Employed/Not Employed$50 01/01/1900P ACTBLUE
KABEL, PATRICIA Not Employed/Not Employed/Not Employed$100 01/01/1900P ACTBLUE
KABEL, PATRICIA Not Employed/Not Employed/Not Employed$50 01/01/1900P ACTBLUE
KABEL, PATRICIA Not Employed/Not Employed/Not Employed$50 01/01/1900P BIDEN FOR PRESIDENT - Democrat
KABEL, PATRICIA Not Employed/Not Employed/Not Employed$50 01/01/1900P BIDEN FOR PRESIDENT - Democrat
KEELER, KEN Comerica Bank/Comerica Bank/Banker$26 01/01/1900P BIDEN FOR PRESIDENT - Democrat
KEELER, KEN Comerica Bank/Comerica Bank/Banker$25 01/01/1900P BIDEN FOR PRESIDENT - Democrat
KEHOE, DAVID B MR Consumers Energy/Consumers Energy/Ex Dir Engy Resources Bus$44 12/31/2019P CMS ENERGY CORPORATION EMPLOYEES FOR BETTER GOVERNMENT- FEDERAL
KEHOE, DAVID B MR Consumers Energy/Consumers Energy/Ex Dir Engy Resources Bus$44 11/30/2019P CMS ENERGY CORPORATION EMPLOYEES FOR BETTER GOVERNMENT- FEDERAL
KEHOE, DAVID B MR Consumers Energy/Consumers Energy/Ex Dir Engy Resources Bus$44 10/31/2019P CMS ENERGY CORPORATION EMPLOYEES FOR BETTER GOVERNMENT- FEDERAL
KEHOE, DAVID B MR Consumers Energy/Consumers Energy/Ex Dir Engy Resources Bus$44 09/30/2019P CMS ENERGY CORPORATION EMPLOYEES FOR BETTER GOVERNMENT- FEDERAL
KEHOE, DAVID B MR Consumers Energy/Consumers Energy/Ex Dir Engy Resources Bus$44 08/31/2019P CMS ENERGY CORPORATION EMPLOYEES FOR BETTER GOVERNMENT- FEDERAL
KEHOE, DAVID B MR Consumers Energy/Consumers Energy/Ex Dir Engy Resources Bus$44 07/31/2019P CMS ENERGY CORPORATION EMPLOYEES FOR BETTER GOVERNMENT- FEDERAL
KELLER, ROBERT Retired/Retired/Retired$50 12/04/2019P NRCC - Republican
KELLER, ROBERT Retired/Retired/Retired$50 11/06/2019P NRCC - Republican
KELLER, ROBERT Retired/Retired/Retired$5 10/04/2019P NRCC - Republican
KELLER, ROBERT Retired/Retired/Retired$50 10/04/2019P NRCC - Republican
KELLER, ROBERT Retired/Retired/Retired$5 08/17/2019P NRCC - Republican
KELLER, ROBERT Retired/Retired/Retired$50 08/17/2019P NRCC - Republican
KELLER, ROBERT Retired/Retired/Retired$5 08/17/2019P NRCC - Republican
KELLER, ROBERT JOSEPH Retired/Retired/Retired$100 12/27/2019P JOHN JAMES FOR SENATE, INC. - Republican
KELLER, ROBERT JOSEPH Retired/Retired/Retired$100 10/31/2019P JOHN JAMES FOR SENATE, INC. - Republican
KELLER, ROBERT JOSEPH Retired/Retired/Retired$100 01/01/1900P JOHN JAMES FOR SENATE, INC. - Republican
KERBER, BRIAN Merrill Lynch/Merrill Lynch/Financial Advisor$500 06/20/2019P REPUBLICAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE - Republican
KEVIN D, BALL Dte Electric Company/Dte Electric Company/Director - Security Gover$56 04/30/2019P DTE ENERGY COMPANY POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE
KHEDER, JOSEPH Kheder Homes/J. Kheder Associates, Llc/Kheder Homes/J. Kheder Associates, Llc/Builder/Lobbyist$165 01/01/1900P ACTBLUE
KHEDER, JOSEPH Kheder Homes/J. Kheder Associates, Llc/Kheder Homes/J. Kheder Associates, Llc/Builder/Lobbyist$90 01/01/1900P ACTBLUE
KHEDER, JOSEPH Kheder Homes/J. Kheder Associates Llc/Kheder Homes/J. Kheder Associates Llc/Builder/Lobbyist$90 01/01/1900P BIDEN FOR PRESIDENT - Democrat
KLOECKER, RUTH MARIE Itc Holdings Corp./Itc Holdings Corp./Mgr, Planning Policies$30 12/26/2019P ITC HOLDINGS CORP. PAC (ITC PAC)
KLOECKER, RUTH MARIE Itc Holdings Corp./Itc Holdings Corp./Mgr, Planning Policies$30 12/12/2019P ITC HOLDINGS CORP. PAC (ITC PAC)
KLOECKER, RUTH MARIE Itc Holdings Corp./Itc Holdings Corp./Mgr, Planning Policies$30 11/27/2019P ITC HOLDINGS CORP. PAC (ITC PAC)
KLOECKER, RUTH MARIE Itc Holdings Corp./Itc Holdings Corp./Mgr, Planning Policies$30 11/14/2019P ITC HOLDINGS CORP. PAC (ITC PAC)
KLOECKER, RUTH MARIE Itc Holdings Corp./Itc Holdings Corp./Mgr, Planning Policies$30 10/31/2019P ITC HOLDINGS CORP. PAC (ITC PAC)
KLOECKER, RUTH MARIE Itc Holdings Corp./Itc Holdings Corp./Mgr, Planning Policies$30 10/17/2019P ITC HOLDINGS CORP. PAC (ITC PAC)
KLOECKER, RUTH MARIE Itc Holdings Corp./Itc Holdings Corp./Mgr, Planning Policies$30 10/03/2019P ITC HOLDINGS CORP. PAC (ITC PAC)
KLOECKER, RUTH MARIE Itc Holdings Corp./Itc Holdings Corp./Mgr, Planning Policies$30 09/19/2019P ITC HOLDINGS CORP. PAC (ITC PAC)
KLOECKER, RUTH MARIE Itc Holdings Corp./Itc Holdings Corp./Mgr, Planning Policies$30 09/05/2019P ITC HOLDINGS CORP. PAC (ITC PAC)
KLOECKER, RUTH MARIE Itc Holdings Corp./Itc Holdings Corp./Mgr, Planning Policies$30 08/22/2019P ITC HOLDINGS CORP. PAC (ITC PAC)
KLOECKER, RUTH MARIE Itc Holdings Corp./Itc Holdings Corp./Mgr, Planning Policies$30 08/08/2019P ITC HOLDINGS CORP. PAC (ITC PAC)
KLOECKER, RUTH MARIE Itc Holdings Corp./Itc Holdings Corp./Mgr, Planning Policies$30 07/25/2019P ITC HOLDINGS CORP. PAC (ITC PAC)
KLOECKER, RUTH MARIE Itc Holdings Corp./Itc Holdings Corp./Mgr, Planning Policies$30 07/11/2019P ITC HOLDINGS CORP. PAC (ITC PAC)
KLOECKER, RUTH MARIE Itc Holdings Corp./Itc Holdings Corp./Mgr, Planning Policies$30 06/27/2019P ITC HOLDINGS CORP. PAC (ITC PAC)
KLOECKER, RUTH MARIE Itc Holdings Corp./Itc Holdings Corp./Mgr, Planning Policies$30 06/13/2019P ITC HOLDINGS CORP. PAC (ITC PAC)
KLOECKER, RUTH MARIE Itc Holdings Corp./Itc Holdings Corp./Mgr, Planning Policies$30 05/30/2019P ITC HOLDINGS CORP. PAC (ITC PAC)
KLOECKER, RUTH MARIE Itc Holdings Corp./Itc Holdings Corp./Mgr, Planning Policies$30 05/16/2019P ITC HOLDINGS CORP. PAC (ITC PAC)
KLOECKER, RUTH MARIE Itc Holdings Corp./Itc Holdings Corp./Mgr, Planning Policies$30 05/02/2019P ITC HOLDINGS CORP. PAC (ITC PAC)
KLOECKER, RUTH MARIE Itc Holdings Corp./Itc Holdings Corp./Mgr, Planning Policies$30 04/18/2019P ITC HOLDINGS CORP. PAC (ITC PAC)
KLOECKER, RUTH MARIE Itc Holdings Corp./Itc Holdings Corp./Mgr, Planning Policies$30 04/04/2019P ITC HOLDINGS CORP. PAC (ITC PAC)
KLOECKER, RUTH MARIE Itc Holdings Corp./Itc Holdings Corp./Mgr, Planning Policies$30 03/21/2019P ITC HOLDINGS CORP. PAC (ITC PAC)
KLOECKER, RUTH MARIE Itc Holdings Corp./Itc Holdings Corp./Mgr, Planning Policies$30 03/07/2019P ITC HOLDINGS CORP. PAC (ITC PAC)
KLOECKER, RUTH MARIE Itc Holdings Corp./Itc Holdings Corp./Mgr, Planning Policies$30 02/21/2019P ITC HOLDINGS CORP. PAC (ITC PAC)
KLOECKER, RUTH MARIE Itc Holdings Corp./Itc Holdings Corp./Mgr, Planning Policies$30 02/07/2019P ITC HOLDINGS CORP. PAC (ITC PAC)
KLOECKER, RUTH MARIE Itc Holdings Corp./Itc Holdings Corp./Mgr, Planning Policies$30 01/24/2019P ITC HOLDINGS CORP. PAC (ITC PAC)
KLOECKER, RUTH MARIE Itc Holdings Corp./Itc Holdings Corp./Mgr, Planning Policies$30 01/10/2019P ITC HOLDINGS CORP. PAC (ITC PAC)
KNAPP, GREG Retired/Retired/Retired$5 01/01/1900P WINRED
KNAPP, GREG Retired/Retired/Retired$25 01/01/1900P WINRED
KNAPP, GREG Retired/Retired/Retired$25 01/01/1900P WINRED
KNAPP, GREG Retired/Retired/Retired$42 01/01/1900P WINRED
KNAPP, GREG Retired/Retired/Retired$35 01/01/1900P WINRED
KNAPP, GREG Retired/Retired/Retired$25 01/01/1900P WINRED
KNAPP, GREG Retired/Retired/Retired$10 01/01/1900P WINRED
KNAPP, GREG Retired/Retired/Retired$25 01/01/1900P WINRED
KNAPP, GREG Retired/Retired/Retired$10 01/01/1900P WINRED
KNAPP, GREG Retired/Retired/Retired$25 01/01/1900P WINRED
KONDRACIUK, ALICE $-102 01/01/1900P BERNIE 2020 - Democrat
KONDRACIUK, ALICE Ally Financial/Ally Financial/Director$27 01/01/1900P BERNIE 2020 - Democrat
KONDRACIUK, ALICE Ally Financial/Ally Financial/Director$102 01/01/1900P BERNIE 2020 - Democrat
KONDRACIUK, ALICE Ally Financial/Ally Financial/Director$100 01/01/1900P BERNIE 2020 - Democrat
KONDRACIUK, ALICE Ally Financial/Ally Financial/Director$27 01/01/1900P BERNIE 2020 - Democrat
KOSTAKOS, MIKE Mike Kostakos Dds Pc/Mike Kostakos Dds Pc/Dentist$250 01/01/1900P CASEY ASKAR FOR CONGRESS - Republican
KOSTAKOS, MIKE Mike Kostakos Dds Pc/Mike Kostakos Dds Pc/Dentist$250 01/01/1900P WINRED
KOTEVSKI, DENNIS Michigan Paving & Materials/Michigan Paving & Materials/Technical Director$24 12/15/2019P CRH AMERICAS, INC. PAC
KOTEVSKI, DENNIS Michigan Paving & Materials/Michigan Paving & Materials/Technical Director$19 11/15/2019P CRH AMERICAS, INC. PAC
KOTEVSKI, DENNIS Michigan Paving & Materials/Michigan Paving & Materials/Technical Director$24 10/15/2019P CRH AMERICAS, INC. PAC
KRAUSE, KEVIN Truck-Lite/Truck-Lite/Executive$250 10/01/2019P JUSTIN AMASH FOR CONGRESS - Independent
KRAUSE, KEVIN Truck-Lite/Truck-Lite/Vp Procurement$100 01/01/1900P JUSTIN AMASH FOR CONGRESS - Independent
KRYKA, ANTON JR Brooks Utility Products/Brooks Utility Products/Quality Control$42 08/10/2019P TRUMP MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN COMMITTEE
KRYKA, ANTON JR Brooks Utility Products/Brooks Utility Products/Quality Control$50 06/25/2019P DONALD J. TRUMP FOR PRESIDENT, INC. - Republican
KRYKA, ANTON JR Brooks Utility Products/Brooks Utility Products/Quality Control$100 06/12/2019P DONALD J. TRUMP FOR PRESIDENT, INC. - Republican
KRYKA, ANTON JR Brooks Utility Products/Brooks Utility Products/Quality Control$50 05/25/2019P DONALD J. TRUMP FOR PRESIDENT, INC. - Republican
KRYKA, ANTON JR Brooks Utility Products/Brooks Utility Products/Quality Control$50 04/25/2019P DONALD J. TRUMP FOR PRESIDENT, INC. - Republican
KRYKA, ANTON JR Brooks Utility Products/Brooks Utility Products/Quality Control$50 03/25/2019P DONALD J. TRUMP FOR PRESIDENT, INC. - Republican
KRYKA, ANTON JR Brooks Utility Products/Brooks Utility Products/Quality Control$50 02/25/2019P DONALD J. TRUMP FOR PRESIDENT, INC. - Republican
KRYKA, ANTON JR. Brooks Utility Products/Brooks Utility Products/Quality Control & Production$2,020 05/21/2019P TRUMP MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN COMMITTEE
KRYKA, ANTON JR. Brooks Utility Products/Brooks Utility Products/Quality Control & Production$100 05/07/2019P TRUMP MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN COMMITTEE
KRYKA, ANTON JR. Brooks Utility Products/Brooks Utility Products/Quality Control & Production$250 05/04/2019P TRUMP MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN COMMITTEE
KRYKA, ANTON JR. Brooks Utility Products/Brooks Utility Products/Quality Control & Production$250 04/20/2019P TRUMP MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN COMMITTEE
KUSS, JEFFREY Accident Fund Holdings, Inc./Accident Fund Holdings, Inc./Svp, Chief Claims Officer$260 12/19/2019P BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD OF MICHIGAN PAC
KUSS, JEFFREY Accident Fund Holdings, Inc./Accident Fund Holdings, Inc./Svp, Chief Claims Officer$260 06/20/2019P BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD OF MICHIGAN PAC
LACROSSE, ROBERT A Cardinal Health, Inc/Cardinal Health, Inc/Mngr, Credit$20 12/31/2019P CARDINAL HEALTH INC. PAC AKA CARDINAL HEALTH COMPANIES PAC
LACROSSE, ROBERT A Cardinal Health, Inc/Cardinal Health, Inc/Mngr, Credit$30 11/30/2019P CARDINAL HEALTH INC. PAC AKA CARDINAL HEALTH COMPANIES PAC
LACROSSE, ROBERT A Cardinal Health, Inc/Cardinal Health, Inc/Mngr, Credit$20 10/31/2019P CARDINAL HEALTH INC. PAC AKA CARDINAL HEALTH COMPANIES PAC
LAKE, TIMOTHY WILBUR MR. Self-Employed/Self-Employed/Attorney$250 01/01/1900P REPUBLICAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE - Republican
LANE, JOHN A Ford Motor Company/Ford Motor Company/Department Manager$50 12/31/2019P FORD MOTOR COMPANY CIVIC ACTION FUND - Unknown
LANE, JOHN A Ford Motor Company/Ford Motor Company/Department Manager$50 11/30/2019P FORD MOTOR COMPANY CIVIC ACTION FUND - Unknown
LANE, JOHN A Ford Motor Company/Ford Motor Company/Department Manager$50 09/30/2019P FORD MOTOR COMPANY CIVIC ACTION FUND - Unknown
LANE, JOHN A Ford Motor Company/Ford Motor Company/Department Manager$50 08/31/2019P FORD MOTOR COMPANY CIVIC ACTION FUND - Unknown
LANE, JOHN A Ford Motor Company/Ford Motor Company/Department Manager$50 07/31/2019P FORD MOTOR COMPANY CIVIC ACTION FUND - Unknown
LANE, JOHN A A Ford Motor Company/Ford Motor Company/Department Manager$50 05/31/2019P FORD MOTOR COMPANY CIVIC ACTION FUND - Unknown
LEDBETTER, KEITH Abc Southeastern Michigan Chapter/Abc Southeastern Michigan Chapter/President/Ceo$500 01/01/1900P ASSOCIATED BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS, INC. POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE (ABC PAC) - Unknown
LEFTWICH, MARTIN D Howell Public Schools/Howell Public Schools/Educator$50 07/09/2019P NEA FUND FOR CHILDREN AND PUBLIC EDUCATION - Unknown
LEFTWICH, MARTIN D Howell Public Schools/Howell Public Schools/Educator$100 07/09/2019P NEA FUND FOR CHILDREN AND PUBLIC EDUCATION - Unknown
LEFTWICH, MARTIN D Howell Public Schools/Howell Public Schools/Educator$100 07/09/2019P NEA FUND FOR CHILDREN AND PUBLIC EDUCATION - Unknown
LEONE, SUSAN M Ford Motor Company/Ford Motor Company/Director$210 01/31/2019P FORD MOTOR COMPANY CIVIC ACTION FUND - Unknown
LESLIE, MICHAEL J Dte Eng Corp Svcs Llc/Dte Eng Corp Svcs Llc/Principal Supervisor - Cu$22 12/31/2019P DTE ENERGY COMPANY POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE
LESLIE, MICHAEL J Dte Eng Corp Svcs Llc/Dte Eng Corp Svcs Llc/Principal Supervisor - Cu$22 11/30/2019P DTE ENERGY COMPANY POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE
LESLIE, MICHAEL J Dte Eng Corp Svcs Llc/Dte Eng Corp Svcs Llc/Principal Supervisor - Cu$33 10/31/2019P DTE ENERGY COMPANY POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE
LESLIE, MICHAEL J Dte Eng Corp Svcs Llc/Dte Eng Corp Svcs Llc/Principal Supervisor - Cu$22 09/30/2019P DTE ENERGY COMPANY POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE
LINDBERGH, LOIS MRS. Retired/Retired/Retired$1 10/15/2019P REPUBLICAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE - Republican
LOEFFLER, DONALD Retired/Retired/Retired$25 12/15/2019P SCALISE FOR CONGRESS - Republican
LOEFFLER, DONALD Retired/Retired/Retired$35 11/21/2019P NRSC - Republican
LOEFFLER, DONALD Retired/Retired/Retired$25 11/12/2019P SCALISE FOR CONGRESS - Republican
LOEFFLER, DONALD Retired/Retired/Retired$35 10/21/2019P NRSC - Republican
LOEFFLER, DONALD Retired/Retired/Retired$25 10/18/2019P SCALISE FOR CONGRESS - Republican
LOEFFLER, DONALD Retired/Retired/Retired$25 01/01/1900P SCALISE FOR CONGRESS - Republican
LOEFFLER, DONALD Retired/Retired/Retired$35 01/01/1900P SCALISE FOR CONGRESS - Republican
LOEFFLER, DONALD Retired/Retired/Retired$25 01/01/1900P SCALISE FOR CONGRESS - Republican
LOEFFLER, DONALD Retired/Retired/Retired$35 01/01/1900P SCALISE FOR CONGRESS - Republican
LOEFFLER, DONALD Retired/Retired/Retired$25 01/01/1900P SCALISE FOR CONGRESS - Republican
LOEFFLER, DONALD Retired/Retired/Retired$25 01/01/1900P SCALISE FOR CONGRESS - Republican
LOEFFLER, DONALD Retired/Retired/Retired$35 01/01/1900P WINRED
LOEFFLER, DONALD Retired/Retired/Retired$25 01/01/1900P WINRED
LOEFFLER, DONALD Retired/Retired/Retired$25 01/01/1900P WINRED
LOEFFLER, DONALD Retired/Retired/Retired$25 01/01/1900P WINRED
LOEFFLER, DONALD Retired/Retired/Retired$35 01/01/1900P WINRED
LOEFFLER, DONALD Retired/Retired/Retired$35 01/01/1900P WINRED
LOEFFLER, DONALD Retired/Retired/Retired$25 01/01/1900P WINRED
LOEFFLER, DONALD Retired/Retired/Retired$35 01/01/1900P WINRED
LOEFFLER, DONALD Retired/Retired/Retired$35 01/01/1900P WINRED
LOEFFLER, DONALD Retired/Retired/Retired$35 01/01/1900P WINRED
LOEFFLER, DONALD Retired/Retired/Retired$35 01/01/1900P WINRED
LOEFFLER, DONALD Retired/Retired/Retired$35 01/01/1900P WINRED
LOEFFLER, DONALD Retired/Retired/Retired$25 01/01/1900P WINRED
LOEFFLER, DONALD Retired/Retired/Retired$30 01/01/1900P WINRED
LOEFFLER, DONALD Retired/Retired/Retired$35 01/01/1900P WINRED
LOEFFLER, DONALD Retired/Retired/Retired$25 01/01/1900P WINRED
LOEFFLER, DONALD Retired/Retired/Retired$25 01/01/1900P WINRED
LOEFFLER, DONALD Retired/Retired/Retired$35 01/01/1900P WINRED
LOEFFLER, DONALD Retired/Retired/Retired$25 01/01/1900P WINRED
LOEFFLER, DONALD Retired/Retired/Retired$25 01/01/1900P WINRED
LOEFFLER, DONALD Retired/Retired/Retired$42 01/01/1900P WINRED
LOEFFLER, DONALD Retired/Retired/Retired$15 01/01/1900P NRSC - Republican
LOEFFLER, DONALD Retired/Retired/Retired$35 01/01/1900P NRSC - Republican
LOEFFLER, DONALD Retired/Retired/Retired$35 01/01/1900P NRSC - Republican
LOEFFLER, DONALD Retired/Retired/Retired$35 01/01/1900P NRSC - Republican
LOEFFLER, DONALD Retired/Retired/Retired$15 01/01/1900P NRSC - Republican
LOEFFLER, DONALD Retired/Retired/Retired$35 01/01/1900P NRSC - Republican
LOEFFLER, DONALD Retired/Retired/Retired$15 01/01/1900P NRSC - Republican
LOEFFLER, DONALD Retired/Retired/Retired$15 01/01/1900P MCCONNELL SENATE COMMITTEE - Republican
LOEFFLER, DONALD Retired/Retired/Retired$17 01/01/1900P MCCONNELL SENATE COMMITTEE - Republican
LOEFFLER, DONALD G. MR. Retired/Retired/Retired$35 10/31/2019P NRCC - Republican
LOEFFLER, DONALD G. MR. Retired/Retired/Retired$35 10/29/2019P NRCC - Republican
LOEFFLER, DONALD G. MR. Retired/Retired/Retired$35 10/27/2019P NRCC - Republican
LOEFFLER, DONALD G. MR. Retired/Retired/Retired$35 10/09/2019P NRCC - Republican
LOEFFLER, DONALD G. MR. Retired/Retired/Retired$35 10/02/2019P NRCC - Republican
LOEFFLER, DONALD G. MR. Retired/Retired/Retired$35 09/30/2019P NRCC - Republican
LOEFFLER, DONALD G. MR. Retired/Retired/Retired$35 09/27/2019P NRCC - Republican
LOEFFLER, DONALD G. MR. Retired/Retired/Retired$25 09/10/2019P NRCC - Republican
LOEFFLER, DONALD G. MR. Retired/Retired/Retired$25 09/04/2019P NRCC - Republican
LOEFFLER, DONALD MR. Retired/Retired/Retired$35 09/21/2019P NRSC - Republican
LOEFFLER, DONALD MR. Retired/Retired/Retired$35 08/22/2019P NRSC - Republican
LOEFFLER, DONALD MR. Retired/Retired/Retired$35 08/21/2019P NRSC - Republican
LOEFFLER, DONALD MR. Retired/Retired/Retired$35 08/01/2019P NRSC - Republican
LOEFFLER, DONALD MR. Retired/Retired/Retired$35 01/01/1900P NRSC - Republican
LOEFFLER, DONALD MR. Retired/Retired/Retired$30 01/01/1900P NRSC - Republican
LONG, JOHN DANIEL MR. Self-Employed/Self-Employed/Quality Engr$100 12/17/2019P REPUBLICAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE - Republican
LONG, JOHN DANIEL MR. Self-Employed/Self-Employed/Quality Engr$100 11/22/2019P REPUBLICAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE - Republican
LONG, JOHN DANIEL MR. Self-Employed/Self-Employed/Quality Engineer$75 09/11/2019P REPUBLICAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE - Republican
LONG, JOHN DANIEL MR. Self-Employed/Self-Employed/Quality Engineer$100 08/12/2019P REPUBLICAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE - Republican
LONG, JOHN DANIEL MR. Self-Employed/Self-Employed/Quality Engineer$125 06/21/2019P REPUBLICAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE - Republican
LONG, JOHN DANIEL MR. Self-Employed/Self-Employed/Quality Engineer$100 05/20/2019P REPUBLICAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE - Republican
LONG, JOHN DANIEL MR. Self-Employed/Self-Employed/Quality Engineer$50 04/12/2019P REPUBLICAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE - Republican
LONG, JOHN DANIEL MR. Self-Employed/Self-Employed/Quality Engineer$50 04/04/2019P REPUBLICAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE - Republican
LONG, JOHN DANIEL MR. Self-Employed/Self-Employed/Quality Engineer$100 03/22/2019P REPUBLICAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE - Republican
LONG, JOHN DANIEL MR. Self-Employed/Self-Employed/Quality Engineer$100 03/15/2019P REPUBLICAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE - Republican
LONG, JOHN DANIEL MR. Self-Employed/Self-Employed/Quality Engineer$100 03/04/2019P REPUBLICAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE - Republican
LONG, JOHN DANIEL MR. Self-Employed/Self-Employed/Self-Employed$50 02/01/2019P REPUBLICAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE - Republican
LONG, JOHN DANIEL MR. Self-Employed/Self-Employed/Quality Engr$50 01/01/1900P REPUBLICAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE - Republican
LONG, JOHN DANIEL MR. Self-Employed/Self-Employed/Quality Engr$50 01/01/1900P REPUBLICAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE - Republican
LONG, JOHN DANIEL MR. Self-Employed/Self-Employed/Quality Engr$50 01/01/1900P REPUBLICAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE - Republican
LONG, JOHN DANIEL MR. Self-Employed/Self-Employed/Quality Engr$50 01/01/1900P REPUBLICAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE - Republican
MAHAN, PATRICIA ANN Cgi Technologies & Solutions, Inc./Cgi Technologies & Solutions, Inc./Director Consulting Delivery$25 12/30/2019P CGI TECHNOLOGIES AND SOLUTIONS INC. PAC
MAHAN, PATRICIA ANN Cgi Technologies & Solutions, Inc./Cgi Technologies & Solutions, Inc./Director Consulting Delivery$25 12/07/2019P CGI TECHNOLOGIES AND SOLUTIONS INC. PAC
MAHAN, PATRICIA ANN Cgi Technologies & Solutions, Inc./Cgi Technologies & Solutions, Inc./Director Consulting Delivery$25 11/29/2019P CGI TECHNOLOGIES AND SOLUTIONS INC. PAC
MAHAN, PATRICIA ANN Cgi Technologies & Solutions, Inc./Cgi Technologies & Solutions, Inc./Director Consulting Delivery$25 11/15/2019P CGI TECHNOLOGIES AND SOLUTIONS INC. PAC
MAHAN, PATRICIA ANN Cgi Technologies & Solutions, Inc./Cgi Technologies & Solutions, Inc./Director Consulting Delivery$25 11/04/2019P CGI TECHNOLOGIES AND SOLUTIONS INC. PAC
MAHAN, PATRICIA ANN Cgi Technologies & Solutions, Inc./Cgi Technologies & Solutions, Inc./Director Consulting Delivery$25 10/18/2019P CGI TECHNOLOGIES AND SOLUTIONS INC. PAC
MAHAN, PATRICIA ANN Cgi Technologies & Solutions, Inc./Cgi Technologies & Solutions, Inc./Director Consulting Delivery$25 10/04/2019P CGI TECHNOLOGIES AND SOLUTIONS INC. PAC
MAHAN, PATRICIA ANN Cgi Technologies & Solutions, Inc./Cgi Technologies & Solutions, Inc./Director Consulting Delivery$25 09/19/2019P CGI TECHNOLOGIES AND SOLUTIONS INC. PAC
MAHAN, PATRICIA ANN Cgi Technologies & Solutions, Inc./Cgi Technologies & Solutions, Inc./Director Consulting Delivery$25 09/06/2019P CGI TECHNOLOGIES AND SOLUTIONS INC. PAC
MAHAN, PATRICIA ANN Cgi Technologies & Solutions, Inc./Cgi Technologies & Solutions, Inc./Director Consulting Delivery$25 08/22/2019P CGI TECHNOLOGIES AND SOLUTIONS INC. PAC
MAHAN, PATRICIA ANN Cgi Technologies & Solutions, Inc./Cgi Technologies & Solutions, Inc./Director Consulting Delivery$25 08/09/2019P CGI TECHNOLOGIES AND SOLUTIONS INC. PAC
MAHAN, PATRICIA ANN Cgi Technologies & Solutions, Inc./Cgi Technologies & Solutions, Inc./Director Consulting Delivery$25 07/25/2019P CGI TECHNOLOGIES AND SOLUTIONS INC. PAC
MAHAN, PATRICIA ANN Cgi Technologies & Solutions, Inc./Cgi Technologies & Solutions, Inc./Director Consulting Delivery$25 07/12/2019P CGI TECHNOLOGIES AND SOLUTIONS INC. PAC
MAHAN, PATRICIA ANN Cgi Technologies & Solutions, Inc./Cgi Technologies & Solutions, Inc./Director Consulting Delivery$25 07/01/2019P CGI TECHNOLOGIES AND SOLUTIONS INC. PAC
MAHAN, PATRICIA ANN Cgi Technologies & Solutions, Inc./Cgi Technologies & Solutions, Inc./Director Consulting Delivery$25 06/13/2019P CGI TECHNOLOGIES AND SOLUTIONS INC. PAC
MAHAN, PATRICIA ANN Cgi Technologies & Solutions, Inc./Cgi Technologies & Solutions, Inc./Director Consulting Delivery$25 05/31/2019P CGI TECHNOLOGIES AND SOLUTIONS INC. PAC
MAHAN, PATRICIA ANN Cgi Technologies & Solutions, Inc./Cgi Technologies & Solutions, Inc./Director Consulting Delivery$25 05/16/2019P CGI TECHNOLOGIES AND SOLUTIONS INC. PAC
MAHAN, PATRICIA ANN Cgi Technologies & Solutions, Inc./Cgi Technologies & Solutions, Inc./Director Consulting Delivery$25 05/03/2019P CGI TECHNOLOGIES AND SOLUTIONS INC. PAC
MAHAN, PATRICIA ANN Cgi Technologies & Solutions, Inc./Cgi Technologies & Solutions, Inc./Director Consulting Delivery$25 01/01/1900P CGI TECHNOLOGIES AND SOLUTIONS INC. PAC
MAHAN, PATRICIA ANN Cgi Technologies & Solutions, Inc./Cgi Technologies & Solutions, Inc./Director Consulting Delivery$25 01/01/1900P CGI TECHNOLOGIES AND SOLUTIONS INC. PAC
MAHAN, PATRICIA ANN Cgi Technologies & Solutions, Inc./Cgi Technologies & Solutions, Inc./Director Consulting Delivery$25 01/01/1900P CGI TECHNOLOGIES AND SOLUTIONS INC. PAC
MAHE, VINCE Ford Motor Company/Ford Motor Company/Engineer$500 04/10/2019 ACTBLUE
MAHE, VINCE MR. Ford Motors/Ford Motors/Engineer$500 04/10/2019P FRIENDS OF MICHAEL WEINSTOCK - Democrat
MAHE, VINCENT R Ford Motor Company/Ford Motor Company/Chief Engineer$50 12/31/2019P FORD MOTOR COMPANY CIVIC ACTION FUND - Unknown
MAHE, VINCENT R Ford Motor Company/Ford Motor Company/Chief Engineer$50 11/30/2019P FORD MOTOR COMPANY CIVIC ACTION FUND - Unknown
MAHE, VINCENT R Ford Motor Company/Ford Motor Company/Chief Engineer$30 09/30/2019P FORD MOTOR COMPANY CIVIC ACTION FUND - Unknown
MAHE, VINCENT R Ford Motor Company/Ford Motor Company/Chief Engineer$30 08/31/2019P FORD MOTOR COMPANY CIVIC ACTION FUND - Unknown
MAHE, VINCENT R Ford Motor Company/Ford Motor Company/Manager$30 07/31/2019P FORD MOTOR COMPANY CIVIC ACTION FUND - Unknown
MARCHANT, JULIE Self/Self/Artist$27 12/31/2019P BERNIE 2020 - Democrat
MARCHANT, JULIE Walmart/Walmart/Cashier$27 12/31/2019 ACTBLUE
MARCHANT, JULIE Self/Self/Artist$27 12/14/2019P BERNIE 2020 - Democrat
MARCHANT, JULIE Walmart/Walmart/Cashier$27 12/14/2019 ACTBLUE
MARCHANT, JULIE Self/Self/Artist$15 12/12/2019P BERNIE 2020 - Democrat
MARCHANT, JULIE Walmart/Walmart/Cashier$15 12/12/2019 ACTBLUE
MARCHANT, JULIE Self/Self/Artist$2 12/04/2019P BERNIE 2020 - Democrat
MARCHANT, JULIE Walmart/Walmart/Cashier$2 12/04/2019 ACTBLUE
MARCHANT, JULIE Walmart/Walmart/Cashier$2 11/29/2019 ACTBLUE
MARCHANT, JULIE Self/Self/Artist$2 11/29/2019P BERNIE 2020 - Democrat
MARCHANT, JULIE Self/Self/Artist$27 11/22/2019P BERNIE 2020 - Democrat
MARCHANT, JULIE Walmart/Walmart/Cashier$27 11/22/2019 ACTBLUE
MARCHANT, JULIE Self/Self/Artist$2 10/31/2019P BERNIE 2020 - Democrat
MARCHANT, JULIE Walmart/Walmart/Cashier$2 10/31/2019 ACTBLUE
MARCHANT, JULIE Walmart/Walmart/Cashier$10 09/27/2019 ACTBLUE
MARCHANT, JULIE Self/Self/Artist$10 09/27/2019P BERNIE 2020 - Democrat
MARCHANT, JULIE Self/Self/Artist$27 09/17/2019P BERNIE 2020 - Democrat
MARCHANT, JULIE Walmart/Walmart/Cashier$27 09/17/2019 ACTBLUE
MARCHANT, JULIE Walmart/Walmart/Cashier$10 08/27/2019 ACTBLUE
MARCHANT, JULIE Self/Self/Artist$10 08/27/2019P BERNIE 2020 - Democrat

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Committees (PACs):
"527" Organizations:
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   527 Organizations


Celebrity Contributors:
   Aaron Sorkin
   Andrew Fastow
   Arnold Palmer
   Arnold Schwarzenegger
   Ben Affleck
   Bill Cosby
   Bill Gates
   Calvin Klein
   Dennis Kozlowski
   Donald Trump
   George Soros
   Hugh Hefner
   Jack Grubman
   Jeff Skilling
   John Grisham
   John Rigas
   Ken Lay
   Martha Stewart
   Mel Gibson
   Oprah Winfrey
   Ralph Lauren
   Donald Trump
   Richard Scrushy
   Rush Limbaugh
   Sam Waksal
   Scott Sullivan
   Steven Spielberg
   Tom Cruise
   Tommy Hilfiger
Industry Contributors:
   CEO/Chief Executives
   College Professors
   Trial Lawyers
   Golf Professionals
   Poker Professionals
   Mortgage Brokers
   Futures Brokers
   Stock Brokers
   Options Brokers
   Life Insurance
   Health Insurance
   Auto Insurance
   Securities Lawyers
   Boats & Yachts
   Defense Contracts
Baseball Contributors:
   New York Yankees
   Boston Red Sox
   Chicago Cubs
Notable Politicians:
   Barack Obama
   George W Bush
   John Kerry
   Ralph Nader
   Hillary Clinton
   Apple Computer
   New York Times
   News Corporation
   General Electric
   Exxon Mobil
   Ford Motor
   Anheuser Busch
Top 10 Contributors:
   Thomas Steyer
   Linda Mcmahon
   Sheldon Adelson
   Miriam Adelson
   Bob Perry
   Michael Bloomberg
   Harold Simmons
   Fred Eychaner
   J Ricketts
   John Raese