Quan Nguyen Political Campaign Contributions 2012 Election Cycle
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2020 Transaction Count/Amount |
51/$107,992 |
2018 Transaction Count/Amount |
29/$6,154 |
2016 Transaction Count/Amount |
28/$5,299 |
2014 Transaction Count/Amount |
4/$1,700 |
2012 Transaction Count/Amount |
8/$2,300 |
2010 Transaction Count/Amount |
3/$1,000 |
2008 Transaction Count/Amount |
7/$3,302 |
2006 Transaction Count/Amount |
18/$17,158 |
2004 Transaction Count/Amount |
10/$10,500 |
2002 Transaction Count/Amount |
4/$1,350 |
2000 Transaction Count/Amount |
4/$1,500 |
Download all contribution records for this person from 1999 to present To a Spreadsheet or Other File Type
Quan Nguyen Political Contributions in 2012
NGUYEN, QUAN FALLS CHURCH, VA 22042 | Self/Medical Doctor | $250 |
10/26/2012 |
NGUYEN, QUAN FALLS CHURCH, VA 22042 | Self-Employed/Physician | $250 |
09/26/2012 |
G |
NGUYEN, QUAN GILBERT, AZ 85234 | Self/It Consulting | $300 |
07/15/2012 |
P |
WENDYROGERS.ORG - Republican |
NGUYEN, QUAN GILBERT, AZ 85234 | Self/It Consulting | $300 |
06/15/2012 |
P |
WENDYROGERS.ORG - Republican |
NGUYEN, QUAN GILBERT, AZ 85234 | Self/It Consulting | $300 |
05/15/2012 |
P |
WENDYROGERS.ORG - Republican |
NGUYEN, QUAN GILBERT, AZ 85234 | Self/It Consulting | $300 |
04/15/2012 |
P |
WENDYROGERS.ORG - Republican |
NGUYEN, QUAN GILBERT, AZ 85234 | Self/It Consulting | $300 |
03/15/2012 |
P |
WENDYROGERS.ORG - Republican |
NGUYEN, QUAN GILBERT, AZ 85234 | Self/It Consulting | $300 |
02/15/2012 |
P |
WENDYROGERS.ORG - Republican |