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Myrtle Beach, SC 29572
Political Campaign Contributions
2012 Election Cycle

Zip Code Totals

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2020 $204,670 $25,000
2018 $182,882 $10,037
2016 $187,271 $19,180
2014 $221,509 $58,709
2012 $454,075 $123,305
2010 $75,267 $12,850
2008 $202,839 $44,714
2006 $124,005 $11,775
2004 $242,143 $20,000
2002 $103,625 $11,050
2000 $62,830 $7,550

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2012 Election Cycle
Political Campaign Donor/Contributor List

$ AmountDatePrimary/
Contibuted To
SHORE, SARAH Harbour Properties Realty/Realtor$500 05/30/2012P PRESTON BRITTAIN FOR CONGRESS - Democrat
SHORE, SARAH Harbour Properties Realty/Realtor$1,500 03/09/2012P PRESTON BRITTAIN FOR CONGRESS - Democrat
SINGLETON, JAMES New South Companies/Business Management$1,000 09/17/2012G TOM RICE FOR CONGRESS - Republican
SINGLETON, JAMES New South Companies/Business Management$500 06/22/2012 TOM RICE FOR CONGRESS - Republican
SINGLETON, JAMES M. MR. Retired/Retired$250 03/07/2012P TOM RICE FOR CONGRESS - Republican
SINGLETON, JAMES MCNEILL MR. None/Retired Businessman$201 09/20/2012 REPUBLICAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE - Republican
SINGLETON, JAMES MR. Retired/Retired$500 10/28/2012 ROMNEY VICTORY INC - Republican
SINGLETON, JAMES MR. Na/Retired$500 09/30/2012 ROMNEY VICTORY INC - Republican
SINGLETON, JAMES MR. Na/Retired$250 08/04/2012 ROMNEY VICTORY INC - Republican
SINGLETON, JAMES MR. Canfor Southern Pine/Corporate Director$500 04/23/2012P ROMNEY FOR PRESIDENT INC. - Republican
SINGLETON, JAMES MR. Information Requested Per Best Efforts$500 06/29/2011P ROMNEY FOR PRESIDENT INC. - Republican
SINGLETON, JOSEPH F. MR. Singleton Burroughs And Young P.A./Attorney$200 10/12/2012G ROMNEY FOR PRESIDENT INC. - Republican
SINGLETON, R. G. MR. Retired/Retired$254 01/10/2011 REPUBLICAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE - Republican
SLEDGE, GLENN W. MR. Self Employed/Businessman$500 12/01/2011P TOM RICE FOR CONGRESS - Republican
SLOAN, CARL Coastal Eye Group, P.C./Opthalmologist$500 06/21/2012 PRESTON BRITTAIN FOR CONGRESS - Democrat
SLOAN, CARL Coastal Eye Group, P.C./Opthalmologist$250 04/15/2012P PRESTON BRITTAIN FOR CONGRESS - Democrat
SLOAN, CARL Coastal Eye Group, Pc/Optomologist$250 12/27/2011P PRESTON BRITTAIN FOR CONGRESS - Democrat
SLOAN, CARL F. DR. Coastal Eye Group/Doctor$250 12/01/2011P TOM RICE FOR CONGRESS - Republican
SLOAN, CHRISTI Self Employed/Homemaker$2,500 06/19/2012 TOM RICE FOR CONGRESS - Republican
SLOAN, FRANK Coastal Eye Group/Doctor$2,500 09/21/2012G TOM RICE FOR CONGRESS - Republican
SLOAN, FRANK Coastal Eye Group, P.C./Opthalmologist$500 06/22/2012 PRESTON BRITTAIN FOR CONGRESS - Democrat
SLOAN, FRANK Coastal Eye Group, P.C./Opthalmologist$500 04/27/2012P PRESTON BRITTAIN FOR CONGRESS - Democrat
SLOAN, FRANK Coastal Eye Group, P.C./Opthalmologist$500 03/23/2012P PRESTON BRITTAIN FOR CONGRESS - Democrat
SLOAN, FRANK Coastal Eye Group, P.C./Optomologist$1,500 12/29/2011P PRESTON BRITTAIN FOR CONGRESS - Democrat
SLOAN, FRANK Self/Doctor$300 03/17/2011P TIM SCOTT FOR CONGRESS - Republican
SLOAN, FRANK K. DR. JR. Coastal Eye Group/Doctor$2,500 12/01/2011P TOM RICE FOR CONGRESS - Republican
SMITH, DON J Coldwell Banker/Realtor$600 03/15/2011P TIM SCOTT FOR CONGRESS - Republican
SMITH, DON J. MR. Chicora Development/Realtor$1,100 11/14/2011P TOM RICE FOR CONGRESS - Republican
SMITH, JAY MR. Burroughs & Chapin/Realtor$250 12/01/2011P TOM RICE FOR CONGRESS - Republican
SMITH, RYAN W. M.D. Coastal Anesthesia Medical Group/An/Anesthesiologist$250 02/11/2012 AMERICAN SOCIETY OF ANESTHESIOLOGISTS POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE
SMITH, STEPHEN D. Us Land Co/President$250 03/16/2012P PRESTON BRITTAIN FOR CONGRESS - Democrat
SMITH, TILGHMAN MR. Studio 77/Owner$500 12/22/2011P TOM RICE FOR CONGRESS - Republican
SPIELVOGEL, KENNETH Coastal Grande Obstetrics And Gynecolo/Md$500 04/18/2012P PRESTON BRITTAIN FOR CONGRESS - Democrat
SPIELVOGEL, KENNETH Coastal Grande Obstetrics And Gynecolo/Md$1,000 02/07/2012P PRESTON BRITTAIN FOR CONGRESS - Democrat
SPIRAKIS, GEORGE Spirakis & Haar/Attorney$300 03/27/2012 ACTBLUE
SPIRAKIS, GEORGE N. Spirakis & Haar/Attorney$300 03/27/2012P PRESTON BRITTAIN FOR CONGRESS - Democrat
SPIVEY, B. LARKIN JR. Self/Author, Speaker$400 05/10/2012P PRESTON BRITTAIN FOR CONGRESS - Democrat
SPIVEY, B. LARKIN JR. Self/Author, Speaker$250 02/13/2012P PRESTON BRITTAIN FOR CONGRESS - Democrat
SPRADLIN, RICK MR. Bb&T/Sales$250 03/19/2012P TOM RICE FOR CONGRESS - Republican
SPRADLIN, RICK MR. Bb&T/Sales$1,000 11/29/2011P TOM RICE FOR CONGRESS - Republican
SPRADLIN, SUSAN Retired/Retired$500 10/11/2012G TOM RICE FOR CONGRESS - Republican
SPRADLIN, SUSAN Retired/Retired$500 09/21/2012G TOM RICE FOR CONGRESS - Republican
STAATS, THOMAS A JR Barefoot Realty/Realtor$300 03/17/2011P TIM SCOTT FOR CONGRESS - Republican
STANDISH, WALTER E. III Beach First National Bancshares/President And Ceo$250 02/21/2012P PRESTON BRITTAIN FOR CONGRESS - Democrat
STARR, DOMINIC A. Mcangus, Goudelock & Courie, Llc/Attorney$500 02/24/2012P PRESTON BRITTAIN FOR CONGRESS - Democrat
STETHEM, PATRICIA L MRS Information Requested Per Best Efforts/Information Requested Per Best Eff$500 04/26/2012 NATIONAL REPUBLICAN SENATORIAL COMMITTEE - Republican
STEVENS, SUSAN Retired/Retired$300 09/06/2012P OBAMA FOR AMERICA - Democrat
STEVENS, SUSAN Retired/Retired$200 07/20/2012P OBAMA FOR AMERICA - Democrat
STEWART, JOHN Nelson Mullins/Attorney$300 03/15/2011P TIM SCOTT FOR CONGRESS - Republican
STEWART, JOHN C. MR. JR. Nelson Mullins Riley & Scarborough/Attorney$500 03/20/2012P TOM RICE FOR CONGRESS - Republican
STOWE, SALLY Requested/Requested$500 06/11/2012P ANDRE BAUER FOR CONGRESS - Republican
STRADINGER, DAVID Winchester Development/President$300 03/16/2011P TIM SCOTT FOR CONGRESS - Republican
STRADINGER, DAVID C. MR. Dock Street Communities/Developer$500 11/21/2011P TOM RICE FOR CONGRESS - Republican
SWAIN, STEWART W Palms Mgmt Llc/Treasurer$1,000 03/29/2012P FRIENDS OF JOHN DELANEY - Democrat
SWAIN, W. STEWART Palms Mgt Llc/Cfo - Long Term Care$2,500 05/02/2012G FRIENDS OF JOHN DELANEY - Democrat
SWANSON, ROBERT E. Coastal Smile Center/Dentist$500 05/14/2012P PRESTON BRITTAIN FOR CONGRESS - Democrat
SWANSON, ROBERT E. Coastal Smile Center/Dentist$1,000 03/08/2012P PRESTON BRITTAIN FOR CONGRESS - Democrat
TEAL, RALPH R. Callihan, Teal & Skelley/Developer$335 03/31/2012P HENRY E. BROWN JR. FOR CONGRESS - Republican
THOMAS, BARBARA B. MRS. Self Employed/Motel Owner$250 11/21/2011P TOM RICE FOR CONGRESS - Republican
TIPTON, REUBEN R. III Eastern Carolina Regional Eye/Physician$500 03/12/2012P PRESTON BRITTAIN FOR CONGRESS - Democrat
TODD, SARA None/Homemaker$250 03/23/2012P PRESTON BRITTAIN FOR CONGRESS - Democrat
TRASK, NEIL W. DR. Cardiology Gastroenterology & Associat/Physician$200 03/23/2012P TOM RICE FOR CONGRESS - Republican
TRASK, NEIL W. III, M.D., Cardiology Gastroenterology Assocs Pa/Adult Cardiology$250 03/30/2011 AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGY POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE
VAN OSDELL, JIM MR. Retired/Retired$500 11/29/2011P TOM RICE FOR CONGRESS - Republican
VANWIE, MATT Van Wie Properties Llc/Owner$300 03/19/2012P PRESTON BRITTAIN FOR CONGRESS - Democrat
VEREEN, VIVIAN Retired/Retired$275 06/29/2012G TOM RICE FOR CONGRESS - Republican
VEREEN, VIVIAN E. MS. Retired/Retired$300 03/19/2012P TOM RICE FOR CONGRESS - Republican
VEREEN, VIVIAN E. MS. Retired/Retired$300 12/20/2011P TOM RICE FOR CONGRESS - Republican
VUKOV, GARY Cardiology Gastroenterology As/Physician$1,000 09/14/2012G TOM RICE FOR CONGRESS - Republican
VUKOV, GARY DR. Cardiology Gastroenterology Associatio/Physician$200 03/23/2012P TOM RICE FOR CONGRESS - Republican
VUKOV, GARY DR. Cardiology Gastroenterology Associatio/Physician$1,000 03/23/2012P TOM RICE FOR CONGRESS - Republican
VUKOV, GARY DR. Cardiology Gastroenterology Associatio/Physician$1,000 11/29/2011P TOM RICE FOR CONGRESS - Republican
VUKOV, HEIDI Self/Restauranteur$1,500 05/30/2012P TOM RICE FOR CONGRESS - Republican
WALLACE, RANDAL Candidate/Candidate$745 06/29/2012P COMMITTEE TO ELECT RANDAL WALLACE - Republican
WALLACE, RANDAL Candidate/Candidate$519 06/11/2012P COMMITTEE TO ELECT RANDAL WALLACE - Republican
WALLACE, RANDAL Candidate/Candidate$1,856 05/15/2012P COMMITTEE TO ELECT RANDAL WALLACE - Republican
WALLACE, RANDAL Candidate/Candidate$3,480 03/28/2012P COMMITTEE TO ELECT RANDAL WALLACE - Republican
WALLACE, RANDAL Candidate/Candidate$2,206 03/08/2012P COMMITTEE TO ELECT RANDAL WALLACE - Republican
WALLACE, RANDAL Candidate/Candidate$1,164 02/28/2012P COMMITTEE TO ELECT RANDAL WALLACE - Republican
WALLACE, RANDAL Candidate/Candidate$616 02/24/2012P COMMITTEE TO ELECT RANDAL WALLACE - Republican
WALLACE, RANDAL Candidate/Candidate$100 01/01/2012P COMMITTEE TO ELECT RANDAL WALLACE - Republican
WALLS, CHARLES T. Diagnostic Pathology/Pathologist$500 10/11/2012G TOM RICE FOR CONGRESS - Republican
WALLS, CHARLES T. M.D. Diagnostic Pathology/Pathologist$250 02/06/2012P PRESTON BRITTAIN FOR CONGRESS - Democrat
WARD, BARBARA None/Homemaker$500 01/09/2012P PRESTON BRITTAIN FOR CONGRESS - Democrat
WARD, DICK Strand Orthopedic Consultants/Physician$500 12/27/2011P PRESTON BRITTAIN FOR CONGRESS - Democrat
WARD, DICK Strand Orthopedic Consultants/Physician$500 12/21/2011P PRESTON BRITTAIN FOR CONGRESS - Democrat
WARD, DICK DR. Strand Orthopaedic/Physician$500 04/09/2012P TOM RICE FOR CONGRESS - Republican
WARD, RICHARD Strand Orthopaedic Consultants/Physician$500 05/29/2012P PRESTON BRITTAIN FOR CONGRESS - Democrat
WARD, RICHARD Self/Medical Doctor$500 05/29/2012 ACTBLUE
WATSON, DON MR. Self Employed/Landlord$1,000 11/28/2011P TOM RICE FOR CONGRESS - Republican
WATSON, JERRY E. M.D., F.A. Cardiology Gastroenterology Assocs Pa/Adult Cardiology$500 06/22/2012 AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGY POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE
WATSON, JERRY E. M.D., F.A. Cardiology Gastroenterology Assocs Pa/Adult Cardiology$750 03/17/2011 AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGY POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE
WATTS, RAY Self-Employed/Real Estate$2,500 10/13/2011P ANDRE BAUER FOR CONGRESS - Republican
WATTS, VAN Pace Group/Real Estate Developer$200 03/17/2011P TIM SCOTT FOR CONGRESS - Republican
WATTS, VAN Pace Group/Real Estate Developer$1,100 03/17/2011P TIM SCOTT FOR CONGRESS - Republican
WATTS, VAN MR. III Panasonic Avionics Corp/Hardware Engineer$250 12/09/2011P TOM RICE FOR CONGRESS - Republican
WENDEL, DOUG Self Employed/Consultant$2,500 09/14/2012G TOM RICE FOR CONGRESS - Republican
WENDEL, DOUGLAS P Burroughs And Chapin/President & Ceo$1,500 03/24/2011P TIM SCOTT FOR CONGRESS - Republican
WENDEL, DOUGLAS P. Self/Consultant$250 02/23/2012P PRESTON BRITTAIN FOR CONGRESS - Democrat
WENDEL, DOUGLAS P. MR. Information Requested Per Best Efforts$1,000 01/18/2012P NEWT 2012 - Republican
WENDEL, PAMELA Home/Home$1,500 03/24/2011P TIM SCOTT FOR CONGRESS - Republican
WENDEL, PAULA Homemaker/Homemaker$2,500 09/14/2012G TOM RICE FOR CONGRESS - Republican
WENDEL, PAULA H. MRS. Homemaker/Homemaker$2,500 05/29/2012 TOM RICE FOR CONGRESS - Republican
WENDEL, PAULA H. MRS. Homemaker/Homemaker$2,500 03/30/2012P TOM RICE FOR CONGRESS - Republican
WENDELL, DOUGLAS P. Coastal Carolina Consultants/Managi/Managing Partner$1,000 09/29/2011P HAL ROGERS FOR CONGRESS - Republican
WENDELL, DOUGLAS P. Coastal Carolina Consultants/Managi/Managing Partner$313 09/10/2011P HAL ROGERS FOR CONGRESS - Republican
WHITAKER, THOMAS A. DR. Self-Employed/Ophthalmologist$1,000 10/16/2012 ROMNEY VICTORY INC - Republican
WHITAKER, THOMAS A. MR. Requested/Ophthalmologist$1,000 10/12/2012 REPUBLICAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE - Republican
WHYLINGS, MICHAEL Cemcolift/Credit Analyst$250 06/22/2012 PRESTON BRITTAIN FOR CONGRESS - Democrat
WHYLINGS, MICHAEL Cemcolift/Credit Analyst$500 03/02/2012P PRESTON BRITTAIN FOR CONGRESS - Democrat
WHYLINGS, MICHAEL United Technologies/Credit Analyst$500 03/02/2012 ACTBLUE
WILKES, DAVID KENNEDY Dock Street Realty/Real Estate$500 03/15/2012P PRESTON BRITTAIN FOR CONGRESS - Democrat
WILLIAMS, INDIA Self Employed/Small Gift Shop Owner$230 07/01/2012P OBAMA VICTORY FUND 2012 - Democrat
WOOD, SYLVIA Alabama Theater/Manager$250 06/26/2012 TOM RICE FOR CONGRESS - Republican
WOOD, SYLVIA MRS. Alabama Theater/Manager$250 11/22/2011P TOM RICE FOR CONGRESS - Republican
WOOD, SYLVIA S. None/Homemaker$250 02/28/2012P PRESTON BRITTAIN FOR CONGRESS - Democrat
WOODARD, TODD G. Site Tech Systems/Software Engineer$250 09/26/2012G TOM RICE FOR CONGRESS - Republican
WOODARD, TODD G. MR. Information Requested Per Best Efforts$250 01/18/2012P NEWT 2012 - Republican
WOODARD, TODD G. MR. Site Tech Systems/Software Engineer$500 12/01/2011P TOM RICE FOR CONGRESS - Republican
WYCHE, KEITH Waccamaw Cardiology/Physician$250 10/23/2012G OBAMA FOR AMERICA - Democrat
WYCHE, KEITH Waccamaw Cardiology/Physician$500 05/10/2012P OBAMA FOR AMERICA - Democrat
WYLIE, ROBERT L. IV Mullen Wylie Llc/Attorney$500 04/26/2012P PRESTON BRITTAIN FOR CONGRESS - Democrat
WYLIE, ROBERT L. IV Mullen Wylie Llc/Attorney$500 02/02/2012P PRESTON BRITTAIN FOR CONGRESS - Democrat
ZDYBEL, PAUL DR. Self-Employed/Doctor$250 08/11/2012 ROMNEY VICTORY INC - Republican
ZIRIADA, ALICE Apex Homes Inc./Realtor$900 03/22/2011P TIM SCOTT FOR CONGRESS - Republican

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Celebrity Contributors:
   Aaron Sorkin
   Andrew Fastow
   Arnold Palmer
   Arnold Schwarzenegger
   Ben Affleck
   Bill Cosby
   Bill Gates
   Calvin Klein
   Dennis Kozlowski
   Donald Trump
   George Soros
   Hugh Hefner
   Jack Grubman
   Jeff Skilling
   John Grisham
   John Rigas
   Ken Lay
   Martha Stewart
   Mel Gibson
   Oprah Winfrey
   Ralph Lauren
   Donald Trump
   Richard Scrushy
   Rush Limbaugh
   Sam Waksal
   Scott Sullivan
   Steven Spielberg
   Tom Cruise
   Tommy Hilfiger
Industry Contributors:
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   Poker Professionals
   Mortgage Brokers
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   Life Insurance
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   Auto Insurance
   Securities Lawyers
   Boats & Yachts
   Defense Contracts
Baseball Contributors:
   New York Yankees
   Boston Red Sox
   Chicago Cubs
Notable Politicians:
   Barack Obama
   George W Bush
   John Kerry
   Ralph Nader
   Hillary Clinton
   Apple Computer
   New York Times
   News Corporation
   General Electric
   Exxon Mobil
   Ford Motor
   Anheuser Busch
Top 10 Contributors:
   Thomas Steyer
   Linda Mcmahon
   Sheldon Adelson
   Miriam Adelson
   Bob Perry
   Michael Bloomberg
   Harold Simmons
   Fred Eychaner
   J Ricketts
   John Raese