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  See $$$ From Your Zip Code $10,618,476,973 in Contributions for 2020 Election
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Data Updated on 7/11/2020

Great Falls, VA 22066
Political Campaign Contributions
2020 Election Cycle

Zip Code Totals

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From this Zip Code for 2020
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2020 $2,178,093 $735,237
2018 $3,022,160 $841,077
2016 $3,064,963 $751,301
2014 $2,331,420 $877,921
2012 $3,508,737 $1,007,913
2010 $1,827,747 $575,543
2008 $3,246,098 $1,445,159
2006 $2,576,607 $538,034
2004 $2,585,712 $743,719
2002 $1,102,738 $295,774
2000 $1,783,197 $296,398

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2020 Election Cycle
Political Campaign Donor/Contributor List

$ AmountDatePrimary/
Contibuted To
MACKICHAN, BOB Holland & Knight/Holland & Knight/Attorney$150 01/01/1900P HOLLAND & KNIGHT COMMITTEE FOR EFFECTIVE GOVERNMENT
MACKICHAN, ROBERT Holland & Knight Llp/Holland & Knight Llp/Attorney$100 12/21/2019P DONALD J. TRUMP FOR PRESIDENT, INC. - Republican
MACKICHAN, ROBERT Holland & Knight Llp/Holland & Knight Llp/Attorney$100 12/18/2019P DONALD J. TRUMP FOR PRESIDENT, INC. - Republican
MACKICHAN, ROBERT Holland & Knight Llp/Holland & Knight Llp/Attorney$100 11/21/2019P DONALD J. TRUMP FOR PRESIDENT, INC. - Republican
MACKICHAN, ROBERT Holland & Knight Llp/Holland & Knight Llp/Attorney$100 11/18/2019P DONALD J. TRUMP FOR PRESIDENT, INC. - Republican
MACKICHAN, ROBERT Holland & Knight Llp/Holland & Knight Llp/Attorney$100 09/18/2019P DONALD J. TRUMP FOR PRESIDENT, INC. - Republican
MACKICHAN, ROBERT Holland & Knight Llp/Holland & Knight Llp/Attorney$300 03/18/2019P MICHAEL WALTZ FOR CONGRESS - Republican
MACKICHAN, ROBERT Holland & Knight/Holland & Knight/Attorney$50 01/01/1900P WINRED
MACKICHAN, ROBERT Holland & Knight/Holland & Knight/Attorney$50 01/01/1900P WINRED
MACKICHAN, ROBERT Holland & Knight/Holland & Knight/Attorney$35 01/01/1900P WINRED
MACKICHAN, ROBERT C. Holland & Knight Llp/Holland & Knight Llp/Attorney$2 12/31/2019P NRSC - Republican
MACKICHAN, ROBERT C. Holland & Knight Llp/Holland & Knight Llp/Attorney$100 12/31/2019P NRSC - Republican
MACLAY, ROBERT Paley Rothman/Paley Rothman/Attorney$100 01/01/1900P ACTBLUE
MACLAY, ROBERT Paley Rothman/Paley Rothman/Lawyer$100 01/01/1900P BIDEN FOR PRESIDENT - Democrat
MADREN, TYRAS Nursing Referral Service Of No/Nursing Referral Service Of No/Owner$500 01/01/1900P PRIVATE CARE ASSOCIATION POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE, THE
MAEBIUS, STEPHEN MR. Foley & Lardner Llp/Foley & Lardner Llp/Attorney$50 12/30/2019P FOLEY & LARDNER POLITICAL FUND, INC.
MAEBIUS, STEPHEN MR. Foley & Lardner Llp/Foley & Lardner Llp/Attorney$50 11/30/2019P FOLEY & LARDNER POLITICAL FUND, INC.
MAEBIUS, STEPHEN MR. Foley & Lardner Llp/Foley & Lardner Llp/Attorney$50 10/31/2019P FOLEY & LARDNER POLITICAL FUND, INC.
MAEBIUS, STEPHEN MR. Foley & Lardner Llp/Foley & Lardner Llp/Attorney$50 09/30/2019P FOLEY & LARDNER POLITICAL FUND, INC.
MAEBIUS, STEPHEN MR. Foley & Lardner Llp/Foley & Lardner Llp/Attorney$50 08/31/2019P FOLEY & LARDNER POLITICAL FUND, INC.
MAEBIUS, STEPHEN MR. Foley & Lardner Llp/Foley & Lardner Llp/Attorney$50 07/31/2019P FOLEY & LARDNER POLITICAL FUND, INC.
MAEBIUS, STEPHEN MR. Foley & Lardner Llp/Foley & Lardner Llp/Attorney$50 06/30/2019P FOLEY & LARDNER POLITICAL FUND, INC.
MAEBIUS, STEPHEN MR. Foley & Lardner Llp/Foley & Lardner Llp/Attorney$50 05/31/2019P FOLEY & LARDNER POLITICAL FUND, INC.
MAHAN, VAL None/None/Not Employed$25 12/31/2019P WARREN FOR PRESIDENT, INC. - Democrat
MAHAN, VAL Not Employed/Not Employed/Not Employed$25 12/31/2019 ACTBLUE
MAHAN, VAL Not Employed/Not Employed/Not Employed$250 12/21/2019 ACTBLUE
MAHAN, VAL None/None/Not Employed$250 12/21/2019P WARREN FOR PRESIDENT, INC. - Democrat
MAHAN, VAL $250 12/09/2019 ACTBLUE
MAHAN, VAL $-250 12/08/2019P WARREN FOR PRESIDENT, INC. - Democrat
MAHAN, VAL None/None/Not Employed$250 11/23/2019P WARREN FOR PRESIDENT, INC. - Democrat
MAHAN, VAL None/None/Not Employed$250 11/23/2019P WARREN FOR PRESIDENT, INC. - Democrat
MAHAN, VAL Not Employed/Not Employed/Not Employed$250 11/23/2019 ACTBLUE
MAHAN, VAL Not Employed/Not Employed/Not Employed$250 11/23/2019 ACTBLUE
MAHAN, VAL Not Employed/Not Employed/Not Employed$6 11/06/2019 ACTBLUE
MAHAN, VAL None/None/Not Employed$6 11/06/2019P WARREN FOR PRESIDENT, INC. - Democrat
MAHAN, VAL None/None/Not Employed$6 10/06/2019P WARREN FOR PRESIDENT, INC. - Democrat
MAHAN, VAL Not Employed/Not Employed/Not Employed$6 10/06/2019 ACTBLUE
MAHAN, VAL Not Employed/Not Employed/Not Employed$6 09/06/2019 ACTBLUE
MAHAN, VAL None/None/Not Employed$6 09/06/2019P WARREN FOR PRESIDENT, INC. - Democrat
MAHAN, VAL None/None/Not Employed$15 08/28/2019P WARREN FOR PRESIDENT, INC. - Democrat
MAHAN, VAL Not Employed/Not Employed/Not Employed$15 08/28/2019 ACTBLUE
MAHAN, VAL Not Employed/Not Employed/Not Employed$25 08/14/2019 ACTBLUE
MAHAN, VAL None/None/Not Employed$25 08/14/2019P WARREN FOR PRESIDENT, INC. - Democrat
MAHAN, VAL None/None/Not Employed$25 08/06/2019P WARREN FOR PRESIDENT, INC. - Democrat
MAHAN, VAL Not Employed/Not Employed/Not Employed$25 08/06/2019 ACTBLUE
MAHAN, VAL Not Employed/Not Employed/Not Employed$3 07/18/2019 ACTBLUE
MAHAN, VAL None/None/Not Employed$3 07/18/2019P WARREN FOR PRESIDENT, INC. - Democrat
MAHAN, VAL None/None/Not Employed$500 07/12/2019P WARREN FOR PRESIDENT, INC. - Democrat
MAHAN, VAL Not Employed/Not Employed/Not Employed$500 07/12/2019 ACTBLUE
MAHAN, VAL Not Employed/Not Employed/Not Employed$250 01/01/1900P ACTBLUE
MAHAN, VAL None/None/Not Employed$25 01/01/1900P WARREN FOR PRESIDENT, INC. - Democrat
MAHAN, VAL None/None/Not Employed$50 01/01/1900P WARREN FOR PRESIDENT, INC. - Democrat
MAHAN, VAL None/None/Not Employed$25 01/01/1900P WARREN FOR PRESIDENT, INC. - Democrat
MAHAN, VAL None/None/Not Employed$250 01/01/1900P WARREN FOR PRESIDENT, INC. - Democrat
MAHR, ERIC Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer/Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer/Attorney$265 01/01/1900P BIDEN FOR PRESIDENT - Democrat
MAHR, ERIC Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer/Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer/Attorney$100 01/01/1900P BIDEN FOR PRESIDENT - Democrat
MAKIPOUR, TEIMOOR Koons Automotive/Koons Automotive/Auto Tech$500 06/16/2019P CLAY JR. FOR CONGRESS - Democrat
MAKIPOUR, TEIMOOR Koons Toyota/Koons Toyota/Auto Tech$500 04/09/2019P TED DEUTCH FOR CONGRESS COMMITTEE - Democrat
MAKIPOUR, TEIMOOR MR. Koow's Toyota/Koow's Toyota/Auto Technician$600 02/04/2019P MCCAUL FOR CONGRESS, INC - Republican
MALIK, MONA The M Estate/The M Estate/Business$2,800 11/03/2019P BIDEN FOR PRESIDENT - Democrat
MALIK, MONA Not Employed/Not Employed/Not Employed$500 09/17/2019P RO FOR CONGRESS INC - Democrat
MALIK, MONA Legal Advantage/Legal Advantage/Business$2,800 01/01/1900P SAAFIR FOR CONGRESS - Democrat
MALIK, MONA Legal Advantage/Legal Advantage/Business$2,800 01/01/1900P SAAFIR FOR CONGRESS - Democrat
MALLON, GREG The Boeing Company/The Boeing Company/Government Operations$250 07/30/2019 ACTBLUE
MALLON, GREG The Boeing Company/The Boeing Company/Government Operations$250 07/30/2019P LEAHY FOR U.S. SENATOR COMMITTEE - Democrat
MALLON, GREG The Boeing Company/The Boeing Company/Government Operations$250 01/01/1900P FRIENDS OF JIM INHOFE - Republican
MALPASS, MELISSA Self/Self/Lawyer$3 06/27/2019 ACTBLUE
MALPASS, MELISSA Self/Self/Lawyer$3 06/27/2019 ACTBLUE
MALPASS, MELISSA Self-Employed/Self-Employed/Lawyer$3 06/27/2019P WIN THE ERA PAC - Democrat
MALPASS, MELISSA Self-Employed/Self-Employed/Lawyer$3 06/27/2019P WIN THE ERA PAC - Democrat
MALPASS, MELISSA Self-Employed/Self-Employed/Lawyer$500 06/18/2019P WIN THE ERA PAC - Democrat
MALPASS, MELISSA Self/Self/Lawyer$500 06/18/2019 ACTBLUE
MALPASS, MELISSA Thomson Reuters/Thomson Reuters/Attorney$500 06/13/2019 ACTBLUE
MALPASS, MELISSA Self-Employed/Self-Employed/Lawyer$500 06/13/2019P WIN THE ERA PAC - Democrat
MALPASS, MELISSA Self/Self/Lawyer$10 06/08/2019 ACTBLUE
MALPASS, MELISSA Alston & Bird/Alston & Bird/Lawyer$3 01/01/1900P ACTBLUE
MALPASS, MELISSA Alston & Bird/Alston & Bird/Lawyer$50 01/01/1900P ACTBLUE
MALPASS, MELISSA Alston & Bird/Alston & Bird/Lawyer$50 01/01/1900P ACTBLUE
MALPASS, MELISSA Alston & Bird/Alston & Bird/Lawyer$3 01/01/1900P ACTBLUE
MALPASS, MELISSA Alston & Bird/Alston & Bird/Lawyer$50 01/01/1900P ACTBLUE
MALPASS, MELISSA Alston & Bird/Alston & Bird/Lawyer$100 01/01/1900P ACTBLUE
MALPASS, MELISSA Alston & Bird/Alston & Bird/Lawyer$50 01/01/1900P ACTBLUE
MALPASS, MELISSA Alston & Bird/Alston & Bird/Lawyer$25 01/01/1900P ACTBLUE
MALPASS, MELISSA Alston & Bird/Alston & Bird/Attorney$20 01/01/1900P WIN THE ERA PAC - Democrat
MALPASS, MELISSA Alston & Bird/Alston & Bird/Attorney$25 01/01/1900P WIN THE ERA PAC - Democrat
MALPASS, MELISSA Alston & Bird/Alston & Bird/Attorney$3 01/01/1900P WIN THE ERA PAC - Democrat
MALPASS, MELISSA Alston & Bird/Alston & Bird/Attorney$50 01/01/1900P WIN THE ERA PAC - Democrat
MALPASS, MELISSA Alston & Bird/Alston & Bird/Attorney$3 01/01/1900P WIN THE ERA PAC - Democrat
MALPASS, MELISSA Alston & Bird/Alston & Bird/Attorney$50 01/01/1900P WIN THE ERA PAC - Democrat
MALPASS, MELISSA Alston & Bird/Alston & Bird/Attorney$100 01/01/1900P WIN THE ERA PAC - Democrat
MALPASS, MELISSA Alston & Bird/Alston & Bird/Attorney$50 01/01/1900P WIN THE ERA PAC - Democrat
MALPASS, MELISSA Alston & Bird/Alston & Bird/Attorney$50 01/01/1900P WIN THE ERA PAC - Democrat
MALPASS, MELISSA Alston & Bird/Alston & Bird/Attorney$25 01/01/1900P WIN THE ERA PAC - Democrat
MAMANA, JAMES Not Employed/Not Employed/Not Employed$63 01/01/1900P BERNIE 2020 - Democrat
MANNIX, MICHAEL Holland & Knight/Holland & Knight/Equity Partner$83 12/13/2019P HOLLAND & KNIGHT COMMITTEE FOR EFFECTIVE GOVERNMENT
MANNIX, MICHAEL Holland & Knight/Holland & Knight/Equity Partner$83 11/29/2019P HOLLAND & KNIGHT COMMITTEE FOR EFFECTIVE GOVERNMENT
MANNIX, MICHAEL Holland & Knight/Holland & Knight/Equity Partner$83 10/31/2019P HOLLAND & KNIGHT COMMITTEE FOR EFFECTIVE GOVERNMENT
MANNIX, MICHAEL Holland & Knight/Holland & Knight/Equity Partner$83 09/30/2019P HOLLAND & KNIGHT COMMITTEE FOR EFFECTIVE GOVERNMENT
MANNIX, MICHAEL Holland & Knight/Holland & Knight/Equity Partner$83 08/30/2019P HOLLAND & KNIGHT COMMITTEE FOR EFFECTIVE GOVERNMENT
MANNIX, MICHAEL Holland & Knight/Holland & Knight/Equity Partner$83 07/31/2019P HOLLAND & KNIGHT COMMITTEE FOR EFFECTIVE GOVERNMENT
MANNIX, MICHAEL Holland & Knight/Holland & Knight/Equity Partner$83 06/28/2019P HOLLAND & KNIGHT COMMITTEE FOR EFFECTIVE GOVERNMENT
MARCIANO, JOHN Akin Gump/Akin Gump/Attorney$500 12/30/2019P JOSH HICKS FOR CONGRESS - Democrat
MARCIANO, JOHN Akin Gump/Akin Gump/Lawyer$500 12/30/2019 ACTBLUE
MARCIANO, JOHN Akin Gump/Akin Gump/Lawyer$1,000 12/27/2019 ACTBLUE
MARCIANO, JOHN Akin Gump/Akin Gump/Attorney$200 12/27/2019G ROGER MISSO FOR CONGRESS - Democrat
MARCIANO, JOHN Akin Gump/Akin Gump/Attorney$800 12/27/2019P ROGER MISSO FOR CONGRESS - Democrat
MARCIANO, JOHN Akin Gump/Akin Gump/Lawyer$2,800 12/27/2019P WEXTON FOR CONGRESS - Democrat
MARCIANO, JOHN Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld/Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld/Lawyer$1,000 11/14/2019P FRIENDS OF JOHN THUNE - Republican
MARCIANO, JOHN Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld Llp/Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld Llp/Lawyer$1,000 11/07/2019P WINRED
MARCIANO, JOHN Akin Gump/Akin Gump/Attorney$1,000 09/19/2019P ROGER MISSO FOR CONGRESS - Democrat
MARCIANO, JOHN Akin Gump/Akin Gump/Lawyer$1,000 09/19/2019 ACTBLUE
MARCIANO, JOHN Akin Gump/Akin Gump/Lawyer$1,000 06/25/2019 ACTBLUE
MARCIANO, JOHN Akin Gump/Akin Gump/Attorney$1,000 06/25/2019P INSLEE FOR AMERICA - Democrat
MARCIANO, JOHN Akin Gump/Akin Gump/Lawyer$1,000 05/20/2019 ACTBLUE
MARCIANO, JOHN Akin Gump/Akin Gump/Attorney$1,000 05/20/2019P ROGER MISSO FOR CONGRESS - Democrat
MARCIANO, JOHN Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld, Llp/Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld, Llp/Attorney$2,800 04/01/2019P MCCREADY FOR CONGRESS - Democrat
MARCIANO, JOHN Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld, Llp/Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld, Llp/Attorney$2,800 04/01/2019P MCCREADY FOR CONGRESS - Democrat
MARJANOVIC, JOVAN Not Employed/Not Employed/Not Employed$25 12/29/2019 ACTBLUE
MARJANOVIC, JOVAN Not Employed/Not Employed/Not Employed$25 12/24/2019 ACTBLUE
MARJANOVIC, JOVAN Not Employed/Not Employed/Not Employed$25 09/24/2019 ACTBLUE
MARJANOVIC, JOVAN Not Employed/Not Employed/Not Employed$25 09/19/2019 ACTBLUE
MARJANOVIC, JOVAN Not Employed/Not Employed/Not Employed$25 09/15/2019 ACTBLUE
MARJANOVIC, JOVAN Not Employed/Not Employed/Not Employed$25 08/24/2019 ACTBLUE
MARJANOVIC, JOVAN Not Employed/Not Employed/Not Employed$35 07/30/2019 ACTBLUE
MARTIN, DAVID J At&T Services, Inc./At&T Services, Inc./Director - Accounting$24 12/31/2019P AT&T INC. FEDERAL POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE (AT&T FEDERAL PAC)
MARTIN, DAVID J At&T Services, Inc./At&T Services, Inc./Director - Accounting$24 11/30/2019P AT&T INC. FEDERAL POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE (AT&T FEDERAL PAC)
MARTIN, DAVID J At&T Services, Inc./At&T Services, Inc./Director - Accounting$24 10/31/2019P AT&T INC. FEDERAL POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE (AT&T FEDERAL PAC)
MARTIN, DAVID J At&T Services, Inc./At&T Services, Inc./Director - Accounting$24 09/30/2019P AT&T INC. FEDERAL POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE (AT&T FEDERAL PAC)
MARTIN, EDWARD Self Empolyed/Self Empolyed/Attorney$250 01/01/1900P 10TH DISTRICT REPUBLICAN CONGRESSIONAL COMMITTEE - Republican
MARTIN, MITCHELL Mclean Group/Mclean Group/Finance$5,000 12/30/2019P KNAGGS FOR CONGRESS - Republican
MARTIN, MITCHELL Mclean Group/Mclean Group/Finance$-2,200 12/30/2019P KNAGGS FOR CONGRESS - Republican
MARTIN, MITCHELL Mclean Group/Mclean Group/Finance$2,200 12/30/2019G KNAGGS FOR CONGRESS - Republican
MARTIN, MITCHELL Mclean Group/Mclean Group/Finance$5,000 12/30/2019P WINRED
MATTEIS, AUGUST Not Employed/Not Employed/Not Employed$28 12/09/2019 ACTBLUE
MATTEIS, AUGUST Not Employed/Not Employed/Not Employed$28 11/09/2019 ACTBLUE
MATTEIS, AUGUST Not Employed/Not Employed/Not Employed$10 10/29/2019 ACTBLUE
MATTEIS, AUGUST Not Employed/Not Employed/Not Employed$28 10/09/2019 ACTBLUE
MATTEIS, AUGUST Not Employed/Not Employed/Not Employed$20 09/29/2019 ACTBLUE
MATTEIS, AUGUST Not Employed/Not Employed/Not Employed$5 09/24/2019 ACTBLUE
MATTEIS, AUGUST Not Employed/Not Employed/Not Employed$5 09/15/2019 ACTBLUE
MATTEIS, AUGUST Not Employed/Not Employed/Not Employed$23 09/13/2019 ACTBLUE
MATTEIS, AUGUST Not Employed/Not Employed/Not Employed$28 09/09/2019 ACTBLUE
MATTEIS, AUGUST Not Employed/Not Employed/Not Employed$30 08/30/2019 ACTBLUE
MATTEIS, AUGUST Not Employed/Not Employed/Not Employed$10 08/25/2019 ACTBLUE
MATTEIS, AUGUST Not Employed/Not Employed/Not Employed$50 08/17/2019 ACTBLUE
MATTEIS, AUGUST Not Employed/Not Employed/Not Employed$28 08/09/2019 ACTBLUE
MATTEIS, AUGUST Not Employed/Not Employed/Not Employed$15 08/06/2019 ACTBLUE
MATTEIS, AUGUST Not Employed/Not Employed/Not Employed$50 07/30/2019 ACTBLUE
MATTEIS, AUGUST Not Employed/Not Employed/Not Employed$100 07/12/2019 ACTBLUE
MATTEIS, AUGUST N/A/N/A/Not Employed$86 06/30/2019P FRIENDS OF ANDREW YANG - Democrat
MATTEIS, AUGUST N/A/N/A/Not Employed$20 06/28/2019P FRIENDS OF ANDREW YANG - Democrat
MATTEIS, AUGUST Not Employed/Not Employed/Not Employed$20 06/28/2019 ACTBLUE
MATTEIS, AUGUST Not Employed/Not Employed/Not Employed$14 06/23/2019 ACTBLUE
MATTEIS, AUGUST N/A/N/A/Not Employed$14 06/23/2019P FRIENDS OF ANDREW YANG - Democrat
MATTEIS, AUGUST N/A/N/A/Not Employed$20 06/15/2019P FRIENDS OF ANDREW YANG - Democrat
MATTEIS, AUGUST N/A/N/A/Not Employed$23 06/12/2019P FRIENDS OF ANDREW YANG - Democrat
MATTEIS, AUGUST Not Employed/Not Employed/Not Employed$23 06/12/2019 ACTBLUE
MATTEIS, AUGUST Not Employed/Not Employed/Not Employed$20 06/10/2019 ACTBLUE
MATTEIS, AUGUST N/A/N/A/Not Employed$20 06/10/2019P FRIENDS OF ANDREW YANG - Democrat
MATTEIS, AUGUST N/A/N/A/Not Employed$170 06/08/2019P FRIENDS OF ANDREW YANG - Democrat
MATTEIS, AUGUST Not Employed/Not Employed/Not Employed$170 06/08/2019 ACTBLUE
MATTEIS, AUGUST Not Employed/Not Employed/Not Employed$20 06/04/2019 ACTBLUE
MATTEIS, AUGUST N/A/N/A/Not Employed$20 06/04/2019P FRIENDS OF ANDREW YANG - Democrat
MATTEIS, AUGUST N/A/N/A/Not Employed$5 05/30/2019P FRIENDS OF ANDREW YANG - Democrat
MATTEIS, AUGUST Not Employed/Not Employed/Not Employed$5 05/30/2019 ACTBLUE
MATTEIS, AUGUST N/A/N/A/Not Employed$20 05/15/2019P FRIENDS OF ANDREW YANG - Democrat
MATTEIS, AUGUST N/A/N/A/Not Employed$20 05/04/2019P FRIENDS OF ANDREW YANG - Democrat
MATTEIS, AUGUST Not Employed/Not Employed/Not Employed$20 05/04/2019 ACTBLUE
MATTEIS, AUGUST Not Employed/Not Employed/Not Employed$20 04/15/2019 ACTBLUE
MATTEIS, AUGUST N/A/N/A/Not Employed$20 04/15/2019P FRIENDS OF ANDREW YANG - Democrat
MATTEIS, AUGUST N/A/N/A/Not Employed$20 04/15/2019P FRIENDS OF ANDREW YANG - Democrat
MATTEIS, AUGUST N/A/N/A/Not Employed$32 03/31/2019P FRIENDS OF ANDREW YANG - Democrat
MATTEIS, AUGUST N/A/N/A/Not Employed$32 03/31/2019P FRIENDS OF ANDREW YANG - Democrat
MATTEIS, AUGUST N/A/N/A/Not Employed$100 03/30/2019P FRIENDS OF ANDREW YANG - Democrat
MATTEIS, AUGUST N/A/N/A/Not Employed$500 03/30/2019P FRIENDS OF ANDREW YANG - Democrat
MATTEIS, AUGUST Not Employed/Not Employed/Not Employed$500 03/30/2019 ACTBLUE
MATTEIS, AUGUST Not Employed/Not Employed/Not Employed$100 03/30/2019 ACTBLUE
MATTEIS, AUGUST N/A/N/A/Not Employed$41 01/01/1900P FRIENDS OF ANDREW YANG - Democrat
MATTEIS, AUGUST N/A/N/A/Not Employed$28 01/01/1900P FRIENDS OF ANDREW YANG - Democrat
MATTEIS, AUGUST N/A/N/A/Not Employed$20 01/01/1900P FRIENDS OF ANDREW YANG - Democrat
MATZ, LINDA Retired/Retired/Retired$50 01/01/1900P WINRED
MATZ, LINDA Retired/Retired/Retired$35 01/01/1900P WINRED
MATZ, LINDA MRS. Retired/Retired/Retired$50 10/04/2019P NRCC - Republican
MATZ, LINDA MRS. Retired/Retired/Retired$40 09/26/2019P REPUBLICAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE - Republican
MATZ, LINDA MRS. Retired/Retired/Retired$26 09/23/2019P NRCC - Republican
MATZ, LINDA MRS. Retired/Retired/Retired$100 08/15/2019P REPUBLICAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE - Republican
MATZ, LINDA MRS. Retired/Retired/Retired$40 07/30/2019P REPUBLICAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE - Republican
MATZ, LINDA MRS. Retired/Retired/Retired$35 06/30/2019P NRCC - Republican
MATZ, LINDA MRS. Retired/Retired/Retired$50 06/13/2019P REPUBLICAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE - Republican
MATZ, LINDA MRS. Retired/Retired/Retired$35 05/30/2019P NRCC - Republican
MATZ, LINDA MRS. Retired/Retired/Retired$100 05/29/2019P REPUBLICAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE - Republican
MATZ, LINDA MRS. Retired/Retired/Retired$35 04/30/2019P NRCC - Republican
MATZ, LINDA MRS. Retired/Retired/Retired$25 04/09/2019P REPUBLICAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE - Republican
MATZ, LINDA MRS. Retired/Retired/Retired$35 02/28/2019P NRCC - Republican
MATZ, LINDA MRS. Retired/Retired/Retired$50 02/25/2019P NRCC - Republican
MATZ, LINDA MRS. Retired/Retired/Retired$100 01/01/1900P REPUBLICAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE - Republican
MATZ, LINDA MRS. Retired/Retired/Retired$50 01/01/1900P REPUBLICAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE - Republican
MATZ, LINDA MRS. Retired/Retired/Retired$51 01/01/1900P REPUBLICAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE - Republican
MATZ, LINDA MRS. Retired/Retired/Retired$50 01/01/1900P REPUBLICAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE - Republican
MATZ, LINDA MRS. Retired/Retired/Retired$100 01/01/1900P REPUBLICAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE - Republican
MATZ, WILLIAM MG. JR. $250 12/31/2019P ROB JONES FOR CONGRESS - Republican
MCALLISTER, SINGLETON Husch Blackwell/Husch Blackwell/Attorney$250 09/30/2019P CLAY JR. FOR CONGRESS - Democrat
MCALLISTER, SINGLETON B. Mintz, Levin, Cohn, Ferris, Glovsky An/Mintz, Levin, Cohn, Ferris, Glovsky An/Attorney$500 09/08/2019P SCOTT FOR CONGRESS - Democrat
MCARTOR, ALLAN Retired/Retired/Retired$100 12/26/2019P WINRED
MCARTOR, ALLAN Retired/Retired/Retired$100 12/26/2019P MCCONNELL SENATE COMMITTEE - Republican
MCARTOR, ALLAN Retired/Retired/Retired$100 12/23/2019P WINRED
MCARTOR, ALLAN Retired/Retired/Retired$100 11/26/2019P WINRED
MCARTOR, ALLAN Retired/Retired/Retired$100 11/26/2019P MCCONNELL SENATE COMMITTEE - Republican
MCARTOR, ALLAN Airbus Americas/Airbus Americas/Chairman$250 03/11/2019P BYRNE FOR SENATE, INC. - Republican
MCARTOR, ALLAN Retired/Retired/Retired$150 01/01/1900P MCCONNELL SENATE COMMITTEE - Republican
MCARTOR, GRACE M. MRS. Retired/Retired/Retired$150 01/01/1900P REPUBLICAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE - Republican
MCARTOR, GRACE M. MRS. Retired/Retired/Retired$100 01/01/1900P REPUBLICAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE - Republican
MCCABE, DAMIAN Mccabe World Travel, Inc./Mccabe World Travel, Inc./Ceo$257 07/17/2019P AMERICAN SOCIETY OF TRAVEL ADVISORS, INC. PAC
MCCABE, MICHAEL Housing Partnership Network/Housing Partnership Network/Finance$10 12/28/2019 ACTBLUE
MCCABE, MICHAEL Housing Partnership Network/Housing Partnership Network/Finance$25 11/21/2019 ACTBLUE
MCCABE, MICHAEL Housing Partnership Network/Housing Partnership Network/Finance$5 11/18/2019 ACTBLUE
MCCABE, MICHAEL Housing Partnership Network/Housing Partnership Network/Finance$50 11/16/2019 ACTBLUE
MCCABE, MICHAEL Housing Partnership Network/Housing Partnership Network/Finance$50 11/04/2019 ACTBLUE
MCCABE, MICHAEL Housing Partnership Network/Housing Partnership Network/Finance$25 11/01/2019 ACTBLUE
MCCABE, MICHAEL Housing Partnership Network/Housing Partnership Network/Finance$25 09/07/2019 ACTBLUE
MCCABE, MICHAEL Housing Partnership Network/Housing Partnership Network/Finance$50 08/05/2019 ACTBLUE
MCCABE, MICHAEL Housing Partnership Network/Housing Partnership Network/Finance$50 01/01/1900P ACTBLUE
MCCABE, MICHAEL Housing Partnership Network/Housing Partnership Network/Finance$25 01/01/1900P ACTBLUE
MCCABE, MICHAEL Housing Partnership Network/Housing Partnership Network/Finance$10 01/01/1900P ACTBLUE
MCCABE, MICHAEL Housing Partnership Network/Housing Partnership Network/Finance$90 01/01/1900P ACTBLUE
MCCABE, MICHAEL Housing Partnership Network/Housing Partnership Network/Finance$45 01/01/1900P ACTBLUE
MCCABE, MICHAEL Housing Partnership Network/Housing Partnership Network/Finance$50 01/01/1900P ACTBLUE
MCCABE, MICHAEL Housing Partnership Network/Housing Partnership Network/Finance$50 01/01/1900P ACTBLUE
MCCABE, MICHAEL Housing Partnership Network/Housing Partnership Network/Finance$50 01/01/1900P ACTBLUE
MCCABE, MICHAEL Housing Partnership Network/Housing Partnership Network/Finance$50 01/01/1900P WIN THE ERA PAC - Democrat
MCCABE, MICHAEL Housing Partnership Network/Housing Partnership Network/Finance$50 01/01/1900P AMY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
MCCABE, MICHAEL Housing Partnership Network/Housing Partnership Network/Finance$50 01/01/1900P AMY FOR AMERICA - Democrat
MCCABE, MICHAEL Housing Partnership Network/Housing Partnership Network/Finance$50 01/01/1900P WIN THE ERA PAC - Democrat
MCCABE, MICHAEL Housing Partnership Network/Housing Partnership Network/Finance$10 01/01/1900P BIDEN FOR PRESIDENT - Democrat
MCCABE, MICHAEL Housing Partnership Network/Housing Partnership Network/Finance$90 01/01/1900P BIDEN FOR PRESIDENT - Democrat
MCCABE, MICHAEL Housing Partnership Network/Housing Partnership Network/Finance$50 01/01/1900P BIDEN FOR PRESIDENT - Democrat
MCCABE, MICHAEL Housing Partnership Network/Housing Partnership Network/Finance$45 01/01/1900P BIDEN FOR PRESIDENT - Democrat
MCCARTER RISSING, SUSAN Self/Self/Dog Trainer$5 12/29/2019 ACTBLUE
MCCARTER RISSING, SUSAN Self Employed/Self Employed/Dog Trainer$5 12/29/2019P PROGRESSIVE TURNOUT PROJECT
MCCARTER RISSING, SUSAN Self Employed/Self Employed/Dog Trainer$5 12/20/2019P PROGRESSIVE TURNOUT PROJECT
MCCARTER RISSING, SUSAN Self/Self/Dog Trainer$5 12/20/2019 ACTBLUE
MCCARTER RISSING, SUSAN Self/Self/Dog Trainer$5 11/28/2019 ACTBLUE
MCCARTER RISSING, SUSAN Self/Self/Dog Trainer$3 11/18/2019 ACTBLUE
MCCARTER RISSING, SUSAN Self Employed/Self Employed/Dog Trainer$3 11/18/2019P PROGRESSIVE TURNOUT PROJECT
MCCARTER RISSING, SUSAN Self Employed/Self Employed/Dog Trainer$3 11/01/2019P PROGRESSIVE TURNOUT PROJECT
MCCARTER RISSING, SUSAN Self/Self/Dog Trainer$3 11/01/2019 ACTBLUE
MCCARTER RISSING, SUSAN Self/Self/Dog Trainer$5 10/28/2019 ACTBLUE
MCCARTER RISSING, SUSAN Self/Self/Dog Trainer$3 10/18/2019 ACTBLUE
MCCARTER RISSING, SUSAN Self Employed/Self Employed/Dog Trainer$3 10/18/2019P PROGRESSIVE TURNOUT PROJECT
MCCARTER RISSING, SUSAN Self Employed/Self Employed/Dog Trainer$1 10/17/2019P PROGRESSIVE TURNOUT PROJECT
MCCARTER RISSING, SUSAN Self/Self/Dog Trainer$1 10/17/2019 ACTBLUE
MCCARTER RISSING, SUSAN Self/Self/Dog Trainer$3 10/09/2019 ACTBLUE
MCCARTER RISSING, SUSAN Self/Self/Dog Trainer$1 09/30/2019 ACTBLUE
MCCARTER RISSING, SUSAN Self/Self/Dog Trainer$1 09/29/2019 ACTBLUE
MCCARTER RISSING, SUSAN Self/Self/Dog Trainer$5 09/28/2019 ACTBLUE
MCCARTER RISSING, SUSAN Self/Self/Dog Trainer$3 09/19/2019 ACTBLUE
MCCARTER RISSING, SUSAN Self/Self/Dog Trainer$3 09/18/2019 ACTBLUE
MCCARTER RISSING, SUSAN Self/Self/Dog Trainer$5 09/09/2019 ACTBLUE
MCCARTER RISSING, SUSAN Self/Self/Dog Trainer$5 09/07/2019 ACTBLUE
MCCARTER RISSING, SUSAN Self/Self/Dog Trainer$1 09/06/2019 ACTBLUE
MCCARTER RISSING, SUSAN Self/Self/Dog Trainer$5 08/31/2019 ACTBLUE
MCCARTER RISSING, SUSAN Self/Self/Dog Trainer$5 08/28/2019 ACTBLUE
MCCARTER RISSING, SUSAN Self/Self/Dog Trainer$5 08/28/2019 ACTBLUE
MCCARTER RISSING, SUSAN Self/Self/Dog Trainer$3 08/26/2019 ACTBLUE
MCCARTER RISSING, SUSAN Self/Self/Dog Trainer$1 08/26/2019 ACTBLUE
MCCARTER RISSING, SUSAN Self/Self/Dog Trainer$3 08/18/2019 ACTBLUE
MCCARTER RISSING, SUSAN Self/Self/Dog Trainer$5 08/14/2019 ACTBLUE
MCCARTER RISSING, SUSAN Self/Self/Dog Trainer$3 08/13/2019 ACTBLUE
MCCARTER RISSING, SUSAN Self/Self/Dog Trainer$5 08/09/2019 ACTBLUE
MCCARTER RISSING, SUSAN Self/Self/Dog Trainer$5 07/30/2019 ACTBLUE
MCCARTER RISSING, SUSAN Self/Self/Dog Trainer$5 07/28/2019 ACTBLUE
MCCARTER RISSING, SUSAN Self/Self/Dog Trainer$5 07/22/2019 ACTBLUE
MCCARTER RISSING, SUSAN Self/Self/Dog Trainer$5 06/28/2019 ACTBLUE
MCCARTER RISSING, SUSAN Self/Self/Dog Trainer$5 06/28/2019 ACTBLUE
MCCARTER RISSING, SUSAN Self/Self/Dog Trainer$1 06/27/2019 ACTBLUE
MCCARTER RISSING, SUSAN Self/Self/Dog Trainer$15 06/20/2019 ACTBLUE
MCCARTER RISSING, SUSAN Self/Self/Dog Trainer$10 06/15/2019 ACTBLUE
MCCARTER RISSING, SUSAN Self/Self/Dog Trainer$10 06/09/2019 ACTBLUE
MCCARTER RISSING, SUSAN Self/Self/Dog Trainer$15 05/31/2019 ACTBLUE
MCCARTER RISSING, SUSAN Self/Self/Dog Trainer$5 05/28/2019 ACTBLUE
MCCARTER RISSING, SUSAN Self/Self/Dog Trainer$5 05/28/2019 ACTBLUE
MCCARTER RISSING, SUSAN Self/Self/Dog Trainer$10 05/22/2019 ACTBLUE
MCCARTER RISSING, SUSAN Self-Employed/Self-Employed/Dog Trainer$10 05/22/2019P DSCC - Democrat
MCCARTER RISSING, SUSAN Self/Self/Dog Trainer$5 05/21/2019 ACTBLUE
MCCARTER RISSING, SUSAN Self/Self/Dog Trainer$15 05/20/2019 ACTBLUE
MCCARTER RISSING, SUSAN Self/Self/Dog Trainer$10 05/15/2019 ACTBLUE
MCCARTER RISSING, SUSAN Self/Self/Dog Trainer$10 05/09/2019 ACTBLUE
MCCARTER RISSING, SUSAN Self/Self/Dog Trainer$3 05/03/2019 ACTBLUE
MCCARTER RISSING, SUSAN Self/Self/Dog Trainer$15 04/30/2019 ACTBLUE
MCCARTER RISSING, SUSAN Self/Self/Dog Trainer$5 04/28/2019 ACTBLUE
MCCARTER RISSING, SUSAN Self/Self/Dog Trainer$5 04/28/2019 ACTBLUE
MCCARTER RISSING, SUSAN Self/Self/Dog Trainer$15 04/20/2019 ACTBLUE
MCCARTER RISSING, SUSAN Self/Self/Dog Trainer$10 04/15/2019 ACTBLUE
MCCARTER RISSING, SUSAN Self/Self/Dog Trainer$10 04/09/2019 ACTBLUE
MCCARTER RISSING, SUSAN Self/Self/Dog Trainer$3 04/08/2019 ACTBLUE
MCCARTER RISSING, SUSAN Self/Self/Dog Trainer$15 03/31/2019 ACTBLUE
MCCARTER RISSING, SUSAN Self Employed/Self Employed/Dog Trainer$15 03/31/2019P DCCC - Democrat
MCCARTER RISSING, SUSAN Self/Self/Dog Trainer$50 03/29/2019 ACTBLUE
MCCARTER RISSING, SUSAN Self/Self/Dog Trainer$5 03/28/2019 ACTBLUE
MCCARTER RISSING, SUSAN Self/Self/Dog Trainer$5 03/28/2019 ACTBLUE
MCCARTER RISSING, SUSAN $-200 03/26/2019P DSCC - Democrat
MCCARTER RISSING, SUSAN $-200 03/26/2019P DSCC - Democrat
MCCARTER RISSING, SUSAN Self/Self/Dog Trainer$200 03/20/2019 ACTBLUE
MCCARTER RISSING, SUSAN Self/Self/Dog Trainer$8 03/20/2019 ACTBLUE
MCCARTER RISSING, SUSAN Self/Self/Dog Trainer$15 03/20/2019 ACTBLUE
MCCARTER RISSING, SUSAN Self/Self/Dog Trainer$200 03/20/2019 ACTBLUE
MCCARTER RISSING, SUSAN Self/Self/Dog Trainer$5 03/20/2019 ACTBLUE
MCCARTER RISSING, SUSAN Self-Employed/Self-Employed/Dog Trainer$8 03/20/2019P DSCC - Democrat
MCCARTER RISSING, SUSAN Self-Employed/Self-Employed/Dog Trainer$5 03/20/2019P DSCC - Democrat
MCCARTER RISSING, SUSAN Self-Employed/Self-Employed/Dog Trainer$200 03/20/2019P DSCC - Democrat
MCCARTER RISSING, SUSAN Self-Employed/Self-Employed/Dog Trainer$200 03/20/2019P DSCC - Democrat
MCCARTER RISSING, SUSAN Self/Self/Dog Trainer$10 03/15/2019 ACTBLUE
MCCARTER RISSING, SUSAN Self/Self/Dog Trainer$10 03/14/2019 ACTBLUE
MCCARTER RISSING, SUSAN Self/Self/Dog Trainer$19 03/10/2019 ACTBLUE
MCCARTER RISSING, SUSAN Self/Self/Dog Trainer$10 03/09/2019 ACTBLUE
MCCARTER RISSING, SUSAN Self/Self/Dog Trainer$10 02/28/2019 ACTBLUE
MCCARTER RISSING, SUSAN Self/Self/Dog Trainer$50 02/28/2019 ACTBLUE
MCCARTER RISSING, SUSAN Self/Self/Dog Trainer$15 02/28/2019 ACTBLUE
MCCARTER RISSING, SUSAN Self/Self/Dog Trainer$15 02/28/2019 ACTBLUE
MCCARTER RISSING, SUSAN Self/Self/Dog Trainer$1 02/26/2019 ACTBLUE
MCCARTER RISSING, SUSAN Self/Self/Dog Trainer$15 02/20/2019 ACTBLUE
MCCARTER RISSING, SUSAN Self/Self/Dog Trainer$19 02/20/2019 ACTBLUE
MCCARTER RISSING, SUSAN Self/Self/Dog Trainer$10 02/15/2019 ACTBLUE
MCCARTER RISSING, SUSAN Self/Self/Dog Trainer$10 02/09/2019 ACTBLUE
MCCARTER RISSING, SUSAN Self/Self/Dog Trainer$15 01/31/2019 ACTBLUE
MCCARTER RISSING, SUSAN Self/Self/Dog Trainer$50 01/29/2019 ACTBLUE
MCCARTER RISSING, SUSAN Self/Self/Dog Trainer$10 01/15/2019 ACTBLUE
MCCARTER RISSING, SUSAN Self/Self/Dog Trainer$8 01/11/2019 ACTBLUE
MCCARTER RISSING, SUSAN Self/Self/Dog Trainer$10 01/09/2019 ACTBLUE
MCCONNELL, BRIAN A MD American Anesthesiology Of Virginia, P/American Anesthesiology Of Virginia, P/Anesthesiologist$25 12/31/2019P MEDNAX, INC. FEDERAL POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE
MCCONNELL, BRIAN A MD American Anesthesiology Of Virginia, P/American Anesthesiology Of Virginia, P/Anesthesiologist$25 11/29/2019P MEDNAX, INC. FEDERAL POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE
MCCONNELL, BRIAN A MD American Anesthesiology Of Virginia, P/American Anesthesiology Of Virginia, P/Anesthesiologist$25 10/31/2019P MEDNAX, INC. FEDERAL POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE
MCCONNELL, BRIAN A MD American Anesthesiology Of Virginia, P/American Anesthesiology Of Virginia, P/Anesthesiologist$25 09/30/2019P MEDNAX, INC. FEDERAL POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE
MCCOY, TIDAL Tidal W Mccoy Foundation/Tidal W Mccoy Foundation/Chairman$500 01/01/1900P PAUL BROUN COMMITTEE - Republican
MCCOY, TIDAL W. HON. None/None/Retired$500 12/26/2019P ROB JONES FOR CONGRESS - Republican
MCCREARY, KATHLEEN Retired/Retired/Retired$100 01/01/1900P WINRED
MCCREARY, KATHLEEN Retired/Retired/Retired$25 01/01/1900P WINRED
MCCREARY, KATHLEEN Retired/Retired/Retired$2 01/01/1900P WINRED
MCCREARY, KATHLEEN Retired/Retired/Retired$25 01/01/1900P WINRED
MCCREARY, KATHLEEN Retired/Retired/Retired$25 01/01/1900P WINRED
MCCREARY, KATHLEEN Retired/Retired/Retired$25 01/01/1900P WINRED
MCCREARY, KATHLEEN Retired/Retired/Retired$50 01/01/1900P WINRED
MCCREARY, KATHLEEN Retired/Retired/Retired$25 01/01/1900P WINRED
MCCREARY, KATHLEEN Retired/Retired/Retired$25 01/01/1900P WINRED
MCGARRY, CAROL A Slm Corporation/Slm Corporation/Housewife$5,000 01/01/1900P SLM CORPORATION PAC (SALLIE MAE PAC)
MCGRATH, JOHN T. First American Title Insurance Company/First American Title Insurance Company/Senior Vice President$500 04/03/2019P FIRST AMERICAN FINANCIAL CORPORATION PAC
MCKAY, BRUCE Dominion Energy/Dominion Energy/Government Relations$500 09/25/2019P HOYER FOR CONGRESS - Democrat
MCKAY, BRUCE Dominion Energy Inc/Dominion Energy Inc/Government Relations$500 01/01/1900P WINRED
MCKAY, BRUCE C Dom Energy Services, Inc./Dom Energy Services, Inc./Sr Policy Dir & Capi$402 08/31/2019P DOMINION ENERGY, INC. POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE - DOMINION PAC
MCKAY, BRUCE C Dom Energy Services, Inc./Dom Energy Services, Inc./Sr Policy Dir & Capi$402 07/31/2019P DOMINION ENERGY, INC. POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE - DOMINION PAC
MCKAY, BRUCE MR. Dominion Energy Inc./Dominion Energy Inc./Government Relations$500 01/01/1900P CAPITO FOR WEST VIRGINIA - Republican
MCKAY, CRAIG Gray Matters Technology Services/Gray Matters Technology Services/Senior Analyst$50 12/28/2019 ACTBLUE
MCKAY, CRAIG Gray Matters Technology Services/Gray Matters Technology Services/Senior Analyst$50 11/28/2019 ACTBLUE
MCKAY, CRAIG Gray Matters Technology Services/Gray Matters Technology Services/Senior Analyst$50 10/28/2019 ACTBLUE
MCKAY, CRAIG Gray Matters Technology Services/Gray Matters Technology Services/Senior Analyst$10 09/29/2019 ACTBLUE
MCKAY, CRAIG Gray Matters Technology Services/Gray Matters Technology Services/Senior Analyst$10 09/29/2019P WIN THE ERA PAC - Democrat
MCKAY, CRAIG Gray Matters Technology Services/Gray Matters Technology Services/Senior Analyst$50 09/28/2019P WIN THE ERA PAC - Democrat
MCKAY, CRAIG Gray Matters Technology Services/Gray Matters Technology Services/Senior Analyst$50 09/28/2019 ACTBLUE
MCKAY, CRAIG Gray Matters Technology Services/Gray Matters Technology Services/Senior Analyst$3 09/12/2019 ACTBLUE
MCKAY, CRAIG Gray Matters Technology Services/Gray Matters Technology Services/Senior Analyst$3 09/12/2019P WIN THE ERA PAC - Democrat
MCKAY, CRAIG Gray Matters Technology Services/Gray Matters Technology Services/Senior Analyst$25 09/07/2019P WIN THE ERA PAC - Democrat
MCKAY, CRAIG Gray Matters Technology Services/Gray Matters Technology Services/Senior Analyst$25 09/07/2019 ACTBLUE
MCKAY, CRAIG Gray Matters Technology Services/Gray Matters Technology Services/Senior Analyst$25 08/31/2019 ACTBLUE
MCKAY, CRAIG Gray Matters Technology Services/Gray Matters Technology Services/Senior Analyst$25 08/31/2019P WIN THE ERA PAC - Democrat
MCKAY, CRAIG Gray Matters Technology Services/Gray Matters Technology Services/Senior Analyst$10 08/10/2019P WIN THE ERA PAC - Democrat
MCKAY, CRAIG Gray Matters Technology Services/Gray Matters Technology Services/Senior Analyst$10 08/10/2019 ACTBLUE
MCKAY, CRAIG Gray Matters Technology Services/Gray Matters Technology Services/Senior Analyst$3 07/29/2019 ACTBLUE
MCKAY, CRAIG Gray Matters Technology Services/Gray Matters Technology Services/Senior Analyst$3 07/29/2019P WIN THE ERA PAC - Democrat
MCKAY, CRAIG Gray Matters Technology Services/Gray Matters Technology Services/Senior Analyst$25 07/28/2019P WIN THE ERA PAC - Democrat
MCKAY, CRAIG Gray Matters Technology Services/Gray Matters Technology Services/Senior Analyst$25 07/28/2019 ACTBLUE
MCKAY, CRAIG Gray Matters Technology Services/Gray Matters Technology Services/Senior Analyst$25 06/30/2019 ACTBLUE
MCKAY, CRAIG Gray Matters Technology Services/Gray Matters Technology Services/Senior Analyst$25 06/30/2019P WIN THE ERA PAC - Democrat
MCKAY, CRAIG Gray Matters Technology Services/Gray Matters Technology Services/Senior Analyst$75 06/11/2019P WIN THE ERA PAC - Democrat
MCKAY, CRAIG Gray Matters Technology Services/Gray Matters Technology Services/Senior Analyst$75 06/11/2019 ACTBLUE
MCKAY, CRAIG Gray Matters Technology Services/Gray Matters Technology Services/Senior Analyst$75 05/18/2019 ACTBLUE
MCKAY, CRAIG Gray Matters Technology Services/Gray Matters Technology Services/Senior Analyst$50 04/08/2019 ACTBLUE
MCKAY, CRAIG Gray Matters Technology Services/Gray Matters Technology Services/Senior Analyst$50 03/20/2019 ACTBLUE
MCKAY, CRAIG Gray Matters Technology Services/Gray Matters Technology Services/Senior Analyst$50 01/01/1900P WIN THE ERA PAC - Democrat
MCNALLY, NANCY Van Ness Feldman/Van Ness Feldman/Principal And Managing Director$500 11/07/2019P CRAMER FOR SENATE - Republican
MCNALLY, NANCY Van Ness Feldman/Van Ness Feldman/Principal, Non-Attorney$2,000 01/01/1900P VAN NESS FELDMAN, LLP POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE
MCNALLY, NANCY MRS. Van Ness Feldman/Van Ness Feldman/Principal & Managing Director$1,000 09/30/2019P WALDEN FOR CONGRESS - Republican
MEDINA, MARIA GABRIELA MRS. Christ The King Preschool/Christ The King Preschool/Teacher$100 01/01/1900P REPUBLICAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE - Republican
MEEKER, SANDY Not Employed/Not Employed/Not Employed$250 11/19/2019 ACTBLUE
MEKOUAR, ZACK Self Employed/Self Employed/Dentist$800 06/22/2019P WEXTON FOR CONGRESS - Democrat
MEKOUAR, ZACK Self Employed/Self Employed/Dentist$1,000 03/29/2019P WEXTON FOR CONGRESS - Democrat
MENDELSOHN, STU Holland & Knight/Holland & Knight/Attorney$100 12/13/2019P HOLLAND & KNIGHT COMMITTEE FOR EFFECTIVE GOVERNMENT
MENDELSOHN, STU Holland & Knight/Holland & Knight/Attorney$100 09/30/2019P HOLLAND & KNIGHT COMMITTEE FOR EFFECTIVE GOVERNMENT
MENDELSOHN, STU Holland & Knight/Holland & Knight/Attorney$100 09/30/2019P HOLLAND & KNIGHT COMMITTEE FOR EFFECTIVE GOVERNMENT
MENDELSOHN, STU Holland & Knight/Holland & Knight/Attorney$100 09/30/2019P HOLLAND & KNIGHT COMMITTEE FOR EFFECTIVE GOVERNMENT
MENDELSOHN, STU Holland & Knight/Holland & Knight/Attorney$100 08/30/2019P HOLLAND & KNIGHT COMMITTEE FOR EFFECTIVE GOVERNMENT
MENDELSOHN, STU Holland & Knight/Holland & Knight/Attorney$100 07/31/2019P HOLLAND & KNIGHT COMMITTEE FOR EFFECTIVE GOVERNMENT
MENDELSOHN, STU Holland & Knight/Holland & Knight/Attorney$100 06/28/2019P HOLLAND & KNIGHT COMMITTEE FOR EFFECTIVE GOVERNMENT
MENDELSOHN, STU Holland & Knight/Holland & Knight/Attorney$100 05/31/2019P HOLLAND & KNIGHT COMMITTEE FOR EFFECTIVE GOVERNMENT
MENDELSOHN, STU Holland & Knight/Holland & Knight/Attorney$300 04/30/2019P HOLLAND & KNIGHT COMMITTEE FOR EFFECTIVE GOVERNMENT
MENDELSOHN, STU Holland & Knight/Holland & Knight/Attorney$100 04/30/2019P HOLLAND & KNIGHT COMMITTEE FOR EFFECTIVE GOVERNMENT
MENDELSOHN, STU Holland & Knight/Holland & Knight/Attorney$100 01/01/1900P HOLLAND & KNIGHT COMMITTEE FOR EFFECTIVE GOVERNMENT
MENDELSOHN, STU Holland & Knight/Holland & Knight/Attorney$300 01/01/1900P HOLLAND & KNIGHT COMMITTEE FOR EFFECTIVE GOVERNMENT
MENDELSOHN, STU Holland & Knight/Holland & Knight/Attorney$100 01/01/1900P HOLLAND & KNIGHT COMMITTEE FOR EFFECTIVE GOVERNMENT
MERROW, MEREDYTH Not Employed/Not Employed/Not Employed$45 09/30/2019P WIN THE ERA PAC - Democrat
MERROW, MEREDYTH Not Employed/Not Employed/Not Employed$25 09/07/2019P WIN THE ERA PAC - Democrat
MERROW, MEREDYTH Not Employed/Not Employed/Not Employed$100 08/10/2019P WIN THE ERA PAC - Democrat
MERROW, MEREDYTH Lexington Law Group/Lexington Law Group/Lawyer$25 01/01/1900P WIN THE ERA PAC - Democrat
MERROW, MEREDYTH Lexington Law Group/Lexington Law Group/Lawyer$250 01/01/1900P WIN THE ERA PAC - Democrat
MERROW, MEREDYTH Not Employed/Not Employed/Not Employed$25 01/01/1900P WIN THE ERA PAC - Democrat
MERROW, MEREDYTH Uc Hastings/Uc Hastings/Student And Research Assistant$1,000 01/01/1900P BIDEN FOR PRESIDENT - Democrat
MERROW, MEREDYTH Uc Hastings/Uc Hastings/Student And Research Assistant$100 01/01/1900P BIDEN FOR PRESIDENT - Democrat
MERROW, MEREDYTH Not Employed/Not Employed/Not Employed$1,000 01/01/1900P ACTBLUE
MERROW, MEREDYTH Not Employed/Not Employed/Not Employed$100 01/01/1900P ACTBLUE
MEYERS, TIM Dohoma Capital/Dohoma Capital/Consultant$50 12/19/2019P WINRED
MEYERS, TIM Dohoma Capital/Dohoma Capital/Consultant$50 12/19/2019P WINRED
MILLER, LYNNE Not Employed/Not Employed/Not Employed$1,000 06/17/2019 ACTBLUE
MILLER, LYNNE Not Employed/Not Employed/None$1,000 06/17/2019P LINDSEY BOYLAN FOR CONGRESS - Democrat
MILLS, ADRIENNE Not Employed/Not Employed/Not Employed$25 12/30/2019 ACTBLUE
MILLS, ADRIENNE Not Employed/Not Employed/Not Employed$25 12/30/2019P BIDEN FOR PRESIDENT - Democrat
MILLS, ADRIENNE Not Employed/Not Employed/Not Employed$25 12/22/2019P BIDEN FOR PRESIDENT - Democrat
MILLS, ADRIENNE Not Employed/Not Employed/Not Employed$25 12/22/2019 ACTBLUE
MILLS, ADRIENNE Not Employed/Not Employed/Not Employed$25 12/20/2019 ACTBLUE
MILLS, ADRIENNE Not Employed/Not Employed/Not Employed$25 12/20/2019P BIDEN FOR PRESIDENT - Democrat
MILLS, ADRIENNE Not Employed/Not Employed/Not Employed$25 12/14/2019 ACTBLUE
MILLS, ADRIENNE Not Employed/Not Employed/Not Employed$25 12/12/2019 ACTBLUE
MILLS, ADRIENNE Not Employed/Not Employed/Not Employed$25 12/08/2019 ACTBLUE
MILLS, ADRIENNE Not Employed/Not Employed/Not Employed$25 11/22/2019 ACTBLUE
MILLS, ADRIENNE Not Employed/Not Employed/Not Employed$25 11/17/2019 ACTBLUE
MILLS, ADRIENNE Not Employed/Not Employed/Not Employed$25 11/01/2019 ACTBLUE
MILLS, ADRIENNE Not Employed/Not Employed/Not Employed$25 10/26/2019 ACTBLUE
MILLS, ADRIENNE Not Employed/Not Employed/Not Employed$50 01/01/1900P ACTBLUE
MILLS, ADRIENNE Not Employed/Not Employed/Not Employed$72 01/01/1900P ACTBLUE
MILLS, ADRIENNE Not Employed/Not Employed/Not Employed$50 01/01/1900P ACTBLUE
MILLS, ADRIENNE Not Employed/Not Employed/Not Employed$25 01/01/1900P ACTBLUE
MILLS, ADRIENNE Not Employed/Not Employed/Not Employed$25 01/01/1900P ACTBLUE
MILLS, ADRIENNE Not Employed/Not Employed/Not Employed$25 01/01/1900P ACTBLUE
MILLS, ADRIENNE Not Employed/Not Employed/Not Employed$34 01/01/1900P ACTBLUE
MILLS, ADRIENNE Not Employed/Not Employed/Not Employed$50 01/01/1900P ACTBLUE
MILLS, ADRIENNE Not Employed/Not Employed/Not Employed$25 01/01/1900P ACTBLUE
MILLS, ADRIENNE Not Employed/Not Employed/Not Employed$34 01/01/1900P ACTBLUE
MILLS, ADRIENNE Not Employed/Not Employed/Not Employed$25 01/01/1900P ACTBLUE
MILLS, ADRIENNE Not Employed/Not Employed/Not Employed$35 01/01/1900P ACTBLUE
MILLS, ADRIENNE Not Employed/Not Employed/Not Employed$25 01/01/1900P ACTBLUE
MILLS, ADRIENNE Not Employed/Not Employed/Not Employed$25 01/01/1900P ACTBLUE
MILLS, ADRIENNE Not Employed/Not Employed/Not Employed$25 01/01/1900P ACTBLUE
MILLS, ADRIENNE Not Employed/Not Employed/Not Employed$25 01/01/1900P ACTBLUE
MILLS, ADRIENNE Not Employed/Not Employed/Not Employed$50 01/01/1900P ACTBLUE
MILLS, ADRIENNE Not Employed/Not Employed/Not Employed$25 01/01/1900P ACTBLUE
MILLS, ADRIENNE Not Employed/Not Employed/Not Employed$25 01/01/1900P ACTBLUE
MILLS, ADRIENNE Not Employed/Not Employed/Not Employed$25 01/01/1900P ACTBLUE
MILLS, ADRIENNE Not Employed/Not Employed/Not Employed$25 01/01/1900P ACTBLUE
MILLS, ADRIENNE Not Employed/Not Employed/Not Employed$25 01/01/1900P ACTBLUE
MILLS, ADRIENNE Not Employed/Not Employed/Not Employed$25 01/01/1900P ACTBLUE
MILLS, ADRIENNE Not Employed/Not Employed/Not Employed$25 01/01/1900P ACTBLUE
MILLS, ADRIENNE Not Employed/Not Employed/Not Employed$25 01/01/1900P ACTBLUE
MILLS, ADRIENNE Not Employed/Not Employed/Not Employed$25 01/01/1900P ACTBLUE
MILLS, ADRIENNE Not Employed/Not Employed/Not Employed$25 01/01/1900P ACTBLUE
MILLS, ADRIENNE Not Employed/Not Employed/Not Employed$25 01/01/1900P ACTBLUE
MILLS, ADRIENNE Not Employed/Not Employed/Not Employed$25 01/01/1900P ACTBLUE
MILLS, ADRIENNE Not Employed/Not Employed/Not Employed$25 01/01/1900P ACTBLUE
MILLS, ADRIENNE Not Employed/Not Employed/Not Employed$35 01/01/1900P ACTBLUE
MILLS, ADRIENNE Not Employed/Not Employed/Not Employed$35 01/01/1900P ACTBLUE
MILLS, ADRIENNE Not Employed/Not Employed/Not Employed$25 01/01/1900P ACTBLUE
MILLS, ADRIENNE Not Employed/Not Employed/Not Employed$100 01/01/1900P ACTBLUE
MILLS, ADRIENNE Not Employed/Not Employed/Not Employed$25 01/01/1900P ACTBLUE
MILLS, ADRIENNE Not Employed/Not Employed/Not Employed$50 01/01/1900P ACTBLUE
MILLS, ADRIENNE Not Employed/Not Employed/Not Employed$54 01/01/1900P ACTBLUE
MILLS, ADRIENNE Not Employed/Not Employed/Not Employed$58 01/01/1900P ACTBLUE
MILLS, ADRIENNE Not Employed/Not Employed/Not Employed$25 01/01/1900P ACTBLUE
MILLS, ADRIENNE Not Employed/Not Employed/Not Employed$50 01/01/1900P ACTBLUE
MILLS, ADRIENNE Not Employed/Not Employed/Not Employed$25 01/01/1900P ACTBLUE
MILLS, ADRIENNE Not Employed/Not Employed/Not Employed$25 01/01/1900P ACTBLUE
MILLS, ADRIENNE Not Employed/Not Employed/Not Employed$25 01/01/1900P ACTBLUE
MILLS, ADRIENNE Not Employed/Not Employed/Not Employed$34 01/01/1900P ACTBLUE
MILLS, ADRIENNE Not Employed/Not Employed/Not Employed$50 01/01/1900P ACTBLUE
MILLS, ADRIENNE Not Employed/Not Employed/Not Employed$25 01/01/1900P ACTBLUE
MILLS, ADRIENNE Not Employed/Not Employed/Not Employed$50 01/01/1900P ACTBLUE
MILLS, ADRIENNE Not Employed/Not Employed/Not Employed$34 01/01/1900P ACTBLUE
MILLS, ADRIENNE Not Employed/Not Employed/Not Employed$25 01/01/1900P ACTBLUE
MILLS, ADRIENNE Not Employed/Not Employed/Not Employed$100 01/01/1900P ACTBLUE
MILLS, ADRIENNE Not Employed/Not Employed/Not Employed$25 01/01/1900P ACTBLUE
MILLS, ADRIENNE Not Employed/Not Employed/Not Employed$25 01/01/1900P ACTBLUE
MILLS, ADRIENNE Not Employed/Not Employed/Not Employed$25 01/01/1900P ACTBLUE
MILLS, ADRIENNE Not Employed/Not Employed/Not Employed$50 01/01/1900P ACTBLUE
MILLS, ADRIENNE Not Employed/Not Employed/Not Employed$50 01/01/1900P ACTBLUE
MILLS, ADRIENNE Not Employed/Not Employed/Not Employed$50 01/01/1900P ACTBLUE
MILLS, ADRIENNE Not Employed/Not Employed/Not Employed$25 01/01/1900P ACTBLUE
MILLS, ADRIENNE Not Employed/Not Employed/Not Employed$25 01/01/1900P BIDEN FOR PRESIDENT - Democrat
MILLS, ADRIENNE Not Employed/Not Employed/Not Employed$54 01/01/1900P BIDEN FOR PRESIDENT - Democrat
MILLS, ADRIENNE Not Employed/Not Employed/Not Employed$58 01/01/1900P BIDEN FOR PRESIDENT - Democrat
MILLS, ADRIENNE Not Employed/Not Employed/Not Employed$25 01/01/1900P BIDEN FOR PRESIDENT - Democrat
MILLS, ADRIENNE Not Employed/Not Employed/Not Employed$25 01/01/1900P BIDEN FOR PRESIDENT - Democrat

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   Individual's Name
   Zip Code
Committees (PACs):
"527" Organizations:
   Contributors by Name
   Contributors by Zip


   Top $$$ Contributors
   Contributions by Zip
   Candidates by State
   Committees (PACs)
   527 Organizations


Celebrity Contributors:
   Aaron Sorkin
   Andrew Fastow
   Arnold Palmer
   Arnold Schwarzenegger
   Ben Affleck
   Bill Cosby
   Bill Gates
   Calvin Klein
   Dennis Kozlowski
   Donald Trump
   George Soros
   Hugh Hefner
   Jack Grubman
   Jeff Skilling
   John Grisham
   John Rigas
   Ken Lay
   Martha Stewart
   Mel Gibson
   Oprah Winfrey
   Ralph Lauren
   Donald Trump
   Richard Scrushy
   Rush Limbaugh
   Sam Waksal
   Scott Sullivan
   Steven Spielberg
   Tom Cruise
   Tommy Hilfiger
Industry Contributors:
   CEO/Chief Executives
   College Professors
   Trial Lawyers
   Golf Professionals
   Poker Professionals
   Mortgage Brokers
   Futures Brokers
   Stock Brokers
   Options Brokers
   Life Insurance
   Health Insurance
   Auto Insurance
   Securities Lawyers
   Boats & Yachts
   Defense Contracts
Baseball Contributors:
   New York Yankees
   Boston Red Sox
   Chicago Cubs
Notable Politicians:
   Barack Obama
   George W Bush
   John Kerry
   Ralph Nader
   Hillary Clinton
   Apple Computer
   New York Times
   News Corporation
   General Electric
   Exxon Mobil
   Ford Motor
   Anheuser Busch
Top 10 Contributors:
   Thomas Steyer
   Linda Mcmahon
   Sheldon Adelson
   Miriam Adelson
   Bob Perry
   Michael Bloomberg
   Harold Simmons
   Fred Eychaner
   J Ricketts
   John Raese